
Our geo-energy research includes the Geological CO2 sequestration (led by Dr Lee Hosking) and Geothermal Energy (led by Dr Mei Yin). The Geological CO2 sequestration research theme is led by Dr Lee Hosking and focuses on the role that the geo-environment can play in the use or secure disposal of captured CO2 emissions. Geological sequestration is part of a broad set of options for CO2 capture, utilisation, and sequestration (CCUS), aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change. Numerical analysis is used to study the physical and chemical behaviour of CO2 when it is injected deep underground, enabling improved predictions of storage capacity, and providing new understanding of the long-term behaviour of CO2 under the complex and dynamic conditions encountered.

The numerical modelling capabilities used for our research on CO2 sequestration encompass the multiphase flow of reactive, non-ideal gas mixtures in deformable rock, modelled using a dual porosity approach. The model has been extensively verified, validated, and applied in practical settings, for example to reduce uncertainty when interpreting core flooding experiments to improve our characterisation of deep coal seams for CO2 sequestration.

geo-energy - Fig.1



Our Geothermal Energy research is led by Dr Mei Yin and involves investigated Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP) as a technology which can be utilized to offer low carbon emissions heating/cooling and hot water supply. Topics cover the underground infrastructures interaction behaviour of a thermo-active in overconsolidated London Clay, an integrated model of GSHP systems to quantitatively predict the changes of temperature in the ground heat exchanger and surrounding soil from the building scale to city scale.Thermal activation of existing underground subway tunnels

We are always ready to welcome high-quality PhD students and collaborators in relation to low carbon geo-energy technologies. This includes any synergy with our research on CO2 capture, utilisation, and storage, as well as geosolar or geothermal energy, and waste disposal. 

Collaborative partners

Dr Hosking has collaborated across academia and industry to develop successful proposals and conduct research, including with Główny Instytut Górnictwa (GIG, Polish Central Mining Institute), Polska Grupa Górnicza, GFZ Helmholtz Centre Potsdam, the University of Leeds, Aberystwyth University, and Bangor University. Dr Yin is collaborating closely with Dr. Robert Hird (ESCC), Dr Echo Ouyang (Mott MacDonald), Dr Stuart Haigh (university of Cambridge).

Relevant publications

Journal articles:

1) Hosking, L.J., Chen, M., Sandford, R.J., Thomas, H.R. (2020) Analysis of coupled dual porosity thermo-hydro-chemo-mechanical behaviour during CO2 injection in coal. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 135.

2) Ma, Y., Chen, X., Hosking, L.J., Yu, H-S., Thomas, H.R., Norris, S. (2020). The influence of coupled physical swelling and chemical reactions on deformable geomaterials. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics.

3) Chen, M., Hosking, L.J., Sandford, R.J., Thomas, H.R. (2020). A coupled compressible flow and geomechanics model for dynamic fracture aperture during carbon sequestration in coal. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 44, pp.1727-1749.

4) Chen, M., Hosking, L.J., Sandford, R.J., and Thomas, H.R. (2020). Numerical analysis of improvements to CO2 injectivity in coal seams through fracture connection to the injection well. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 53, pp.2887–2906.

5) Hosking, L.J. and Thomas, H.R. (2020). Dual porosity modelling of coal core flooding experiments with carbon dioxide. Computers and Geotechnics, 121.

6) Detheridge, A., Hosking, L.J., Thomas, H.R., Sarhosis, V., Gwynn-Jones, D., Scullion, J. (2019). Deep seam and minesoil carbon sequestration potential; South Wales Coalfield, UK. Journal of Environmental Management, 248, pp.1-8.

7) Chen, M., Hosking, L.J., Sandford, R.J., Thomas, H.R. (2019). Dual porosity modelling of the coupled mechanical response of coal to gas flow and adsorption. International Journal of Coal Geology, 205, pp.115-125.

8) Hosking, L.J., Thomas, H.R., Sedighi, M. (2018). A dual porosity model of high-pressure gas flow for geoenergy applications. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 55(6), pp.839-851.

9) Sarhosis, V., Hosking, L.J., Thomas, H.R. (2018). Carbon sequestration potential of the South Wales Coalfield. Environmental Geotechnics, 5(4), pp.234-246.

10) Rui Y, Garber D, Yin M. Modelling ground source heat pump system by an integrated simulation programme. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 134: 450-459.

11) Rui Y, Yin M. Investigations of pile–soil interaction under thermo-mechanical loading. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2018, 55(7): 1016-1028.