Professor Abimbola Olowofoyeku
Honorary Emeritus Professor (Brunel Law School)
Abimbola Olowofoyeku joined Brunel University London as Professor of Law in July 2000. He is a barrister and solicitor of the Supreme Court of Nigeria, and an Associate of the Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria.
He has held the following positions: Assistant Legal Adviser, Federal Inland Revenue Department, Lagos (1982-83); Barrister and Solicitor, Chief B Olowofoyeku & Co., Lagos (1983-1984); Lecturer, Liverpool Polytechnic (1987-88); Lecturer, Keele University (1988-95); Visiting Fellow, Centre for International and Public Law, Australian National University (March - August 1995); Senior Lecturer, Keele University (1995-1999); Reader, Keele University (1999-2000); Visiting Fellow, Faculty of Law, Australian National University (July 1999 - January 2000; December 2000 - January 2001); Head of Department, Brunel University Law Department (2002-04); Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (2004); Head of the School of Social Sciences and Law (2004-06); Head of Brunel Law School (2006-09; 2013-2014).
LL.B. (Hons), (Lagos); LL.M. (LSE); Ph.D. (UCL); ACTI; Barrister (Nigeria)
Prof Olowofoyeku is the current Head of the Division of Public and International Law.
Newest selected publications
Olowofoyeku, AA. (2019) 'R v Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, ex parte World Development Movement: Financial Prudence, Interfering Busybodies', in Snape, J. and de Cogan, D. (eds.) Landmark Cases in Revenue Law. Oxford : Hart. , 1. pp. 373 - 396. ISBN 10: 1509912266. ISBN 13: 9781509912278. Open Access Link
Olowofoyeku, AA. (2018) 'When courts get it wrong: judicial errors and common law underenforcement'. The Law Quarterly Review, 134. pp. 450 - 477. ISSN: 0023-933X Open Access Link
Olowofoyeku, AA. (2016) 'Bias in Collegiate Courts'. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 65 (4). pp. 895 - 926. ISSN: 0020-5893 Open Access Link
Olowofoyeku, AA. (2016) 'Inappropriate Recusals'. The Law Quarterly Review, 132. pp. 318 - 337. ISSN: 0023-933X Open Access Link
Olowofoyeku, AA. (2013) 'The taxation of income'. Cambridge Academic Press.