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Dr Grigorios Theodosopoulos
Reader - Accounting and Finance


Grigorios is a Reader (Associate Professor) in accounting and a member of the Accounting and Auditing Research Group at Brunel Business School since 2012. He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, a Certified Management & Business Educator by the Chartered Association of Business Schools, and has been a member of a number of leading national and international organisations promoting research and scholarship in the field. Examples of these include the European Accounting Association, the British Accounting and Finance Association, and the Voluntary Sector Studies Network. In addition to his exposure in diverse educational systems, through studying in three different countries, UK, Finland, and Greece, Grigorios has broad working experience in accounting, commercial auditing, and management within a range of organisational and cultural settings.

During his service as an educator Grigorios has held a number of senior leadership roles including that of the the school’s Director of Student Academic Misconduct, Director of Teaching and Learning, and the Director of Undergraduate Studies. He is currently serving as the Division Lead of the school's Business Accounting Division. As part of his active engagement in upholding and advancing higher education standards across the sector, Grigorios has served as External Examiner in a number of universities with his most recent appointments being with Cranfield University and the University of Hertfordshire. Having a keen interest in advancing pedagogy practice via research, he has published and presented his work in a number of subject specific and generalist conferences and fora.

Grigorios has developed a strong background in accounting for business models research, through relevant publications in highly regarded journals and through the dissemination of his work in a number of leading national and international conferences. His research interests also include work on the role of disruptive technologies in accounting and finance, the links between entrepreneurship and education, sustainability, and forensic accounting.

His teaching interests include: creative accounting and forensic accounting, contemporary issues in accounting research, business financial technology, financial reporting and analysis, introductory and not-for-specialists accounting.

                                                                             MEMBERSHIPS AND AFFILIATIONS 

2010 – present: Member of the British Accounting and Finance Association (BAFA)

2010 – present: Fellow to Higher Education Academy (FHEA)

2014 – present: Member of the European Accounting Association (EAA)

2014 – present: Member of the BAFA Public Services and Charities Special Interest Group

2019 – present: Certified Management & Business Educator (CMBE) by the Chartered Association of Business Schools 

                                                                                                 LEADERSHIP POSITIONS 

Dec 2022 – present: Division Lead - Business Accounting, Brunel Business School

Sep 2021 – Nov 2022: Director of Student Academic Misconduct, Brunel Business School

Jun 2019 – present: Recognised Programme Developer, Brunel University - London

Sep 2017 – Aug 2019: Director of Teaching and Learning, Brunel Business School

Jun 2016 – Aug 2017: Director of Undergraduate Studies, Brunel Business School

Jun 2014 – Jun 2016: Academic Appeals Officer, Brunel Business School

Academic Year 2011/2: Level 5, Year Tutor (Deputy Programme Leader) for BSc Accounting/Accounting and Finance, Hertfordshire Business School  

                                                                     EXTERNAL EXAMINER APPOINTMENTS 

Jan 2019 – present: External Examiner in MSc in Retail and Digital Banking, Cranfield University, Bedfordshire, MK43 0AL

Sep 2018 – Jan 2024: External Examiner in MSc Finance and investment Banking, University of Hertfordshire, Hertfordshire Business School, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, AL10 9AB

May 2020 – Jun 2020: External subject specialist to the Board of Study/Course Development Group for BA International Finance and Accounting, Coventry University London, University House, 109 -117 Middlesex Street, London, E1 7JF

May 2015 – Jul 2019: External examiner in Management Information Systems UG programme, University of Greenwich, October University for Modern Sciences and Arts, Cairo, Egypt

Mar 2014 – Jun 2018: External examiner in Management – Finance – Accounting, MA/MA top-up/PgDip, Kingston University, Penrhyn Rd, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT1 2EE

                                                                       AWARDS, PRIZES, AND NOMINATIONS 

2022: “Exemplary teaching in Brunel Business School award” based on student evaluations, Brunel Business School

2022: Nominated for the award category: “Calm in the Eye of the Storm:  A colleague who is resilient when things are hectic”, College of Business Arts and Social Sciences, Brunel University - London

2019: “Best Module (Large)” University Prize, Brunel University - London

2018: “Most Innovative Form of Assessment” University Prize, Brunel University - London

2018: “Best Poster” award at the Learning, Teaching, and Student Experience conference organised by the Chartered Association of Business Schools (CABS)




Division Lead (Business Accounting)

Newest selected publications

Ferri, L., Spanò, R., Theodosopoulos, G. and Tsitsianis, N. (2023) 'University education and entrepreneurial intentions of European students: insights into the Theory of Planned Behaviour complemented by skills'. Studies in Higher Education, 49 (9). pp. 1625 - 1639. ISSN: 0307-5079

Journal article

Kazemi, MZ., Elamer, AA., Theodosopoulos, G. and Khatib, SFA. (2023) 'Reinvigorating research on sustainability reporting in the construction industry: A systematic review and future research agenda'. Journal of Business Research, 167. pp. 1 - 18. ISSN: 0148-2963 Open Access Link

Journal article

Theodosopoulos, G., Utham, V. and Baiborodova, E. (2023) 'Financial Literacy and Investors’ choice of cryptocurrencies'.European Accounting Association Annual Congress. Espoo, Finland. [unpublished]

Conference paper

Theodosopoulos, G. and Utham, V. (2021) 'Facing up to the challenges of Covid-19 on teaching and learning practice: Use of online debates to enhance engagement and foster authentic learning and assessment'.CABS Learning Teaching & Student Experience Conference. Online. 29 - 30 June.Open Access Link

Conference paper

Ferri, L., Spanò, R., Ginesti, G. and Theodosopoulos, G. (2020) 'Ascertaining auditors’ intentions to use blockchain technology: evidence from the Big 4 accountancy firms in Italy'. Meditari Accountancy Research, 28 (5). pp. 1063 - 1087. ISSN: 2049-372X

Journal article
More publications(7)

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