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Research area(s)

EU area of freedom security and justice, EU Criminal law, EU asylum and migration law, EU human rights and constitutional law.


E Xanthopoulou 'The European Arrest Warrant in a context of distrust: Is the Court taking rights seriously?' (2023) European Law Journal

E Xanthopoulou & M Nayyeri 'Written evidence on human rights of asylum seekers' (2022) Parliament Human Rights Joint Committee

E Xanthopoulou, ‘Mapping the EU’s Externalisation Devices: Repulsion, Emergency and Neo-coloniality’ (2023) (under peer-review with European Journal of Migration and Law)

Ermioni is the author of 2018) 'Mutual trust and rights in EU criminal and asylum law: Three phases of evolution and the uncharted territory beyond blind trust'. Common Market Law Review, 55 (2). pp. 489 - 509. ISSN: 0165-0750 that won the prize for Young Academics in 2017 by the journal. 

She is also the author of Fundamental Rights and Mutual Recognition in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice: A Role for Proportionality (Hart, forthcoming)

International Fight against Impunity and EU Counter-Terrorism Law: The Case of Foreign Terrorist Fighters’ co-authored with T. Konstadinides (peer-reviewed chapter for the edited book by Dr. Montaldo and Dr. Marin, The Fight Against Impunity in EU Law 2020, Hart Publishing) 

‘Legal Uncertainty, Distrust and Injustice in Brexit Asylum Cooperation’ (peer-reviewed chapter for the edited book by Ahmed and Fahey, On Brexit: Law, Justice and Injustices 2020, Edgar) 

‘The quest for proportionality for European Arrest Warrant and fundamental rights protection in a mutual recognition environment’ (2015) New Journal of European Criminal Law32-52


"Mutual Trust and Fundamental Rights in the Dublin System: A Role for Proportionality?" Odysseus Blog (2021) 

'From mutual trust to mutual distrust in the EU’s Area of Freedom, Security and Justice' REAL Blog (2021) 

'Brexit spells sliding safeguarding duties' (2019) 

Britain must commit to upholding civil liberties if the EU is to agree on security co-operation after Brexit (The Conversation, 2018) 

Radu judgment: A lost opportunity and a story of how the mutual trust obsession shelved human rights (KSLR EU Law Blog, 2013) 

Research Interests

Crime, security, migration, asylum, human rights.

Research grants and projects


Asylum Outsourcing Policies: Legal Resilience, Policy Effectiveness and Economic Impact
Funder: British Academy
Duration: February 2025 - December 2025

Funding is sought to support the preparation of an EU Horizon funding application, by the seeding of collaborations, establishing partnerships, and developing a co-designed and high-quality application that will be submitted to a forthcoming Horizon call.

Shifting Asylum Responsibilities and Human Rights: Mind the Gap!
Funder: CBASS Athena Swan Scheme
Duration: August 2022 - July 2023
Modelling predicting and dealing with migration flows : ITFLOWS
Funder: European Commission
Duration: September 2020 - August 2023

I was the PI representing the intra-disciplinary team of Brunel University in a cohort of 13 institutions and being in charge of the human rights elements.

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