Dr Bin Wang
Howell Building 119
- Email: bin.wang@brunel.ac.uk
- Tel: +44 (0)1895 267304
- Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- College of Engineering, Design and Physical Sciences
Research area(s)
- Structural response under impact
- Material behaviour under high strain rate loading
- Design of energy absorption systems
- Foams, cellulous and sandwich materials
- Biomaterials and surgical devices
- Nano scale materials
- Uncertainty, Reliability and Parametric Sensitivity
- Multi-physics phenomenon
Research Interests
Dr Wang’s expertise is in Applied Mechanics, including stress and strain analysis, dynamics and impact mechanics. He also conducts research in reliability and safety analysis with application in energy and medical areas. His research contributed to the British Energy’s R3 document on Impact Assessment of nuclear power plants. Under the title Shooting Cancers, his research also presented at the Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition (2004). Dr. Wang is also one of the inventors of a patented knee implant which is a leading product in the North American market.
Research grants and projects
Research Projects
Project details
- Stress wave propagation in metal rings under high speed impact
- Mechanics of Pipe whip of cantilever beams
- Steam impingement in high energy piping systems
- Viscous and acoustic properties of nanofibre sheets
- Reeling stresses in rigid pipes
- Mooring stresses in flexible risers
- Nanofibres for wound dressing and surgical application
- Modelling of soft tissues for the labour process, particularly preterm labours
- Crack propogation for Leak-before-Break design approach
- Residual stresses in welds and the effect of post weld heat treatment
- Influence of stress discontinuity on crack development
- Prediction of fatigue life of welds under variable amplitude loading
Research links
Co-author network
Similar research interests
- Dr Muhammad Shafique
- Professor Xiangming Zhou
- Professor Hussam Jouhara
- Dr Yanmeng Xu
- Dr Marko Aunedi
Research group(s)