ASK can help you with further developing your academic skills (academic writing, stats or SPSS, or Maths and numeracy) through individual appointments, central workshops and events that are run.
There are three types of support within ASK:
Writing and learning: The ‘Introductory Series’ workshops introduces students to the fundamentals of writing skills needed at university. This includes writing for assignments, referencing, and so forth. More information can be found on our central timetable.
Statistics and SPSS: Online short videos and materials are available to get students up to speed with statistics at university. These includes sessions on Probability, Independence, and so forth that can help you prepare for using statistics at university. We also assist with statistical software (SPSS and Excel), statistics required for your course, and questionnaire design and quantitative analysis.
Maths and Numeracy: ‘Back to Maths’ event will take place early in term 1. Here you can access the Back to Maths event on Brightspace:
Peer assisted learning (PAL) is also a great way to learn the skills needed at university while meeting and networking with students in your course. You can find more information about PAL via this link.
For further information about the ASK service, events and workshops, please visit ASK at: