Bio-annexe facilities

Brunel has an expadable range of bio-annexe facilities and benefits from the expertise of highly experienced technicians all of whom hold Personal Investigator Licences (PILs). Our technical staff have vast experience with pair breeding studies of Fathead Minnows, they have also worked with various other species such as Stickleback, Medaka, Sheepshead Minnows and Xenopus Laevis and Tropicalis, in addition to snails.

New state of the art category 1 and 2 research facilities

  • a Severe Combined Immuno-Deficiency (SCID) facility consisting of two holding rooms one of which holds 320 cages and the second room, used surgical recovery, holding 160 cages and due to have the latest DVC monitoring system fitted shortly,
  • a Surgical Laboratory with an IVIS imaging system housed in a laminar flow booth,
  • a conventional unit with two holding rooms capable of housing  90 GM900 cages and 220 GM500 cages,
  • a minor procedures room