Specialist research facilities and expertise
Brunel University of London has impressive specialist research facilities and expertise based on a single, well supported modern campus in London and at a National Structural Integrity Research Centre (NSIRC), based in Cambridge. In addition to our well known engineering capabilities, Brunel provides expertise and services in many other areas including: energy; manufacturing; health; and environment. Brunel has always collaborated in research and development with companies; working in partnership with others constitutes our normal way of working.
Information Communication Technology
- Modelling and Simulation
- Software Engineering
- Data Mining and Big Data Handling
- Dynamic Signals and Time Series
- Computational and Applied Mathematics
- Financial Mathematics
- Statistics and Operational Research
Specialist equipment and facilities
- Analytical services including UKAS accredited techniques
- Forensic Analysis
- Characterisation facilities
- Microscopy (FE Scanning Electron Microscope)
- Downstream processing, separation and purification
- Developing and testing new liquid metal casting techniques
- Eco and human toxicology analysis
Library services
Brunel's library is open 24 hours a day, has 400,000 books and 250,000 e-books, and an annual budget of almost £2m. Subject Information Specialists train students in the latest technology, digital literacy, and digital dissemination of scholarly outputs.
- state-of-the-art research information management tools including a research publication and grant database
- one of the largest UK’s full text repository
- an integrated data management system
- analytical tools such as Altmertic and InCites
- Open Access centrally managed fund
A vibrant research student community
Brunel’s strategy is to integrate high quality disciplinary and interdisciplinary research with educational provision, providing novel, cross-disciplinary training for future researchers.