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Alabdulkreem, EA., Al-Raweshidy, HS. and Abbod, MF. (2014) 'Using a fight-or-flight mechanism to reduce BGP convergence time'.2014 Fourth International Conference on Communications and Networking (ComNet). Hammamet, TUNISIA. IEEE Computer Society. pp. 1 - 4. ISSN: 2163-663X Open Access Link

Conference paper

Abbas, RS., Al-Aboody, N. and Al-Raweshidy, HS. (2014) 'Number of wavelengths required in m-arity tree networks'. Electronics Letters, 50 (24). pp. 1855 - 1857. ISSN: 0013-5194

Journal article

Ibrahim, AB. and Sadka, AH. (2014) 'Error resilience and concealment for Multiview video coding'.2014 IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB). IEEE. pp. 1 - 5. ISSN: 2155-5044

Conference paper

Saunders, CS., Alamuti, MM. and Taylor, GA. (2014) 'Transient Stability Analysis Using Potential Energy Indices for Determining Critical Generator Sets'.IEEE PES General Meeting. National Harbor, MD. 1 - 31 July. IEEE. pp. 1 - 5. ISSN: 1944-9925 Open Access Link

Conference paper

Nusrat, N., Irving, MR. and Taylor, GA. (2014) 'Choice of State Estimation Solution Process for Medium Voltage Distribution Systems'.IEEE PES General Meeting. National Harbor, MD. 1 - 31 July. IEEE. pp. 1 - 5. ISSN: 1944-9925 Open Access Link

Conference paper

Kerahroudi, SK., Taylor, GA., Li, F. and Bradely, ME. (2014) 'Application of a Novel Stability Control System for Coordination of Power Flow Control Devices in the Future GB Transmission System'.IEEE PES General Meeting. National Harbor, MD. 1 - 31 July. IEEE. pp. 1 - 5. ISSN: 1944-9925 Open Access Link

Conference paper

The, CMSC., Khachatryan, V., Sirunyan, AM., Tumasyan, A., Adam, W., Bergauer, T., et al. (2014) 'Study of hadronic event-shape variables in multijet final states in pp collisions at √s = 7TeV'. Critical Ultrasound Journal, 2014 (10). ISSN: 2036-3176

Journal article

Chatrchyan, S., Khachatryan, V., Sirunyan, AM., Tumasyan, A., Adam, W., Bergauer, T., et al. (2014) 'Determination of the top-quark pole mass and strong coupling constant from the tt̄ production cross section in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV'. Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, 728 (1). pp. 496 - 517. ISSN: 0370-2693 Open Access Link

Journal article

Heredia, A., Garcia-Guzman, J., Amescua-Seco, A. and Serrano, A. (2014) 'Study of Factors Influencing the Adoption of Agile Processes When Using Wikis'. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 24 (06). pp. 859 - 885. ISSN: 0218-1940

Journal article

Gou Jing., Liu Jun-Yong., Wei Zhen-Bo., Gareth Taylor. and Liu You-Bo. (2014) 'Complexity analysis of power system energy flow based on multi-scale entropy'. Acta Physica Sinica, 63 (20). pp. 208402 - 208402. ISSN: 1000-3290

Journal article

Matveev, V., Khachatryan, V., Sirunyan, AM., Tumasyan, A., Adam, W., Bergauer, T., et al. (2014) 'Search for neutral MSSM Higgs bosons decaying to a pair of tau leptons in pp collisions'. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014 (10). pp. 1 - 53. ISSN: 1126-6708 Open Access Link

Journal article

The, CMSC., Khachatryan, V., Sirunyan, AM., Tumasyan, A., Adam, W., Bergauer, T., et al. (2014) 'Identification techniques for highly boosted W bosons that decay into hadrons'. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014 (12). pp. 017. ISSN: 1126-6708 Open Access Link

Journal article

Markaki, O., Kokkinakos, P., Koussouris, S., Psarras, J., Glickman, Y. and Lee, H. (2014) 'Fusing Open public data, prosperity indexes, fuzzy cognitive maps and argumentation technology for more factual, evidence-based and accountable policy analysis and evaluation'.International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 8.5 Joint Conference on Electronic Government (EGOV) and Electronic Participation (ePart). Trinity Coll, Dublin, IRELAND. 1 IOS PRESS. pp. 175 - 184. ISSN: 1871-1073

Conference paper

Woods, N., Khachatryan, V., Sirunyan, AM., Tumasyan, A., Adam, W., Bergauer, T., et al. (2014) 'Search for standard model production of four top quarks in the lepton + jets channel in pp collisions at √s = 8 TeV'. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014 (11). pp. 154. ISSN: 1126-6708 Open Access Link

Journal article

Bhavanam, YR., Berresford, P., Taylor, G. and Langsman, J. (2014) 'A novel policy making proposition for EV charging infrastructure management at HEI's'.2014 49th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC). ClujNapoca, ROMANIA. 1 - 5 September. IEEE. pp. 1 - 6.Open Access Link

Conference paper

Al Nasseri, A., Tucker, A. and de Cesare, S. (2014) 'Big data analysis of stocktwits to predict sentiments in the stock market'. Springer International Publishing. pp. 13 - 24. ISSN: 0302-9743

Conference paper

Ibrahim, A. and Sadka, AH. (2014) 'Multi-layer data partitioning for multiview video coding'. Signal and Image Processing: An International Journal. pp. 2229 - 3922. ISSN: 0976-710X

Journal article

Li, Y. and Tucker, A. (2014) 'Integrating clinical data from cross-sectional and longitudinal studies'.2014 IEEE 27th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.. pp. 465 - 466. ISSN: 1063-7125 Open Access Link

Conference paper

Khachatryan, V., Sirunyan, AM., Tumasyan, A., Adam, W., Bergauer, T., Dragicevic, M., et al. (2014) 'Search for the associated production of the Higgs boson with a top-quark pair'. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014 (9). pp. 087. ISSN: 1126-6708 Open Access Link

Journal article

Chatrchyan, S., Khachatryan, V., Sirunyan, AM., Tumasyan, A., Adam, W., Bergauer, T., et al. (2014) 'Search for invisible decays of Higgs bosons in the vector boson fusion and associated ZH production modes'. European Physical Journal C, 74 (8). pp. 1 - 35. ISSN: 1434-6044 Open Access Link

Journal article

Ahmad, A., Arshad, R., Mahmud, SA., Khan, GM. and Al-Raweshidy, HS. (2014) 'Earliest-deadline-based scheduling to reduce urban traffic congestion'. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 15 (4). pp. 1510 - 1526. ISSN: 1524-9050 Open Access Link

Journal article

Nabulsi, MA. and Hierons, RM. (2014) 'A new test framework for communications-critical large scale systems'. IEEE Software, 32 (3). pp. 86 - 93. ISSN: 0740-7459 Open Access Link

Journal article

Ibrahim, AB. and Sadka, AH. (2014) 'Implementation of error resilience technique for multiview video coding'.2014 IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation (SSIAI). IEEE. pp. 25 - 28. ISSN: 1550-5782

Conference paper

Waller, P., Weerakkody, V., Irani, Z., Lee, H. and Molnar, A. (2014) 'UK e-government provider satisfaction evaluation: Findings from the I-MEET study'. Proceedings of the European, Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems, EMCIS 2014.

Conference paper

Jammoul, K. and Lee, H. (2014) 'Understanding users’ trust and the moderating influence of privacy and security concerns for mobile banking: An elaboration likelihood model perspective'. Proceedings of the European, Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems, EMCIS 2014.

Conference paper

Counsell, S., Tucker, A., Swift, S., Fitzgerald, G. and Peters, J. (2014) 'Comparing Pre-defined Software Engineering Metrics with Free-Text for the Prediction of Code 'Ripples''.13th International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis (IDA). Fac Club, Leuven, BELGIUM. 1 - 1 November. SPRINGER INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING AG. pp. 61 - 71. ISSN: 0302-9743

Conference paper

Irani, Z., Sivarajah, U., Molnar, A., Lee, H. and Syst, AI. (2014) 'A User Satisfaction Study of the London Congestion Charging e-Service'. AMCIS 2014 PROCEEDINGS.

Conference paper

Zhang, M., Lee, Y., Seo, J., Kim, Y. and Lee, H. (2014) 'Public policies and processes for regional innovation system to facilitate SME innovation in EU: A sysyematic literature review'. Proceedings of the European, Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems, EMCIS 2014.

Conference paper

Abbas, RS., Masrub, A., Amin, SH. and Al-Raweshidy, HS. (2013) 'High QoS and low cost wavelength allocation protocol in optical network using multicast technology'.2013 Third International Conference on Innovative Computing Technology (INTECH). IEEE. pp. 356 - 359.

Conference paper

Al-Hmood, H., Abbas, RS., Masrub, A. and Al-Raweshidy, HS. (2013) 'An estimation of primary user's SNR for spectrum sensing in cognitive radios'.2013 Third International Conference on Innovative Computing Technology (INTECH). IEEE. pp. 479 - 484.

Conference paper

Iqbal, MS., Masrub, A., Panneer Selvan, VM. and Al-Raweshidy, HS. (2013) 'A performance enhancement of IEEE 802.15.4 standard to overcome hidden nodes effect on low data rate ad hoc WSNs'.2013 Third International Conference on Innovative Computing Technology (INTECH). IEEE. pp. 360 - 364.

Conference paper

Chatrchyan, S., Khachatryan, V., Sirunyan, AM., Tumasyan, A., Adam, W., Bergauer, T., et al. (2013) 'Rapidity distributions in exclusive Z plus jet and gamma plus jet events in pp collisions at √s=7 TeV'. Physical Review D: Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 88 (11). pp. 112009. ISSN: 1550-7998 Open Access Link

Journal article

Chatrchyan, S., Khachatryan, V., Sirunyan, AM., Tumasyan, A., Adam, W., Bergauer, T., et al. (2013) 'Measurement of the prompt J/ψ and ψ(2S) polarizations in pp collisions at s=7 TeV'. Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, 727 (4-5). pp. 381 - 402. ISSN: 0370-2693 Open Access Link

Journal article

Pisica, I., Taylor, GA. and Lipan, L. (2013) 'Feature selection filter for classification of power system operating states'. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 66 (10). pp. 1795 - 1807. ISSN: 0898-1221

Journal article

Chatrchyan, S., Khachatryan, V., Sirunyan, AM., Tumasyan, A., Adam, W., Bergauer, T., et al. (2013) 'Measurement of the cross section and angular correlations for associated production of a Z boson with b hadrons in pp collisions at √s=7 TeV'. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013 (12). pp. 039. ISSN: 1029-8479 Open Access Link

Journal article

Chatrchyan, S., Khachatryan, V., Sirunyan, AM., Tumasyan, A., Adam, W., Bergauer, T., et al. (2013) 'Measurement of the differential and double-differential Drell-Yan cross sections in proton-proton collisions at √s=7 TeV'. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013 (12). pp. 030. ISSN: 1029-8479 Open Access Link

Journal article

Al-Hmood, H. and Al-Raweshidy, HS. (2013) 'Energy detection performance enhancement for cognitive radio using noise processing approach'.2013 Global Information Infrastructure Symposium. IEEE. pp. 1 - 6.

Conference paper

Ashton, PM., Taylor, GA. and Carter, AM. (2013) 'Transient event detection and analysis of the GB transmission system using synchrophasor measurements'.2013 48th International Universities' Power Engineering Conference (UPEC). Dublin, IRELAND. 1 - 5 September. IEEE. pp. 1 - 6.

Conference paper

Huang, X., Taylor, G., Irving, M., Zhang, L. and Tao, W. (2013) 'Service restoration of distribution systems using enhanced NDE with LCO'.2013 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting. Vancouver, CANADA. 1 - 25 July. IEEE. pp. 1 - 5. ISSN: 1944-9925

Conference paper

Hakimi, SM., Moghaddas-Tafreshi, SM., Hassanzadehfard, H., Taylor, GA. and Alamuti, MM. (2013) 'Optimization of a reliable combined cooling, heat and power microgrid system'.IECON 2013 - 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. Vienna, AUSTRIA. 1 - 13 November. IEEE. pp. 7944 - 7949. ISSN: 1553-572X

Conference paper

Ashton, PM., Taylor, GA., Carter, AM., Bradley, ME. and Hung, W. (2013) 'Application of phasor measurement units to estimate power system inertial frequency response'.2013 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting. Vancouver, CANADA. 1 - 25 July. IEEE. pp. 1 - 5. ISSN: 1944-9925

Conference paper

De Alvaro Garcia, L., Taylor, GA., Wallom, DCH., Gershinsky, G., Yunta Huete, A. and Diwold, K. (2013) 'High performance computing and communications technology solutions for future smart distribution network operation'.22nd International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2013). Institution of Engineering and Technology. pp. 0730 - 0730.

Conference paper

Chatrchyan, S., Khachatryan, V., Sirunyan, AM., Tumasyan, A., Adam, W., Bergauer, T., et al. (2013) 'Search for top-squark pair production in the single-lepton final state in pp collisions at {Mathematical expression}'. European Physical Journal C, 73 (12). pp. 1 - 46. ISSN: 1434-6044

Journal article

Igweani, UO. and Al-Raweshidy, HS. (2013) 'OFM transmission of wireless channels over SMF and POF optical fibers'.2013 5th Computer Science and Electronic Engineering Conference (CEEC). IEEE. pp. 125 - 127.

Conference paper

Chatrchyan, S., Khachatryan, V., Sirunyan, AM., Tumasyan, A., Adam, W., Bergauer, T., et al. (2013) 'Search for top-squark pair production in the single-lepton final state in pp collisions at √s=8 TeV'. European Physical Journal C, 73 (12). pp. 1 - 46. ISSN: 1434-6044 Open Access Link

Journal article

Chatrchyan, S., Khachatryan, V., Sirunyan, AM., Tumasyan, A., Adam, W., Bergauer, T., et al. (2013) 'Jet and underlying event properties as a function of charged-particle multiplicity in proton-proton collisions at √s=7 TeV'. European Physical Journal C, 73 (12). pp. 1 - 26. ISSN: 1434-6044 Open Access Link

Journal article

Gaston, C., Hierons, RM. and Le Gall, P. (2013) 'An implementation relation and test framework for timed distributed systems'. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 82 - 97. ISSN: 0302-9743

Conference paper

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