Collaborative partnerships

SEIB members have been appointed to serve in important external academic and research roles nationally and internationally as well as being engaged in informing practice and policy.

David Sarpong is co-Chair of the Strategy Special Interest Group (SIG) of the British Academy of Management. Catherine Wang and Francesco Moscone are Senior Members of the ESRC Peer Review College. Catherine Wang has served as a Scientific Evaluator of a number of international grant panels in the UK, the US, Finland, Portugal, the Netherlands and Kazakhstan. She serves on numerous journal editorial boards including the British Journal of Management, the International Journal of Management Reviews, and the International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research. Cristina Stoian is member of the International Trade Committee of the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Ainurul Rosli is part of Team Academy (Tiimiakatemia, Finland), a global team-learning community that aims to equip young adults with the knowledge and skills to run their own businesses. Francesco Moscone is Associate Editor of Empirical Economics.