About us

Inclusive Design Research Group at Brunel University London brings together design and engineering, human-computer interaction, healthcare and social science expertise to:

  • understand different factors causing exclusion
  • develop methods and interventions for improvement
  • advance the knowledge of design for inclusion and human-centred innovation for sustainability.

Our research strengths include inclusive design/universal design theory and methods, design innovation for the ageing society, and supporting designers and other stakeholders to engage in inclusive design and social innovation.

The goal of the Inclusive Design Research Group is three-fold:

  1. To inform (decision-making and design processes)
  2. To engage (stakeholder e.g. designers, users, policy-makers, NGOs, industry and the general public)
  3. To impact (on the society through changing attitudes and more inclusive solutions)

The Research Group was initially founded by Dr Hua Dong in 2008, together with Chris McGinley, Farnaz Nickpour, and Abdusselam Selami Cifter. In 2010, they published ‘Inclusive Design Research in Action’ . In 2020, with the establishment of Brunel Design School, the Research Group was re-established to bring more disciplinary expertise and international partners.