Miss Andila Asim
Associate Lecturer (Education) in Computer Science
Andila Asim holds the position of an Associate Lecturer in the Computer Science Department at Brunel University London. She is also currently completing a PhD with a focus on Microservice Architecture. She has a keen interest in integrating the implementation of Dynamic Discrete Simulation and Agent-based Simulation. She has previously used Simulation-based tools for FHEQ level 6 research, to enhance the use of Digital Infrastructure in relation to the National Health Service (NHS), England. She attained her Bachelor of Science degree from the Computer Science Department at Brunel University London. Additionally, in Andila's Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR) for her undergraduate studies, she gained recognition for her proficiency in Student Technical Support.
Teaching Activities she has been involved in:
- CS1701: Year 1 Group Project
- CS1702: Introductory Programming
- CS2001: GHEQ Level 5 Group Project
- CS3100: Software Project Management