Mr Diarmuid Denneny
PhD Student
I am a senior clinical physiotherapist with a long history of working with people who live with pain. My experience and expertise is evident in my roles as chair of the physiotherapy pain association, a national special interest group for physiotherapists, as well as committee member on the recent NICE guideline for chronic pain. I have spoken at international and national conferences as well as delivering teaching to a range of professionals on topics related to chronic pain management.
I am very motivated to complete a PhD. Following an unsuccessful NIHR application, in response to peer review feedback I undertook a yearlong pre-doctoral fellowship to develop my skills in research. As part of that year, I co-authored several peer review papers including one observational study of physio behaviours and another meta-ethnography. I also attended training in qualitative methods at QMUL, medical statistics at UCL as well as building research relationships and understanding of participatory action research and co-production. I started by considering Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) and this led me to consider more meaningful participatory and engagement approaches.
I have continued to develop my interest and skills in meaningful involvement beyond my fellowship including attending a 4-day Erasmus training in co-creating welfare at Coventry university. I have built connections with local, national, and international patient ambassadors. I have been involved in the emergence of an initiative called footsteps which a co-produced festival to support people outside healthcare in management of their long-term pain. I also have set up a work forum to embed a culture of participation and co-production.