Professor Jurgita Malinauskaite
Head of Department - Brunel Law School / Professor
Malinauskaite, J. (2025) 'Judicial review of competition law decisions: an empirical study of the Lithuanian context'. Journal of Antitrust Enforcement, 0 (ahead of print). pp. 1 - 23. ISSN: 2050-0688 Open Access Link
Malinauskaite, J., Delpech, B., Montorsi, L., Venturelli, M., Gernjak, W., Abily, M., et al. (2024) 'Wastewater Reuse in the EU and Southern European Countries: Policies, Barriers and Good Practices'. Sustainability (Switzerland), 16 (24). pp. 1 - 23.Open Access Link
Soliman Hunter, T., Kraśniewski, M., Malinauskaite, J. and Czernecka, M. (2024) 'Routledge Handbook of Consumer Protection and Behaviour in Energy Markets'. Abingdon: Routledge. ISSN 10: 1-003-37588-X ISSN 13: 978-1-032-45201-2
Malinauskaite, J. and Rab, S. (2024) 'Consumer Protection in the UK Energy Sector', in Soliman Hunter, T., Kraśniewski, M., Malinauskaite, J. and Czarnecka, M. (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Consumer Protection and Behaviour in Energy Markets. Abingdon : Routledge. pp. 81 - 93. ISBN 10: 1-003-37588-X. ISBN 13: 978-1-032-45201-2. Open Access Link
Malinauskaite, J. (2024) '“Greenwashing” in the EU, the selected EU Member States and the UK', in Soliman Hunter, T., Kraśniewski, M., Malinauskaite, J. and Czarnecka, M. (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Consumer Protection and Behaviour in Energy Markets. Abingdon : Routledge. pp. 54 - 66. ISBN 10: 1-003-37588-X. ISBN 13: 978-1-032-45201-2. Open Access Link
Malinauskaite, J. and Jouhara, H. (2023) 'Sustainable Energy Technology, Business Models, and Policies: Theoretical Peripheries and Practical Implications'. New York, NY, USA; Oxford, UK: Elsevier. ISSN 10: 0-443-18455-0 ISSN 13: 978-0-443-18454-3
Malinauskaite, J. (2023) 'Book review: Olivia Woolley, Renewable Energy Law. Hart Publishing/Bloomsbury Publishing, 2023. 254 pages. ISBN: 9781509967810 (hardback): 9781509936472 (paperback).'. Global Energy Law and Sustainability, 4 (1-2). pp. 238 - 242. ISSN: 2632-4512 Open Access Link
Malinauskaite, J. (2023) 'Webinar “Judicial Review of Competition Cases: The CEE and SEE Countries Perspectives”'. Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies, 16 (27). pp. 185 - 187. ISSN: 1689-9024 Open Access Link
Vlasopoulos, A., Malinauskaite, J., Żabnieńska-Góra, A. and Jouhara, H. (2023) 'Life cycle assessment of plastic waste and energy recovery'. Energy, 277. pp. 1 - 16. ISSN: 0360-5442 Open Access Link
Malinauskaite, J. (2023) 'Central and Eastern European countries', in Rodger, BJ., Sousa Ferro, M. and Marcos, F. (eds.) Research Handbook on Private Enforcement of Competition Law in the EU. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar. pp. 504 - 526. ISBN 10: 1-80037-752-5. ISBN 13: 978-1-80037-751-6.
Malinauskaite, J. and Erdem, FB. (2023) 'Competition Law and Sustainability in the EU: Modelling the Perspectives of National Competition Authorities'. Journal of Common Market Studies, 0 (ahead-of-print). pp. 1 - 24. ISSN: 0021-9886 Open Access Link
Jouhara, H., Nieto, N., Egilegor, B., Zuazua, J., González, E., Yebra, I., et al. (2022) 'Waste heat recovery solution based on a heat pipe heat exchanger for the aluminium die casting industry'. Energy, 266. pp. 1 - 17. ISSN: 0360-5442 Open Access Link
Darškuviene˙, V., Kiršiene˙, J., Malinauskaité, J. and Pasvenskiene˙, A. (2022) 'Has crowdfunding's potential been unleashed in the Baltics?', in Kalmi, P., Auvinen, T. and Järvenpää, M. (eds.) Responsible Finance and Digitalization: Implications and Developments. London : Routledge. pp. 155 - 168. ISBN 10: 1-003-14442-X. ISBN 13: 978-0-367-70061-4.
Malinauskaite, J. (2022) 'Competition law and sustainability: EU and national perspectives'. Journal of European Competition Law and practice, 13 (5). pp. 336 - 348. ISSN: 2041-7764 Open Access Link
Malinauskaite, J. (2021) 'Editorial foreword'. Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies, 14 (23). pp. 5 - 9. ISSN: 1689-9024 Open Access Link
Malinauskaite, J. and Erdem, FB. (2021) 'Digital Antitrust: The Google (Android) Decisions in Russia, Turkey and India'. Business Law Review, 42 (4). pp. 182 - 194. ISSN: 0143-6295 Open Access Link
Malinauskaite, J., Anguilano, L. and Schmidt Rivera, X. (2021) 'Circular waste management of electric vehicle batteries: Legal and technical perspectives from the EU and the UK post Brexit'. International Journal of Thermofluids, 10. pp. 1 - 9. ISSN: 2666-2027 Open Access Link
Malinauskaite, J. and Erdem, FB. (2021) 'Planned obsolescence in the context of a holistic legal sphere and the circular economy'. Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 41 (3). pp. 719 - 749. ISSN: 0143-6503 Open Access Link
Malinauskaite, J. (2020) 'EU State Aid policy in the context of the Clean Energy Package - lagging behind'. International Energy Law Review. pp. 96 - 107. ISSN: 1757-4404
Malinauskaite, J., Jouhara, H., Egilegor, B., Al-Mansour, F., Ahmad, L. and Pusnik, M. (2020) 'Energy Efficiency in the Industrial sector in the EU, Slovenia, and Spain'. Energy, 208. pp. 1 - 39. ISSN: 0360-5442 Open Access Link
Ahmad, L., Khordehgah, N., Malinauskaite, J. and Jouhara, H. (2020) 'Advances in Applications of Solar Photovoltaics and Thermal Technologies Energy'. Energy, 207. pp. 1 - 33. ISSN: 0360-5442 Open Access Link
Malinauskaite, J. and Pasvenkiene, A. (2020) 'Legislation in Lithuania', in Karpen, U. and Xanthaki, H. (eds.) Legislation in Europe. A Country by Country Guide. Hart. pp. 299 - 312. ISBN 13: 9781509924714.
Malinauskaite, J. (2019) 'Harmonisation of EU Competition Law Enforcement'. Cham: Springer. ISSN 13: 978-3-030-30233-7
Malinauskaite, J. (2019) 'Renewable energy policies in the EU'.International Conference on Advances in Energy Systems and Environmental Engineering (ASEE19). Wroclaw, Poland.Open Access Link
Malinauskaite, J. and Jouhara, H. (2019) 'The Trilemma of Waste-to-Energy: a multi-purpose solution'. Energy Policy, 129. pp. 636 - 645. ISSN: 0301-4215 Open Access Link
Malinauskaite, J., Jouhara, H., Ahmad, L., Milani, M., Montorsi, L. and Venturelli, M. (2019) 'Energy Efficiency in Industry: EU and national policies in Italy and the UK'. Energy, 172. pp. 255 - 269. ISSN: 0360-5442 Open Access Link
Malinauskaite, J. (2019) 'Transposition of the Antitrust Damages Directive in Lithuania', in Rodger, B., Ferro, MS. and Marcos, F. (eds.) The EU Antitrust Damages Directive: Transposition in the Member States. Oxford University Press.Open Access Link
Malinauskaite, J. and Cauffman, C. (2018) 'The Transposition of the Antitrust Damages Directive in the Small Member States of the EU—A Comparative Perspective'. Journal of European Competition Law and Practice, 9 (8). pp. 496 - 512. ISSN: 2041-7764 Open Access Link
Malinauskaite, J. and Ahmad, L. (2018) 'Energy Efficiency in the Process Industry - any lessons to be learnt?'.SEEP 2018 11th International Conference On Sustainable Energy & Environmental Protection. University of the West of Scotland. [unpublished]
Malinauskaite, J., Jouhara, H., Czajczyńska, D., Stanchev, P., Katsou, E., Rostkowsk, P., et al. (2017) 'Municipal Waste Management and Waste-to-Energy in the Context of a Circular Economy and Energy Recycling in Europe'. Energy, 141. pp. 2013 - 2044. ISSN: 0360-5442 Open Access Link
Malinauskaite, J. (2017) 'Renewable energy from waste from a legal perspective – where do we stand?'.Advances in Energy Systems and Environmental Engineering International Conference. Wroclaw, Poland. [unpublished]
Malinauskaite, J. (2017) 'Transposition of the Antitrust Damages Directive: a case study of Lithuania'.• Roundtable discussion on ‘Transposition of the Antitrust Damages Directive’. Stibbe Law firm, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. [unpublished]
Malinauskaite, J. (2017) 'The Implementation of the Antitrust Damages Directive – a comparative perspective'.A workshop for judges. the Lithuanian Supreme Court, Vilnius, Lithuania. [unpublished]
Malinauskaite, J., Jouhara, H. and Spencer, N. (2017) 'Waste prevention and technologies in the context of the EU Waste Framework Directive: lost in translation?'. European Energy and Environmental Law Review, 26 (3). pp. 66 - 80. ISSN: 0966-1646 Open Access Link
Malinauskaite, J. and Jouhara, H. (2017) 'Renewable energy from waste: innovative technologies and prosumers’ participation'.the SLS 2017 108th Annual Conference. University College London, Dublin, Ireland. [unpublished]
Malinauskaite, J. (2016) 'Comparative Competition Law, by J. Duns, A. Duke and B. Sweeney (eds), (Edward Elgar, 2015), £150, ISBN: 978-1-84980-419-6.'. ECLR: European Competition Law Review, 37 (12). pp. 525 - 526. ISSN: 0144-3054
Malinauskaite, J. (2016) 'Public EU competition law enforcement in small ‘newer’ Member States: addressing the challenges'. Competition Law Review, 12 (1). pp. 19 - 52.Open Access Link
Malinauskaite, J. (2016) 'The architecture of an antitrust enforcement action'.CDR Spring Competition Litigation Symposium. Sofitel, London. [unpublished]
Malinauskaite, J. (2016) 'Smallness matters: Public enforcement of EU competition law in smaller ‘newer’ Member States'.Half day workshop ‘Small States in Europe’. the Centre for Small States (CSS) and the Centre for European and International Legal Affairs (CEILA) in the School of Law at Queen Mary University of London. 13 [unpublished]
Malinauskaite, J. (2015) 'Payment Systems Regulator - a new body to improve competition in the UK payments sector'. ECLR: European Competition Law Review, 36 (10). pp. 415 - 422. ISSN: 0144-3054
Malinauskaite, J. (2013) 'Critical Reflections on the Interdisciplinary Course at Master’s Level – EMCA (European Master in Consumer Affairs)', inThe Legal Profession: Education and Ethics in Practice. Athens Institute for Education and Research. pp. 35.
Malinauskaite, J. (2013) 'Private enforcement of competition law in Lithuania: A story of underdevelopment'. Global Competition Litigation Review. pp. 123 - 135. ISSN: 1756-6002 Open Access Link
Malinauskaite, J. (2012) 'Competition Law, by R. Whish and D. Bailey, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2012, 7th edition, 1015 pp., £36.99, ISBN 978-0-19-958655-4'. Law Teacher, 46 (3). pp. 320 - 321. ISSN: 0306-9400
Malinauskaite, J. (2012) 'Private enforcement of competition law in Lithuania'.The AHRC Comparative Private enforcement and collective redress Conference. London, UK. 15 [unpublished]
Malinauskaite, J. (2012) 'Infusing a competition law compliance culture in the EU'.The SLS Annual Conference. Bristol, UK. 11 - 14 September. [unpublished]
Malinauskaite, J. (2012) 'Critical reflections on the interdisciplinary course at Master’s level – EMCA'.The 9th Annual International Conference on Law. Athens, Greece. 16 - 19 July. [unpublished]
Malinauskaite, J. (2012) 'Development of merger control in Slovakia and Slovenia'. European Business Law Review, 23 (3). pp. 375 - 403.
Malinauskaite, J. (2012) 'The failing firm defence in EU merger control: the story of Sisyphus?'. International Company and Commercial Law Review, 23 (9). pp. 308.
Malinauskaite, J. (2011) 'Rescue mergers and consumer interests in merger control: in the current economic downturn'.The 13th International Conference on Consumer Law "Protecting Consumers in Economic Recessions". Brunel University. 27 - 29 June. [unpublished]
Malinauskaite, J. (2011) 'Development of merger control in the Baltic countries: over 10 years of experience. Part II'. European Competition Law Review, 32 (3). pp. 109 - 115. ISSN: 0144-3054