Brunel Mentor Buddies

Do you remember your first weeks at Brunel University? The transition to University life definitely has its challenges! The Brunel Mentor Buddy Scheme was established to encourage current students to be the support that they wish they had. 

About Brunel Buddies:

New students are often anxious about university and some struggle to adapt and settle in. Brunel Mentor Buddies is a mentor and support programme that aims to encourage and support new students through their first term at Brunel University. Brunel Buddies are influential students who are passionate and confident in sharing their personal and professional experience of being a new student.  As a Brunel Buddy, you will guide, mentor and encourage new Brunel students to embrace their new journey so that they can achieve their full potential.

As a Brunel Mentor Buddy you will:

  • Guide and support with situational queries such as where/how do I submit my assisgnments?
  • Navigate and mentor new students through their course and academic life.
  • Signpost students to different on-campus provisions such as Counselling, Mental Wellbeing and Careers Advice and Guidance.
  • Be a friendly familiar face.
  • Be proactive and committed to making a positive difference to a new students’ university experience

Be apart of Brunel’s supportive community and support a new student. Register to be a Brunel Mentor Buddy by clicking HERE

If you are a new student and would like to be matched with a Mentor Buddy, please register your interest by clicking HERE

If you would like further information on the process and how you are matched with a student, please e-mail 

  1. For existing students, before the 13th of September 2024, you must complete the online Brunel Mentor Buddies training which is now available on BrightSpace and is titled ‘Brunel Mentor Buddies’. 
  2. Buddies will be required to attend a Face to Face training session on Wednesday the 25th of September from 10:00am to 12:30pm in the Michael Sterling Building, ground floor in the Atrium. The training session will be informative, interactive and engaging. If you are unable to attend, you must inform the volunteers team at least 48 hours before the training session by emailing new window and/or new window 
  3. The Social and Matching event is also scheduled on the same day - Wednesday the 25th of Septembber from 1:30pm to 3:30pm in the Michael Sterling Building. The Social and Matching event will give you the opportunity to connect and network with fellow Brunel Mentor Buddies, meet your matches (and new students), socialize, participate in fun organized games, and, above all, it gives us the chance to welcome you to the programme in a relaxed and fun environment.
  4. All students will be required to sign a Brunel Mentor Volunteering Agreement Form which will be given to you during the training session.
  5. Embrace your role as a mentor, be supportive and have regular meet-ups and contact with your mentee(s). Don't forget to check in regularly with the volunteers team so that we can log your hours and give you some well-deserved recognition. 

Recording your volunteering hours

  • Buddies should provide the Brunel Volunteers team with updates on the support they have provided to their new student(s) by sumbitting a timesheet and Weekly Contact Form