Professor Eujin Pei
Associate Dean (Quality Assurance)/Professor
Michael Sterling 156
- Email: eujin.pei@brunel.ac.uk
- Tel: +44 (0)1895 268055
Opportunities for Pursuing a PhD Degree / Doctoral Study
Enquiries are very welcome from those who are keen to pursue a PhD or Postgraduate degree in Additive Manufacturing, 4D Printing and Design. Joint supervision, industry partnerships, consultancy and collaborative research opportunities are very welcomed. Pursue a PhD degree to specialise your area of expertise, contribute towards original research, enhance career opportunities, and be part of an academic network. Examples of networking opportunties include participation and supporting symposiums and conferences such as Rapid Design, Prototyping & Manufacturing (RDPM2019) which I had co-organised with my PhD students in 2019 (photo below). Please contact me at eujin.pei@brunel.ac.uk
Available PhD Degree Research Topics (Updated: 2025)
- Developing a Novel Approach for the Virtual Simulation of 4D Printed Parts - 4D Printing requires accurate methods of simulation for computer-generated models. The purpose of this study is to develop a computer-based algorithmn to predict how stimuli-responsive materials will behave when subject to environmental fluctuations.
- The Integration of Mixed Reality and 4D Printing - The design of 4D Printed parts is often represented as a static computer generated model, in which use of mixed reality media could offer a collaborative advantage for users. This work will investigate the blend of using suitable digital media, interfaces and hardware requirements.
- Building a Knowledge Repository - Shape Memory Materials for Additive Manufacturing - The use of stimuli-responsive materials for Additive Manufacturing has gained popularity in recent years. This research aims to develop a comprehensive database and to map out existing and potential applications linked to the properties of those materials. It is hoped that this combined knowledge will support novel products to be developed by designers and manufacturers.
- An Investigation of the Structural Integrity of the Shape Memory Components - 4D Printing is associated with the use of smart materials that can sense fluctuations in the external environment and generate a response by either changing the material properties or geometries. This research aims to build an understanding of non-destruction techniques (NDT) using different methods, including vibrometers for dynamic stress and strain measurement, ultrasonic testing for defect detection, and undertaking tensile, flexion and vibration tests. It is expected that the outcome will be a framework that can enable better inspection of shape memory components.
- Improving Aerodynamic Structures through the use of Shape Memory Materials for Additive Manufacturing - The use of smart materials for Additive Manufacturing has the potential to be applied for aerospace parts. This research aims to investigate how morph-able structures can be better designed and created, with a view of improving the efficiencies of wingtip surfaces and wind generator turbines for increased wind energy production or better aerodynamic lift for air flow control.
Track Record of PhD Research Supervision as First Supervisor (Updated: 2025)
- Jiayue Qin: Stimuli for Shape Memory Materials and Environmentally Adaptive Products (ongoing)
- Pawel Jurkiewicz: Design of Additive Manufacturing Industrial Seals (ongoing)
- Jessie Lei: 4D Printed Textiles and Applications in Fashion Design (ongoing)
- Jinghao Bai: Human Centred Design and User Interface tools for 4D Printing (ongoing)
- Christopher Biggadike: Leading Engineers in the 21st Century Using Complexity Leadership Theory (ongoing)
- Aymane Sahli: AI assisted Project Management: Predicting Patterns and Behaviours in Complex Projects
- Faten Ezrin Azhar: Improving Communication between Product Designers and Manufacturing Engineers when Designing 4D Printed Parts
- Peter Booth: 4D printing of Intelligent Bio-Materials with Self-sustaining Structure
- Harry Sutcliffe: Developing a Design for 4D Printing (Df4DP) Framework
- Alex Marler: Exploring the use of Fused Deposition Modelling for 4D Printing
- Seok Woo Nam: Programming 4D Printed Parts with Computer-Aided-Design
- Giselle Loh: 4D Printed Textiles and Functionally Graded Additive Manufacturing
- James Burchill: Improving Dissemination of Radical Innovations in Material Science
- Lulu Yin: Understanding the relationship between the environment and walking behaviour
- Thomas Stead: Product Development of Self-Use Medical Devices
- Jerry Tagang: Designing a framwork for footware solutions for diabetic patients
PhD Research Supervision as Second Supervisor (Updated: 2025)
- Montida Lertnimanoradee: Upcycling of Materials in Thailand (ongoing)
- Zakaria Monteiro Najmi: Applications for Artificial Intelligence (ongoing)
- Edvard Schroeder: Developing Passive Flow Control Techniques for Quiet Wind Turbine Blades
- Aine Petrulaityte: Investigating Product-Service Systems and Distributed Manufacturing
- Milad Areir: 3D Printed Active Carbon Electrode for Electric Double-Layer Capacitors
- Mazin Al-Wswasi: Algorithmn-based Computer Aided Design for Digital Manufacturing (Research Development Advisor)
- Charles Bradley: Designing Reusable Packaging Systems for Traceability (Research Development Advisor)
Invited Visiting Academics and Postdoctoral Research Associates (Updated: 2025)
- Dr Benjamin Watson (Visiting Professor, 2024)
- Dr Bahareh Shahri (Visiting Senior Lecturer, 2023)
- Dr James Self (Visiting Reader, 2023)
- Dr A. Mohan (Postdoctoral Researcher, ongoing, 2025)
- Dr A. Uddin (Postdoctoral Researcher, ongoing, 2025)
- Mr J. Gooneratne (Research Assistant, ongoing, 2025)
- Mr S. Kumar (Research Assistant, ongoing - 2023)
- Dr M. Osmani (Postdoctoral Researcher, 2022)
- Dr S. Nammi (Postdoctoral Researcher, 2022)
- Dr S. Srinivasan (Postdoctoral Researcher, 2022)
- Dr Shahriar Bakrani Balani: (Postdoctoral Researcher, 2021)
- Dr Israt Kabir: (Postdoctoral Researcher, 2021)
- Dr Adeayo Sotayo: (Postdoctoral Researcher, 2020)
- Ms Daniela Ribeiro: FAPESP funded programme (Visiting Researcher, 2019)
- Dr Malte Ressin: EPSRC funded programme (Postdoctoral Researcher, 2017)
Overseas Postgraduate Supervision
- Muhammad Kazimi bin Muhamad: Universiti Teknikal Melaka, Malaysia
- Nsengimana Joseph: Central University of Technology, South Africa