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Dr Sotirios Argyroudis Dr Sotirios Argyroudis
Email Dr Sotirios Argyroudis Reader in Infrastructure Engineering
Dr Sotirios Argyroudis is a Reader of Infrastructure Engineering at the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering, Design and Physical Sciences at Brunel University London. He is leading the infrastructure risk and resilience research. He is the Deputy Scientific Coordinator of the Horizon/UKRI ReCharged project. He co-founded the www.bridgeUkraine.org initiative, aiming at accelerating Ukraine's critical infrastructure recovery. He co-leads the www.metaInfrastructure.org, which is an initiative that strives to develop solutions for sustainable and resilient infrastructure that is equitable, just and underpin the United Nations SDGs.Sotirios is a member of the Centre for Flood Risk and Resilience and the Research Group of Geotechnical and Environmental Engineering at Brunel University. Before joining Brunel he was a Marie-Skłodowska-Curie research fellow at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, at the University of Surrey (TRANSRISK project), and after the completion of his fellowship, he has been appointed as a visiting Senior Lecturer at the University of Surrey, UK. He had previously worked at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, as senior research and teaching staff (since 2006) and as a researcher (since 2001). He holds two degrees, one in Civil Engineering (MEng) and the second one in Geology (BSc), and a PhD in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering. Sotirios has been working across international partnerships and has visited and/or seconded to world leading institutes such as Stanford University in USA, the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI), the Transportation Research Laboratory (TRL) in UK, the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) in Italy, and the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). Sotirios has over 20 years of experience in vulnerability, disaster risk and resilience assessment of critical infrastructure and urban systems exposed to multiple hazards (e.g. floods, earthquakes) and climate change effects. Whilst working in Aristotle University (Research Unit of Soil Dynamics and Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering) he participated and won important national and European research projects (SYNER-G, STREST, REAKT, SAFELAND, SIBYL, LESSLOSS, RISK-UE, SRM-LIFE among others). In the framework of these projects, he delivered research reports and results as well as tailored seminars to stakeholders, owners and risk managers. He has also delivered CPD training seminars in the UK dealing with quantitative and qualitative risk analysis and resilience assessment of critical infrastructure. Sotirios is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, UK (FHEA) and member of the Institution of Civil Engineers (UK), CEng, MICE. He supervised and co-ordinated several UG, MSc and PhD research students, delivered lectures and seminars on natural hazards, risk assessment and infrastructure resilience. Sotirios authored over 120 project reports, scientific articles in high-impact journals, conferences and book chapters with over 2,700 citations (h-index 28, GoogleScholar). He acts as a reviewer for national research funds such as the EPSRC and the European Commission, and for several international scientific journals. He is Vice-Chair of the IABSE Task Group 1.8 on ‘Design requirements for infrastructure resilience’, member of the EAEE Working Group 13 on ‘Seismic assessment, design and resilience of industrial facilities’ and Nominated member (UK) of the ISSMGE (International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering) Technical Committee TC202 on Transportation Geotechnics. Sotirios has been awarded the 2022 European Council on Computing in Construction (EC3) Thorpe Medal, for the paper: Argyroudis, S.A., Mitoulis, S.A., Chatzi, E., Baker, J.W., Brilakis, I., Gkoumas, K., Vousdoukas, M., Hynes, W., Carluccio, S., Keou, O., Frangopol, D.M., Linkov, I. (2022) "Digital technologies can enhance global climate resilience of critical infrastructure," as a major contribution to practical and research aspects of engineering informatics disciplines in the built environment. Sotirios is at the top 2% most highly cited scientists for 2021, 2022 and 2023, according to the Elsevier/Stanford list. resilience assessment of critical infrastructure under single and multiple hazards (climate change, flood/scour effects, earthquakes, landslides, tsunamis) vulnerability and risk assessment of transport infrastructure (highways, railways, port and airport facilities), networks and cities exposed to multihazards numerical modelling and analysis of infrastructure assets (bridges, tunnels, embankments, retaining walls, roads, railways, port facilities) resilience enhancement for critical civil infrastructure using emerging technologies Resilience of critical infrastructure (highways, railways, ports, energy) to unexpected events (natural disasters, conflicts) Climate change adaptation, including sustainability and climate resilience trade-offs Data analytics to inform decisions, using emerging technologies and open-data Systemic analysis and stress testing of interdependent infrastructure More details on Infrastructure Risk and Resilience research can be found here Sotirios is Course Director MSc Civil Engineering, and is involved in the following modules: Module coordinator: CE5602/5652 Structural Dynamics and Seismic Design (2020-2024) CE3613 Resilient Infrastructure and Transport (2024- ) CE5513 Research Methods and Professional Development (2024- ) CE5516 Civil Engineering Dissertation (Jan 2023 starters) BE1613 Engineering Mechanics and Materials II (2022/23) Module contributor: CE5519/5660 Infrastructure Management (2023- ) CE3613 Sustainable Transport Infrastructure Engineering (2022-2024) C1605 Engineering Mechanics and Materials II (2021-2022) CE1702 Engineering and Environmental Materials (2022) CE5006 Group Project
Dr Lee Hosking Dr Lee Hosking
Email Dr Lee Hosking Senior Lecturer in Energy Geomechanics
Lee is a Senior Lecturer in Energy Geomechanics in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. His research focuses on numerical modelling of deep subsurface environments with attention to coupled thermal-hydraulic-mechanical (THM) phenomena, accurate and efficient fracture network representation, and damage evolution. For over 10 years, the main practical application of his research has been geological CO₂ storage with respect to storage capacity, injectivity, and migration/confinement. He has also worked on unconventional geothermal energy systems and radioactive waste disposal. Alongside his research, Lee teaches energy infrastructure engineering and climate change science and technology, and is Senior Tutor for Civil and Environmental Engineering. Before joining Brunel in 2020, Lee was a postdoctoral researcher at the Geoenvironmental Research Centre, Cardiff University, where he performed research on CO₂ storage as part of the FLEXIS energy systems research project. He received his PhD from Cardiff University in 2014 for research on coupled THM behaviour during CO₂ injection in coal, having graduated with an MEng Civil Engineering, also from Cardiff University. Lee's current research projects, funded by The Royal Society and EPSRC (via both UKCCSRC and Horizon Europe underwrite), are investigating key aspects of CO₂ storage linked with injection well integrity and the prediction and management of fluid injection-induced seismicity. These projects are being delivered alongside his national and international partners from academia and industry. His professional affiliations include Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy, membership of the Editorial Board for the journal Deep Underground Science and Engineering, and membership of the UK Carbon Capture and Storage Research Centre, British Geotechnical Association, and International Society for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. Within Brunel's research environment, he is part of the Centre for Energy Efficient and Sustainable Technologies as well as the Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer and Geotechnical and Environmental Engineering research groups. Lee is always looking for talented and motivated PhD students as well as new collaborators for research projects. Geological CO₂ storage Unconventional geothermal energy Theoretical and numerical modelling (finite element method) Coupled thermal, hydraulic, mechanical, chemical (THMC) behaviour of fractured geomaterials Dual porosity and discrete fracture network (DFN) modelling Damage modelling Lee is currently involved in the delivery of the following modules: Module leader: CE3622 Energy Infrastructure Engineering (undergraduate, third year) CE5626 Climate Change and the Environment (postgraduate) Module contributor: CE3618/CE3630 Individual Project (undergraduate, third year) CE5516 Civil Engineering Dissertation (postgraduate)