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Mr Girwan Karki
Project Coordinator (Operations)


Girwan is the Brunel Hive Project Coordinator (Operations) at Brunel Business School, Brunel University of London.

He is responsible for coordinating the operations of the National Help to Grow Management Programme, along with other key business support programmes and executive training courses, including Build Back Better, Small Business Leadership Programme, and International Delegates Projects. 

He works closely with the Hive Programme Director, Assistant Programme Director for Finance, and Industry Programmes Manager, as well as the Hive Operations team and other departments in the university to ensure the seamless execution of projects and programmes. 

Girwan also liaises closely with organisations such as the Chartered Association of Business Schools, Small Business Charter, and the Enterprise Nation to deliver programme reporting, broadening its impact and accessibility. 

Brunel University London
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Middlesex UB8 3PH

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