Dr Vesco Paskalev
Honorary Senior Lecturer - BLS
Elliott Jaques 076
- Email: vesco.paskalev@brunel.ac.uk
- Tel: +44 (0)1895 266630
Paskalev, V. (2021) 'Is free movement of people subverting democracy in Europe? A hirschmanian hypothesis', in Mayr, S. and Orator, A. (eds.) Populism, Popular Sovereignty, and Public Reason. Berlin, Germany : Peter Lang. pp. 239 - 260. ISBN 10: 3631860145. ISBN 13: 9783631840832.
Paskalev, V. (2020) 'Implementation of the Pan-European General Principles of Good Administration in Bulgaria? It would be a really good idea', in Stelkens, U. and AndrijauskaitÄ—, A. (eds.) Good Administration and the Council of Europe: Law, Principles, and Effectiveness. Oxford : Oxford University Press. pp. 504 - 535. ISBN 10: 0-19-886153-2. ISBN 13: 978-0-19-886153-9. Open Access Link
Paskalev, V. (2020) 'The Clash of Scientific Assessors: What the Conflict over Glyphosate Carcinogenicity Tells Us about the Relationship between Law and Science'. European Journal of Risk Regulation, 11 (3). pp. 520 - 538. ISSN: 1867-299X Open Access Link
Paskalev, V. (2017) 'May science be with you: Can scientific expertise confer legitimacy to transnational authority?'. Transnational Legal Theory, 8 (2). pp. 202 - 223. ISSN: 2041-4005 Open Access Link
Paskalev, V. (2015) 'GMO regulation in Europe: Undue delegation, abdication or design flaw?'. European Journal of Risk Regulation, 6 (4). pp. 573 - 578. ISSN: 1867-299X