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Mapping and Facilitating Internet of Things Ecosystem: Health, Well-being & Energy

Funder: Research England
Duration: June 2019 - February 2021

In this project we want to improve Internet of Thing (IoT) cluster mapping, our understanding of IoT related barriers to growth and assist companies to overcome them A series of business clinics with companies listed in the database developed will be hosted as part of this work. The project taps into the themes of health, well-being & energy in regards to the selection of the types of companies and hence as a Co-I provide the necessary thematic expertise and work with technology acceptance and IoT researchers (PI: Prof. Savvas Papagiannidis; Prof. Jonathan Linton; Dr. Eleftherios Alamanos) to carry out this project.


Name Telephone Email Office
Professor Danae Manika Professor Danae Manika
Executive Dean of Brunel Business School
T: +44 (0)1895 268798
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