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Dr Lefteris Kretsos
Senior Lecturer in Business and Management


Kretsos, L., Tabaghdehi, SAH. and Braganza, A. (2024) 'The Political Challenge of AI in Modern Society: From National AI Strategy to the Algorithmic Elections', in Tabaghdehi, SAH. and Foroudi, P. (eds.) Business Strategies and Ethical Challenges in the Digital Ecosystem. Leeds : Emerald Group Publishing. pp. 319 - 331. ISBN 10: 1-80455-069-8. ISBN 13: 978-1-80455-070-0.

Book chapter

Brown, DM., Apostolidis, C., Dey, BL., Singh, P., Thrassou, A., Kretsos, L. and et al. (2023) 'Sustainability starts from within: A critical analysis of internal marketing in supporting sustainable value co-creation in B2B organisations'. Industrial Marketing Management, 117 (February 2024). pp. 14 - 27. ISSN: 0019-8501 Open Access Link

Journal article

Kretsos, L. and Kaimaki, V. (2023) 'Disinformation and the prespa agreement: A case study', in Takas, E., Iordanidou, S. and Jebril, N. (eds.) Political Discourse and Media in Times of Crisis. London : Anthem Press. pp. 99 - 116. ISBN 10: 1-83998-282-9. ISBN 13: 978-1-83998-282-8.

Book chapter

Kretsos, L. (2022) 'The case of Greece', inQuel droit social dans une Europe en crise?. Sylvaine Laulom, Emmanuelle Mazuyer. de Marie-Cécile Escande Varniol. Brussels : Larcier. pp. 189 - 232. ISBN 13: 978-2-8044-4904-9.

Book chapter

Kretsos, L. and Livanos, I. (2016) 'The extent and determinants of precarious employment in Europe'. International Journal of Manpower, 37 (1). pp. 25 - 43. ISSN: 0143-7720

Journal article

Umney, C. and Kretsos, L. (2015) '“That’s the Experience”: Passion, Work Precarity, and Life Transitions Among London Jazz Musicians'. Work and Occupations, 42 (3). pp. 313 - 334. ISSN: 0730-8884

Journal article

Kretsos, L. and Vogiatzoglou, M. (2015) 'Lost in the Ocean of Deregulation?'. Relations industrielles, 70 (2). pp. 218 - 239. ISSN: 0034-379X

Journal article

Hodder, A. and Kretsos, L. (2015) 'Young workers and trade unions: A global view'. Palgrave Macmillan UK. ISSN 13: 9781349682553


Coluccello, S. and Kretsos, L. (2015) 'Irregular Migration, Xenophobia and the Economic Crisis in Greece', in Massey, S. and Coluccello, R. (eds.) Eurafrican Migration: Legal, Economic and Social Responses to Irregular Migration. London : Palgrave Pivot. pp. 88 - 104. ISBN 13: 978-1-137-39134-6.

Book chapter

Umney, C. and Kretsos, L. (2014) 'Creative labour and collective interaction: the working lives of young jazz musicians in London'. Work, Employment and Society, 28 (4). pp. 571 - 588. ISSN: 0950-0170

Journal article

Kretsos, L. (2014) 'Youth policy in austerity Europe: The case of Greece'. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 19 (SUPPL. 1). pp. 35 - 47. ISSN: 0267-3843

Journal article

Ketsos, L. (2014) 'Radical Unions in Europe and the Future of Collective Interest Representation'. London: Peter Lang.


Kretsos, L. (2014) 'The Wind of Austerity in the Sails of Radicalism:
The Greek Example', in Phelan, C., Connoly, H. and Kretsos, L. (eds.) Radical Unions in Europe and the Future of Collective Interest Representation. London : Peter Lang. pp. 157 - 182. ISBN 13: 978-3-0353-0599-9. Open Access Link

Book chapter

Kretsos, L. and Lucio, MM. (2013) 'Destandardization of Employment in the UK: Issues, Politics and Policy Reinvention', in Koch, M. and Fritz, M. (eds.) Non-Standard Employment in Europe. Lonfon : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 103 - 116. ISBN 13: 9781349443314.

Book chapter

Kretsos, L. (2012) ' Greece's Neoliberal Experiment and Working Class Resistance'. WorkingUSA, 15 (4). pp. 517 - 527. ISSN: 1089-7011

Journal article

Koukiadaki, A. and Kretsos, L. (2012) 'Opening Pandora's box: The sovereign debt crisis and labour market regulation in Greece'. Industrial Law Journal, 41 (3). pp. 276 - 304. ISSN: 0305-9332

Journal article

Kretsos, L. (2012) 'Austerity Policies and Social Unrest', inLa financiarización de las relaciones salariales una perspectiva internacional. Madrid : La Catarata. pp. 263 - 279. ISBN 10: 8483197758. ISBN 13: 9788483197752.

Book chapter

Kretsos, L. (2011) 'Union responses to the rise of precarious youth employment in Greece'. Industrial Relations Journal, 42 (5). pp. 453 - 472. ISSN: 0019-8692

Journal article

Kretsos, L. (2011) 'Grassroots unionism in the context of economic crisis in Greece'. Labor History, 52 (3). pp. 265 - 286. ISSN: 0023-656X

Journal article

Kretsos, L. (2010) 'The persistent pandemic of precariousness: Young People at Work', in Tremmel, JC. (ed.) A Young Generation Under Pressure?. New York : Springer. pp. 3 - 22. ISBN 13: 978-3-642-03483-1.

Book chapter

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