Research areas

SEIB offers extensive expertise in various themes. These themes range from entrepreneurial and internationalisation strategies of small-to-medium sized enterprises (SMEs) to inward and outward investment by large enterprises and supranational governance. SEIB members have achieved considerable funding success. Catherine Wang was awarded two ESRC projects investigating entrepreneurial capabilities and entrepreneurial orientation respectively. A research grant was awarded by the Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship to Cristina Stoian to investigate the role of accountants in supporting the international expansion of SMEs. Francesco Moscone was awarded large research grants by the ESRC and EU on Healthcare Economics and by the EPSRC on credit risk of SMEs. Ainurul Rosli was awarded research grants from the British Council Newton Fund on entrepreneurial learning and from the British Academy/ Leverhulme Small Grants on knowledge co-creation process between universities and SMEs. 

SEIB research has been published in leading journals including: British Journal of Industrial Relations; British Journal of Management; Business History; Economic Inquiry; Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice; Industrial Marketing Management; International Business Review; International Journal of Industrial Organization; International Marketing Review; Journal of Business Ethics; Journal of Business Research; Journal of Comparative Economics; Journal of Corporate Finance; Journal of International Management; Journal of International Business Studies; Journal of Small Business Management; Journal of World Business; Management International Review;  Research Policy, Regional Studies; Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal; and Technovation (Journals listed in alphabetical order).

Members of the group have expertise in strategic management and more specialised areas including strategic methods (for example mergers and acquisitions strategies and strategic alliances), enterprise risk management, strategies for growth and sustainable development, co-creation in strategic networks and innovative business models. Another important stream of research includes corporate governance, strategic leadership and styles of managing change. 

Members of the group have expertise in entrepreneurship theory and practice in a wide range of organisational settings, such as small firms, medium-to-large organisations, ethnic minority firms, high-tech firms, and family businesses. Research expertise spans from entrepreneurial mindset and behaviour of individual entrepreneurs in their start-up journeys to entrepreneurial processes, structure and culture that support intrapreneurship in established organisations. One particular area of interest is social entrepreneurship, with several ongoing projects to understand social enterprises’ economic, social and environmental impact. International entrepreneurship and innovation is another area of research strength within the group. 

International Business
Members of the group have expertise in internationalisation of large multinationals (MNEs) as well as small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) central to modern day global business. Research in this area includes technology management in MNEs, international expansion of SMEs, international human resource management, learning processes in multicultural teams and international marketing strategies. An area of particular significance is globalisation which refers to an increasing inter-dependence of countries by way of foreign direct investment, international trade, movement of human resources and technology. Globalisation has become the mainstay of the modern day world bringing enormous changes to the international landscape.