Dr Lefteris Kretsos
Senior Lecturer in Business and Management
Eastern Gateway 211
- Email: lefteris.kretsos@brunel.ac.uk
- Tel: +44 (0)1895 267666
- Organisations and People
- Brunel Business School
- College of Business, Arts and Social Sciences
Dr Lefteris Kretsos is a Senior Lecturer in Business and Management. Prior to joining Brunel University London he was a Senior Lecturer in HRM at University of Greenwich, Greenwich Business School, a Research Fellow at Coventry University, Coventry Business School and a Lecturer in Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen Business School. His achievements were acknowledged by City University of London through the distinguished honor of an Honorary Senior Lectureship.
His research activity focused on the study of precarious work especially among young and cultural workers. He is currently working in the intersection of political economy and employment relations focusing on how AI, Public Policy and Management interventions result in certain outcomes, processes and strategies. Lefteris has been published in leading academic presses and in world-class journals such as Work, Employment and Society, Work and Occupations, Industrial Relations Journal, Industrial Law Journal. His research has also been funded by various organisations and streams including the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and the European Research Council (ERC awards). In addition, Lefteris has been on a range of editorial boards and committees, he has proposed legislation and holds proven record in policy making and analysis in government and intergovernmental organisations (for example European Commission, ILO, OECD, Unesco). From March 2015 to July 2019 Lefteris served as a Cabinet Minister and as General Secretary responsible for Digital and Media Policy in Greece. During his tenure he initiated the restructuring of public policy organisations and championed policies for making Greece a global film friendly location.
He is currently teaching Research Methods in Business and Management, International Human Resource Management for Undergraduate Students. He also teaches Leading People and Managing Organisations for MBA Students. Lefteris is also the Programme Leader for the PhD Programme with Ahlia University in Bahrain.
Director of the PhD Programme Without Residence with Ahlia University, Bahrain.
Newest selected publications
Kretsos, L., Tabaghdehi, SAH. and Braganza, A. (2024) 'The Political Challenge of AI in Modern Society: From National AI Strategy to the Algorithmic Elections', in Tabaghdehi, SAH. and Foroudi, P. (eds.) Business Strategies and Ethical Challenges in the Digital Ecosystem. Leeds : Emerald Group Publishing. pp. 319 - 331. ISBN 10: 1-80455-069-8. ISBN 13: 978-1-80455-070-0.
Brown, DM., Apostolidis, C., Dey, BL., Singh, P., Thrassou, A., Kretsos, L. and (2023) 'Sustainability starts from within: A critical analysis of internal marketing in supporting sustainable value co-creation in B2B organisations'. Industrial Marketing Management, 117 (February 2024). pp. 14 - 27. ISSN: 0019-8501 Open Access Link
et al.Kretsos, L. and Kaimaki, V. (2023) 'Disinformation and the prespa agreement: A case study', in Takas, E., Iordanidou, S. and Jebril, N. (eds.) Political Discourse and Media in Times of Crisis. London : Anthem Press. pp. 99 - 116. ISBN 10: 1-83998-282-9. ISBN 13: 978-1-83998-282-8.
Kretsos, L. (2022) 'The case of Greece', inQuel droit social dans une Europe en crise?. Sylvaine Laulom, Emmanuelle Mazuyer. de Marie-Cécile Escande Varniol. Brussels : Larcier. pp. 189 - 232. ISBN 13: 978-2-8044-4904-9.
Kretsos, L. and Livanos, I. (2016) 'The extent and determinants of precarious employment in Europe'. International Journal of Manpower, 37 (1). pp. 25 - 43. ISSN: 0143-7720