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Dr Daniel Perkins
Senior Lecturer in Environmental Sciences

Heinz Wolff 001


I currently supervise the following PhD students:

Ekain Fraile (2025 -present): Riparian corridor as a driver for freshwater ecosystems: linking riparian vegetation to diversity and energy transfer influvial food webs. External supervisor  (with Aitor Larranaga, University of the Basque Country, Spain).

Skia Basdag (2025 -present): Understanding the response of aquatic microorganisms to environmental change through the lens of energy allocation. Brunel Studentship. Lead supervisor  (Co-supervisors: Julia Reiss & Tom Miller, Brunel University of London).

Emma Brind (2024: present): Monitoring river health and restoration success through citizen science" Leverhulme Trust studentship. Co-supervisor (with Dr Cecile Reed, University of Roehampton, London).

Faith Ekoja-Smah (2023: present): Linking plastic particle characteristics to their uptake and transformation by groundwater animals”. Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions DTP project. Co-supervisor (with Dr Julia Reiss & Prof. Anne Robertson, University of Roehampton, London).

Naima Rizwan (2019: present): Effects of temperature on the movement, metabolism and feeding of aquatic organisms. Self-funded. Co-supervisor (with Prof Lewis Halsey & Dr Andrea Perna, University of Roehampton, London)

Research supervision

There are vacancies for the following PhD projects:

Deforestation impacts on stream biodiversity in the tropics: similar impacts to higher latitudes?  (with Pavel Kratina, Queen Mary University of London)

Interactive effects of antibiotics and temperature on freshwater bacteria (with Julia Reiss, Brunel University of London)

Brunel University London
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