Dr Amir Mohagheghi
Senior Lecturer in Biomechanics
- Sport, Health and Exercise Sciences
- Department of Life Sciences
- College of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences
Iravani-Naeeni, A. and Mohagheghi, A. (2024) 'Effect of Vestibular Stimulation on Balance and Gait in Parkinson’s Disease: A Systematic Review'. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology, 9 (4). pp. 1 - 22. ISSN: 2411-5142 Open Access Link
Davis, JF., Khan, T., Thornton, M., Reeves, ND., DeLuca, M. and Mohagheghi, AA. (2024) 'High Velocity Passive Stretching Mimics Eccentric Exercise in Cerebral Palsy and May Be Used to Increase Spastic Muscle Fascicle Length'. Bioengineering, 11 (6). pp. 1 - 1. ISSN: 2306-5354 Open Access Link
Pamboris, GM., Pavlou, K., Paraskevopoulos, E. and Mohagheghi, AA. (2024) 'Effect of Open versus Closed Kinetic Chain Exercises in ACL Rehabilitation on Knee Joint Pain, Laxity, Extensor Muscles Strength, and Function: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis'. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 6. pp. 1 - 21.Open Access Link
Cullen, S., Mackay, R., Mohagheghi, A. and Du, X. (2023) 'Low-Cost Smartphone Photogrammetry Accurately Digitises Positive Socket and Limb Casts'. Prosthesis, 5 (4). pp. 1382 - 1392.Open Access Link
Cullen, S., Mackay, R., Mohagheghi, A. and Du, X. (2023) '3D Motion Analysis for the Assessment of Dynamic Coupling in Transtibial Prosthetics: A Proof of Concept'. IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology, 4. pp. 141 - 147. ISSN: 2644-1276 Open Access Link
DeLuca, M., Low, D., Kumari, V., Parton, A., Davis, J. and Mohagheghi, AA. (2022) 'A systematic review with meta-analysis of the StartReact effect on motor responses in stroke survivors and healthy individuals'. Journal of Neurophysiology, 127 (4). pp. 938 - 945. ISSN: 0022-3077 Open Access Link
Cullen, S., Mackay, R., Mohagheghi, A. and Du, X. (2021) 'The use of smartphone photogrammetry to digitise transtibial sockets: Optimisation of method and quantitative evaluation of suitability'. Sensors, 21 (24). pp. 1 - 16. ISSN: 1424-8220 Open Access Link
Davis, JF., Khir, AW., Barber, L., Reeves, N., Khan, T., Deluca, M. and et al. (2020) 'The mechanisms of adaptation for muscle fascicle length changes with exercise: implications for spastic muscle'. Medical Hypotheses, 144 (November 2020). pp. 1 - 5. ISSN: 0306-9877 Open Access Link
Lawson, A., Noorkoiv, M., Masci, L. and Mohagheghi, A. (2019) 'Ankle joint position changes reliability of Ultrasound Tissue Characterisation in the Achilles tendon: A pilot study'. Medical Science Monitor, 25. pp. 6884 - 6893. ISSN: 1234-1010 Open Access Link
Du, X., Mikov, N., Mohagheghi, A., Kilbride, C., Norris, M. and Brett, P. (2019) 'A tactile sensing approach in stroke rehabilitation'. Mechatronics, 59. pp. 213 - 220. ISSN: 0957-4158 Open Access Link
Pamboris, GM., Noorkoiv, M., Baltzopoulos, V. and Mohagheghi, AA. (2018) 'Dynamic stretching is not detrimental to neuromechanical and sensorimotor performance of ankle plantarflexors'. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 29 (2). pp. 200 - 212. ISSN: 0905-7188 Open Access Link
Pamboris, GM., Noorkoiv, M., Baltzopoulos, V., Gokalp, H., Marzilger, R. and Mohagheghi, AA. (2018) 'Effects of an acute bout of dynamic stretching on biomechanical properties of the gastrocnemius muscle determined by Shear Wave Elastography'. PLoS ONE, 13 (5). pp. e0196724 - e0196724. ISSN: 1932-6203 Open Access Link
Theis, N., Mohagheghi, AA. and Korff, T. (2016) 'Mechanical and material properties of the plantarflexor muscles and Achilles tendon in children with spastic cerebral palsy and typically developing children'. Journal of Biomechanics, 49 (13). pp. 3004 - 3008. ISSN: 0021-9290 Open Access Link
Theis, N., Korff, T. and Mohagheghi, AA. (2015) 'Does long-term passive stretching alter muscle-tendon unit mechanics in children with spastic cerebral palsy?'. Clinical Biomechanics, 30 (10). pp. 1071 - 1076. ISSN: 0268-0033 Open Access Link
Brett, P., Du, X., Mikov, N., Mohagheghi, A. and Korff, T. (2015) 'A mechatronic solution for stroke rehabilitation in a reaching task'.Mechattronics and Machine Vision in Practice. Manila, Philippines. 1 - 7 July. 21st Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice, M2VIP 2015.
Ashford, S., Ashworth-Beaumont, J., Baird, T., Desouza, L., Hoffman, K., Kilbride, C., et al. (2015) 'Splinting for the Prevention and Correction of Contractures in Adults with Neurological Dysfunction Practice Guideline for Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists'. London: College of Occupational Therapists and Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Neurology. ISSN 10: 1905944470 ISSN 13: 9781905944477
Theis, N., Korff, T., Kairon, H. and Mohagheghi, AA. (2013) 'Does acute passive stretching increase muscle length in children with Cerebral Palsy?'. Clinical Biomechanics, 28 (9-10). pp. 1061 - 1067. ISSN: 0268-0033 Open Access Link
Eshraghi, S., Esat, I., Rahmanivahid, P., Yazdifar, M., Eshraghi, M., Mohagheghi, A. and et al. (2013) 'Study on relationship between foot pressure pattern and Hallux Valgus (HV) progression'. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 8005 LNCS (PART 2). pp. 76 - 83. ISSN: 0302-9743
Kilbride, C., Norris, M., Theis, N. and Mohagheghi, AA. (2013) 'Action for Rehabilitation from Neurological Injury (ARNI): A pragmatic study of functional training for stroke survivors'. Open Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 1 (2). pp. 40 - 51. ISSN: 2332-1822 Open Access Link
Norris, M., Kilbride, C., Mohagheghi, A. and Victor, C. (2013) 'Exercise instructor-led functional training programme for community dwelling stroke survivors: A qualitative study'. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 20 (12). pp. 597 - 605. ISSN: 1741-1645 Open Access Link
Kilbride, C., Norris M. and Mohagheghi, AA. (2012) 'Exploring the feasibility, acceptability and efficacy of a community-based functional training programme (ARNI) for stroke survivors: a pragmatic mixed-methods study'.UK Stroke Forum. Harrogate. 4 - 6 December. WILEY-BLACKWELL. pp. 76 - 76. ISSN: 1747-4930
Theis, N., Mohagheghi, AA. and Korff, T. (2012) 'Method and strain rate dependence of Achilles tendon stiffness.'. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 22 (6). pp. 947 - 953. ISSN: 1050-6411
Reeves, ND., Spanjaard, M., Mohagheghi, AA., Baltzopoulos, V. and Maganaris, CN. (2009) 'Older adults employ alternative strategies to operate within their maximum capabilities when ascending stairs'. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 19 (2). pp. e57 - e68. ISSN: 1050-6411
Mohagheghi, AA., Khan, T., Meadows, TH., Giannikas, K., Baltzopoulos, V. and Maganaris, CN. (2008) 'In vivo gastrocnemius muscle fascicle length in children with and without diplegic cerebral palsy'. Dev Med Child Neurol, 50 (1). pp. 44 - 50. ISSN: 0012-1622
Reeves, ND., Spanjaard, M., Mohagheghi, AA., Baltzopoulos, V. and Maganaris, CN. (2008) 'Influence of light handrail use on the biomechanics of stair negotiation in old age'. Gait and Posture, 28 (2). pp. 327 - 336. ISSN: 0966-6362
Reeves, ND., Spanjaard, M., Mohagheghi, AA., Baltzopoulos, V. and Maganaris, CN. (2008) 'The demands of stair descent relative to maximum capacities in elderly and young adults'. J Electromyogr Kinesiol, 18 (2). pp. 218 - 227. ISSN: 1050-6411
Mohagheghi, AA., Khan, T., Meadows, TH., Giannikas, K., Baltzopoulos, V. and Maganaris, CN. (2007) 'Differences in gastrocnemius muscle architecture between the paretic and non-paretic legs in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy'. Clinical Biomechanics, 22 (6). pp. 718 - 724. ISSN: 0268-0033
Mohagheghi, AA., Moraes, R. and Patla, AE. (2004) 'The effects of distant and on-line visual information on the control of approach phase and step over an obstacle during locomotion'. Experimental Brain Research, 155 (4). pp. 459 - 468. ISSN: 0014-4819
Mohagheghi, AA. and Anson, JG. (2002) 'Amplitude and target diameter in motor programming of discrete, rapid aimed movements: Fitts and Peterson (1964) and Klapp (1975) revisited.'. Acta psychologica, 109 (2). pp. 113 - 136. ISSN: 0001-6918
Mohagheghi, AA. and Anson, JG. (2001) 'Interactions among end-effectors and movement parameters influence reaction time in discrete, rapid aimed movements'. Human Movement Science, 20 (4-5). pp. 603 - 641. ISSN: 0167-9457
Mohagheghi, AA., Anson, JG., Hyland, BI., Parr-Brownlie, L. and Wickens, JR. (1998) 'Foreperiod length, but not memory, affects human reaction time in a precued, delayed response.'. Motor control, 2 (2). pp. 133 - 141. ISSN: 1087-1640