Professor Justin Fisher
Director of Policy Unit / Professor of Political Science
Gaskell 061
- Email: justin.fisher@brunel.ac.uk
- Tel: +44 (0)1895 266309
Fisher, J., Fieldhouse, E. and Cutts, D. (2024) 'Innocent Bystanders or the Forgotten Actors? The Role of Parties and Candidates in Building Electoral Campaign Momentum'. Political Studies, 0 (online early). pp. 1 - 22. ISSN: 0032-3217 Open Access Link
Fisher, J., Fieldhouse, E. and Cutts, D. (2023) 'Delayed shock? How Brexit conditioned campaign effects in British general elections'. Party Politics: international journal for the study of political parties and political organizations, 0 (ahead-of-print). pp. 1 - 16. ISSN: 1354-0688 Open Access Link
Fisher, J. (2023) 'The regulation of political finance. Choppier waters ahead?'. Place of publication: Institute for Government. Available at: https://www.instituteforgovernment.org.uk/publication/regulation-political-finance.Open Access Link
Fisher, J. and Savani, MM. (2022) 'Who’s in charge? The impact of delivery and perception of risk on the willingness to voting online'. The British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 25 (4). pp. 676 - 700. ISSN: 1369-1481 Open Access Link
Fisher, J. (2020) 'Party Finance in 2019: Advantage Conservative Party'. Parliamentary Affairs: devoted to all aspects of parliamentary democracy, 73 (suppl_1). pp. 189 - 207. ISSN: 0031-2290 Open Access Link
Fisher, J. and Sällberg, Y. (2020) 'Electoral Integrity – The Winner Takes it All? Evidence from Three British General Elections'. The British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 22 (3). pp. 404 - 420. ISSN: 1369-1481 Open Access Link
Fieldhouse, E., Fisher, J. and Cutts, D. (2019) 'Popularity equilibrium: Testing a general theory of local campaign effectiveness'. Party Politics, 26 (5). pp. 529 - 542. ISSN: 1354-0688 Open Access Link
Fisher, J., Cutts, D., Fieldhouse, E. and Rottweiler, B. (2018) 'The Impact of Electoral Context on the Electoral Effectiveness of District Level Campaigning: Popularity Equilibrium and the Case of the 2015 British General Election'. Political Studies, 67 (2). pp. 271 - 290. ISSN: 0032-3217 Open Access Link
Fisher, J. (2018) 'Party Finance'. Parliamentary Affairs, 71 (1). pp. 171 - 188. ISSN: 0031-2290 Open Access Link
Fisher, JT. (2018) 'Party election expenditure election effects: national vs district level and the regulatory challenges', in Mendilow, J. and Phelippeau, E. (eds.) Handbook of Political Party Funding. Edward Elgar. pp. 55 - 67.
Fisher, J., Fieldhouse, E., Franklin, MN., Cantijoch, M. and Wlezien C. (2017) 'The Routledge Handbook of Elections, Voting Behavior and Public Opinion'. Routledge. ISSN 10: 1138890405 ISSN 13: 9781138890404
Fisher, J., Cutts, D., Fieldhouse, E. and Rottweiler, B. (2017) 'District-level explanations for supporter involvement in political parties'. Party Politics, 24 (6). pp. 743 - 754. ISSN: 1354-0688 Open Access Link
Fisher, J. (2016) 'Britain', in Norris, P. and Abel van Es, A. (eds.) Checkbook Elections: Political Finance in Comparative Perspective. Oxford University Press. pp. 45 - 63.
Fisher, JT. (2015) 'Party Finance: The Death of the National Campaign?'. Parliamentary Affairs: devoted to all aspects of parliamentary democracy, 68 (suppl 1). pp. 133 - 153. ISSN: 1460-2482 Open Access Link
Fisher, JT., Fieldhouse, E., Johnston, R., Pattie, C. and Cutts, D. (2015) 'Is All Campaigning Equally Positive? The Impact of District Level Campaigning on Voter Turnout at the 2010 British General Election'. Party Politics: international journal for the study of political parties and political organizations, 22 (2). pp. 215 - 226. ISSN: 1460-3683 Open Access Link
Fisher, J. (2015) 'Britain’s Stop-Go Approach to Party Finance Reform', in Boatright, R. (ed.) The Deregulatory Moment? A Comparative Perspective on Changing Campaign Finance Laws. Michegan : University of Michegan Press. pp. 152 - 174. ISBN 13: 978-0-472-07285-9.
Fisher, J. (2015) 'Conclusions: Deregulating Party Finance: Is the US an Outlier or a Pioneer?', in Boatright, R. (ed.) The Deregulatory Moment? A Comparative Perspective on Changing Campaign Finance Laws. Michegan : University of Michegan Press. pp. 220 - 225. ISBN 13: 978-0-472-07285-9.
Fisher, JT. and VanHeerde-Hudson, J. (2014) 'Conclusion: A Very British Episode?', in VanHeerde-Hudson, J. (ed.) The Political Costs of the 2009 British MPs' Expenses Scandal. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 196 - 203. ISBN 10: 1137034548. ISBN 13: 9781137034540.
Fisher, JT. (2014) 'Can’t buy me votes (necessarily): money and elections', inSex, Lies and the Ballot Box. ISBN 10: 1849547556. ISBN 13: 9781849547550.
Fisher, JT., Johnston, R., Cutts, D., Pattie, C. and Fieldhouse, E. (2013) 'You get what you (don’t) pay for: The impact of volunteer labour and candidate spending at the 2010 British General Election'. Parliamentary Affairs, 67 (4). pp. 804 - 824. ISSN: 1460-2482 Open Access Link
Fisher, JT., Fieldhouse, E. and Cutts, D. (2013) 'Members Are Not the Only Fruit: Volunteer Activity in British Political Parties at the 2010 General Election'. British Journal of Politics & International Relations, 16 (1). pp. 75 - 95. ISSN: 1369-1481 Open Access Link
Fisher, JT., Cutts, D., Johnston, RJ. and Pattie, C. (2012) 'Laying the foundations for electoral success: Conservative pre-campaign canvassing before the 2010 UK general election'. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties, 22 (3). pp. 359 - 375. ISSN: 1745-7289
Johnston, R., Cutts, D., Pattie, C. and Fisher, J. (2012) 'We've got them on the list: Contacting, canvassing and voting in a British general election campaign'. Electoral Studies, 31 (2). pp. 317 - 329. ISSN: 0261-3794
Johnston, R., Pattie, C., Cutts, D. and Fisher, JT. (2012) 'Spending, contacting and voting: The 2010 British general election in the constituencies'. Environment and Planning A: international journal of urban and regional research, 44 (5). pp. 1165 - 1184. ISSN: 0308-518X
Fisher, J., Cutts, D. and Fieldhouse, E. (2011) 'The electoral effectiveness of constituency campaigning in the 2010 British General Election: The ‘triumph’ of labour?'. Electoral Studies, 30 (4). pp. 816 - 828. ISSN: 0261-3794 Open Access Link
Fisher, JT. (2011) 'Legal regulation and political activity at the local level in Britain', in Ewing, K., Tham, J-C. and Rowbottom, J. (eds.) The Funding of Political Parties. Routledge. pp. 110 - 123. ISBN 10: 0415580013. ISBN 13: 9780415580014.
Fisher, JT. and Wlezien, C. (2011) 'The UK General Election of 2010: Explaing the Outcome'. Abingdon: Routlrdge. ISSN 13: 978-0-415-58301-5
Fisher, JT., Johnston, RJ., Pattie, C., Cutts, D. and Fieldhouse, E. (2011) 'The Long and the Short of it: Local Campaigning at the British 2010 General Election'. Political Studies, 61 (SUPPL.1). pp. 114 - 137. ISSN: 0032-3217
Fisher, JT., Cutts, D. and Fieldhouse, E. (2011) 'Constituency Campaigning in 2010', in Wring, D., Mortimore, R. and Atkinson, S. (eds.) Political Communication in Britain. Palgrave MacMillan. pp. 198 - 217. ISBN 10: 0230301460. ISBN 13: 9780230301467.
Fisher, JT., Cutts, D. and Fieldhouse, E. (2011) 'Constituency Campaigning in 2010', in Wring, D., Mortimore, R. and Atkinson, S. (eds.) Political Communication in Britain. Palgrave MacMillan. pp. 198 - 217. ISBN 10: 0230301460. ISBN 13: 9780230301467.
VanHeerde-Hudson, J. and Fisher, J. (2011) 'Parties heed (with caution): Public knowledge of and attitudes towards party finance in Britain'. Party Politics, 19 (1). pp. 41 - 60. ISSN: 1354-0688 Open Access Link
Fisher, JT. (2011) 'State Funding and Political Parties: Truths Myths and Legends', in Young, L. and Jansen, HJ. (eds.) Money, Politics, and Democracy. Vancouver : UBC Press. pp. 19 - 36. ISBN 10: 0774818921. ISBN 13: 9780774818926.
Fisher, J., van Heerde-Hudson, J. and Tucker, A. (2011) 'Why Both Theory and Empirics Suggest There is More than One Form of Trust: A Response to Hooghe'. British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 13 (2). pp. 276 - 281. ISSN: 1369-1481
Johnston, R., Pattie, C., Cutts, D., Fieldhouse, E. and Fisher, JT. (2011) 'Local campaign spending at the 2010 General Election and its impact: Exploring what wider regulation has revealed'. Political Quarterly, 82 (2). pp. 169 - 192. ISSN: 0032-3179
Fisher, J. (2010) 'Party finance: Normal service resumed?'. Parliamentary Affairs, 63 (4). pp. 778 - 801. ISSN: 0031-2290
Fisher, J., van Heerde, J. and Tucker, A. (2010) 'Does one trust judgement fit all? Linking theory and empirics'. British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 12 (2). pp. 161 - 188. ISSN: 1369-1481 Open Access Link
Fisher, JT. and Hough, D. (2010) 'Wird alles anders? Oder viel Lärm um nichts? Die britischen Parlamentswahlen vom 6. Mai 2010'. Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen, 41 (4). pp. 725 - 739. ISSN: 0340-1758
Fisher, J. (2009) 'Hayden Phillips and Jack Straw: The continuation of British exceptionalism in party finance?'. Parliamentary Affairs, 62 (2). pp. 298 - 317. ISSN: 0031-2290 Open Access Link
Denver, D. and Fisher, J. (2009) 'Blair’s electoral record', in Casey, T. (ed.) The Blair Legacy: Politics, Policy, Governance, and Foreign Affairs. Basingstoke, Hampshire : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 23 - 38. ISBN 13: 978-0-230-21661-7.
Fisher, J. and Denver, D. (2009) 'Evaluating the electoral effects of traditional and modern modes of constituency campaigning in Britain 1992-2005'. Parliamentary Affairs, 62 (2). pp. 196 - 210. ISSN: 0031-2290 Open Access Link
Fisher, J. (2008) 'Party funding: back to square one (and a half) or every cloud has a silver lining?'. Political Quarterly, 79 (1). pp. 119 - 125. ISSN: 1467-923X Open Access Link
Fisher, J. (2008) 'Whither the parties?', in Hazell, R. (ed.) Constitutional Futures Revisited: Britain's Constitution to 2020. Basingstoke, Hampshire : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 249 - 266. ISBN 10: 0-230-59508-1. ISBN 13: 978-0-230-22074-4.
Fisher, J. and Denver, D. (2008) 'From foot-slogging to call centres and direct mail: a framework for analysing the development of district-level campaigning'. European Journal of Political Research, 47 (6). pp. 794 - 826. ISSN: 0304-4130 Open Access Link
Russell, A., Denver, D., Cutts, D., Fieldhouse, E. and Fisher, J. (2008) 'Non-party activity in the 2005 UK general election: “Promoting or procuring electoral success”?', in Farrell, D. and Schmitt-Beck, R. (eds.) Non-Party Actors in Electoral Politics: The Role of Interest Groups and Independent Citizens in Contemporary Election Campaigns. Baden-Baden : Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft. pp. 103 - 125. ISBN 13: 978-3-8329-3251-0.
Fisher, J., Denver, D., Fieldhouse, E., Russell, A. and Cutts, D. (2007) 'Constituency campaigning in 2005: Ever more centralisation ?', in Wring, D., Green, J., Mortimore, R. and Atkinson, S. (eds.) Political communications. Palgrave MacMillan. pp. 79 - 92. ISBN 10: 0230001300. ISBN 13: 9780230001305.
Fisher, J., Denver, D. and Hands, G. (2006) 'The relative electoral impact of central party co-ordination and size of party membership at constituency level'. Electoral Studies, 25 (4). pp. 664 - 676. ISSN: 0261-3794 Open Access Link
Fisher, J., Denver, D. and Hands, G. (2006) 'Unsung heroes: Constituency election agents in British general elections'. British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 8 (4). pp. 569 - 586. ISSN: 1369-1481 Open Access Link
Fisher, J., Denver, D. and Hands, G. (2006) 'Party membership and campaign activity in Britain: the impact of electoral performance'. Party Politics, 12 (4). pp. 505 - 519. ISSN: 1354-0688 Open Access Link
Clift, B. and Fisher, J. (2005) 'Party finance reform as constitutional engineering? The effectiveness and unintended consequences of party finance reform in France and Britain'. French Politics, 3 (3). pp. 234 - 257. ISSN: 1476-3419 Open Access Link
Fisher, J. (2005) 'Campaign finance', in Geddes, A. and Tonge, J. (eds.) Britain decides: The general election of 2005. Palgrave MacMillan. pp. 170 - 186. ISBN 10: 1403946574. ISBN 13: 9781403946577.