Dr Jun Xia
Howell Building 133
- Email: jun.xia@brunel.ac.uk
- Tel: +44 (0)1895 265433
- Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- College of Engineering, Design and Physical Sciences
Huang, J., Xia, J., He, Y., Wang, Z. and Cen, K. (2024) 'Direct Puffing Simulation of Miscible and Emulsified Multicomponent Single Droplets'. Atomization and Sprays, 34 (7). pp. 57 - 79. ISSN: 1044-5110
Chen, C. and Xia, J. (2024) 'A comparative study on transport and interfacial physics of H2/CO2/CH4 interacting with H2O and/or silica by molecular dynamics simulation'. Physics of Fluids, 36 (1). pp. 1 - 13. ISSN: 1070-6631
Chen, C., Xia, J., Martinez, Q., Jiang, X. and Bahai, H. (2023) 'Molecular dynamics of interfacial crystallization of dodecane on hydroxylated silica surface impacted by H2O and CO2'. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 158 (20). pp. 1 - 13. ISSN: 0021-9606
Martinez, Q., Chen, C., Xia, J. and Bahai, H. (2023) 'Sequence-to-Sequence Change-Point Detection in Single-Particle Trajectories via Recurrent Neural Network for Measuring Self-Diffusion'. Transport in Porous Media, 147 (3). pp. 679 - 701. ISSN: 0169-3913
Yang, W. and Xia, J. (2021) 'Modelling Multicomponent Droplet and Spray Evaporation Dynamics using Functional Group Method UNIFAC'.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwVa56zv0N8 International Conference on Liquid Atomization & Spray Systems - ICLASS 2021. Edinburgh, Scotland, UK [virtual]. 30 - 2 September. Edinburgh University Library.
Yuan, H., Kong, W. and Xia, J. (2021) 'Steered molecular dynamics and stability analysis on PAH dimerisation and condensation on fullerene and soot surfaces'. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 23 (35). pp. 19590 - 19601. ISSN: 1463-9076
Yang, W., Xia, J., Wang, XY., Wan, KD., Megaritis, A. and Zhao, H. (2021) 'Predicting evaporation dynamics of a multicomponent gasoline/ethanol droplet and spray using non-ideal vapour-liquid equilibrium models'. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 168. pp. 1 - 10. ISSN: 0017-9310
Luo, TP. and Xia, J. (2020) 'Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Low-Reynolds-Number Cavitating Contracting-Nozzle Flow Interacting with a Moving Valve'. AIP Advances, 10 (12). ISSN: 2158-3226
Zhang, H., Wang, Z., He, Y., Xia, J., Zhang, J., Zhao, H. and et al. (2020) 'Ignition, puffing and sooting characteristics of kerosene droplet combustion under sub-atmospheric pressure'. Fuel, 285. pp. 1 - 7. ISSN: 0016-2361
Wan, K., Vervisch, L., Gao, Z., Domingo, P., Jiang, C., Xia, J. and et al. (2020) 'Development of reduced and optimized reaction mechanism for potassium emissions during biomass combustion based on genetic algorithms'. Energy, 211. pp. 1 - 14. ISSN: 0360-5442
Liu, YZ., Xia, J., Wan, KD., Vervisch, L., Wang, ZH., Zhao, H. and et al. (2019) 'Simulation of char-pellet combustion and sodium release inside porous char using lattice Boltzmann method'. Combustion and Flame, 211 (January 2020). pp. 325 - 336. ISSN: 0010-2180
Luo, TP., Zhang, JX., Xia, J., Liu, YW., Liu, RM., Yang, SF. and et al. (2019) 'Towards lattice Boltzmann simulation of flow dynamics inside a model fuel injector: a first-stage study'.ILASS–Europe 2019, 29th Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems. Paris, France.
Wan, KD., Wang, ZH., Xia, J., Vervisch, L., Domingo, P., Lv, Y., et al. (2019) 'Numerical study of HCl and SO2 impact on sodium emissions in pulverized-coal flames'. Fuel, 250. pp. 315 - 326. ISSN: 0016-2361
Avulapati, MM., Megaritis, T., Xia, J. and Ganippa, L. (2018) 'Experimental understanding on the dynamics of micro-explosion and puffing in ternary emulsion droplets'. Fuel, 239. pp. 1284 - 1292. ISSN: 0016-2361
Wan, KD., Vervisch, L., Xia, J., Domingo, P., Wang, ZH., Liu, YZ. and et al. (2018) 'Alkali metal emissions in an early-stage pulverized-coal flame: DNS analysis of reacting layers and chemistry tabulation'. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 37 (3). pp. 2791 - 2799. ISSN: 1540-7489
Liu, YZ., Wang, ZH., Xia, J., Vervisch, L., Wan, KD., He, Y., et al. (2018) 'Measurement and kinetics of elemental and atomic potassium release from a burning biomass pellet'. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 37 (3). pp. 2681 - 2688. ISSN: 1540-7489
Wan, KD., Xia, J., Vervisch, L., Liu, Y., Wang, Z. and Cen, K. (2018) 'Modelling alkali metal emissions in large-eddy simulation of a preheated pulverised-coal turbulent jet flame using tabulated chemistry'. Combustion Theory and Modelling, 22 (2). pp. 203 - 236. ISSN: 1364-7830
Liu, YZ., He, Y., Wang, ZH., Wan, KD., Xia, J., Liu, JZ. and et al. (2018) 'Multi-point LIBS measurement and kinetics modeling of sodium release from a burning Zhundong coal particle'. Combustion and Flame, 189. pp. 77 - 86. ISSN: 0010-2180
Xia, J. and Shinjo, J. (2017) 'Microexplosion and Puffing of an Emulsion Fuel Droplet'.28th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems - ILASS-Europe 2017. Valencia, Spain. Universitat Politècnica València. pp. 432 - 439.
Wan, KD., Xia, J., Vervisch, L., Wang, ZH. and Cen, KF. (2017) 'Modelling Alkali Metal Reacting Dynamics using Tabulated Detailed Sodium Chemistry in Large-Eddy Simulation of a Coflow-Heated Pulverised-Coal Jet Flame'.8th European Combustion Meeting 2017. Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Wang, ZH., Liu, YZ., Whiddon, R., Wan, KD., He, Y., Xia, J. and et al. (2016) 'Measurement of atomic sodium release during pyrolysis and combustion of sodium-enriched Zhundong coal pellet'. Combustion and Flame, 176 (February 2017). pp. 429 - 438. ISSN: 0010-2180
Shinjo, J. and Xia, J. (2016) 'Combustion characteristics of a single decane/ethanol emulsion droplet and a droplet group under puffing conditions'. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 36 (2). pp. 2513 - 2521. ISSN: 1873-2704
Wan, KD., Xia, J., Wang, ZH., Wrobel, LC. and Cen, KF. (2016) 'Online-CPD-Coupled Large-Eddy Simulation of Pulverized-Coal Pyrolysis in a Hot Turbulent Nitrogen Jet'. Combustion Science and Technology, 189 (1). pp. 103 - 131. ISSN: 0010-2202
Shinjo, J., Xia, J., Ganippa, LC. and Megaritis, A. (2016) 'Puffing-enhanced fuel/air mixing of an evaporating n-decane/ethanol emulsion droplet and a droplet group under convective heating'. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 793. pp. 444 - 476. ISSN: 1469-7645
Shinjo, J., Xia, J., Megaritis, A., Ganippa, LC. and Cracknell, RF. (2016) 'Modeling temperature distribution inside an emulsion fuel droplet under convective heating: A key to predicting microexplosion and puffing'. Atomization and Sprays, 26 (6). pp. 551 - 583. ISSN: 1044-5110
Avulapati, MM., GANIPPA, LC., Xia, J. and Megaritis, A. (2015) 'Puffing and Micro-Explosion of Diesel-Biodiesel-Ethanol Blends'. Fuel, 166. pp. 59 - 66. ISSN: 0016-2361
Wan, KD., Wang, ZH., He, Y., Xia, J., Zhou, ZJ., Zhou, JH. and et al. (2015) 'Experimental and modeling study of pyrolysis of coal, biomass and blended coal-biomass particles'. Fuel, 139. pp. 356 - 364. ISSN: 0016-2361
Shinjo, J., Xia, J., Ganippa, LC. and Megaritis, A. (2014) 'Physics of puffing and microexplosion of emulsion fuel droplets'. Physics of Fluids, 26 (10). ISSN: 1070-6631
Shinjo, J., Xia, J. and Umemura, A. (2014) 'Droplet/ligament modulation of local small-scale turbulence and scalar mixing in a dense fuel spray'. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 35 (2). pp. 1595 - 1602. ISSN: 1540-7489
Xia, J., Zhao, H., Megaritis, A., Luo, KH., Cairns, A. and Ganippa, LC. (2013) 'Inert-droplet and combustion effects on turbulence in a diluted diffusion flame'. Combustion and Flame, 160 (2). pp. 366 - 383. ISSN: 0010-2180
Xia, J., Luo, KH. and Zhao, H. (2011) 'Dynamic large-eddy simulation of droplet effects on a reacting plume in countercurrent configuration'. Combustion Science and Technology, 183 (5). pp. 487 - 518. ISSN: 0010-2202
Xia, J. and Luo, KH. (2011) 'Direct numerical simulation study of evaporation effects in combustion suppression by inert droplets'. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 33 (2). pp. 2581 - 2590. ISSN: 1540-7489
Xia, J. and Luo, KH. (2009) 'Direct numerical simulation of diluted combustion by evaporating droplets'. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 32 II (2). pp. 2267 - 2274. ISSN: 1540-7489