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Davies, M., Cairns, D., Gilhooly, M., Harries, P. and Notley, E. (2010) 'Safeguarding vulnerable adults - Detecting abuse: Findings from phase I of the Detecting and preventing elder financial abuse project'.Action on Elder Abuse. London. [unpublished]

Conference paper

Gilhooly, M., Cairns, D., Davies, M., Notley, E., Harries, P. and Gilhooly, K. (2010) 'Detecting and preventing financial abuse of older adults: decision making by managers and professionals in health, social care and banking'.Gerontological Society of America 63rd Annual Scientific Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana. [unpublished]

Conference paper

Notley, E., Sullivan, M., Harries, P., Gilhooly, M., Cairns, D., Davies, M. and et al. (2010) 'Financial abuse of older people: understanding professional and interproffesional responses'.British Society of Gerontology Annual Conference.  [unpublished]

Conference paper

Stanley, D., Gilbert, A., Penhale, B., Gilhooly, M., Harries, P., Davies, M. and et al. (2010) 'Detecting and preventing financial abuse of older adults: an analysis of policy documents'.Gerontological Society of America 63rd Annual Scientific Meeting. New Orleans. [unpublished]

Conference paper

Smyth, G., Harries, P. and Dorer, G. (2010) 'Mental health clients experiences of social inclusion in their community occupations'.15th World Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists. Chile, South America. [unpublished]

Conference paper

Lim, HBT., Atkinson, G., Karageorghis, CI. and Eubank, MM. (2009) 'Erratum: Effects of differentiated music on cycling time trial (International Journal of Sports Medicine (2009) 30 (435-442))'. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 30 (7). pp. 555. ISSN: 0172-4622

Journal article

Garrard, I., Sutherland, I., Fisher, D., Ignatova, SN. and van den Heuvel, R. (2009) 'Scale up in countercurrent chromatography'.CCC Workshop. Federal University of Rio de Janiero, Brazil. 14 - 18 December. [unpublished]

Conference paper

Garrard, I., Sutherland, I., Fisher, D., Ignatova, SN. and van den Heuvel, R. (2009) 'CCC solvent systems for natural products separations'.CCC Workshop. Federal University of Rio de Janiero, Brazil. 14 - 18 December. [unpublished]

Conference paper

Sutherland, IA., Hewitson, P. and Ignatova, S. (2009) 'Scale-up of counter-current chromatography: Demonstration of predictable isocratic and quasi-continuous operating modes from the test tube to pilot/process scale'. Journal of Chromatography A, 1216 (50). pp. 8787 - 8792. ISSN: 0021-9673

Journal article

Dorer, G., Harries, P. and Marston, L. (2009) 'Measuring social inclusion: A staff survey of mental health service users' participation in community occupations'. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 72 (12). pp. 520 - 530. ISSN: 0308-0226

Journal article

Tarverdi, K. (2009) 'Improving the mechanical recycling and reuse of mixed plastics and polymer composites', in Goodship, V. (ed.) Management, recycling and reuse of waste composites. Woodhead Publishing Limited. pp. 281 - 301. ISBN 10: 1845694627. ISBN 13: 9781845694623. Open Access Link

Book chapter

Tarverdi, K. and Sontikaew, S. (2009) 'Processing of pet nanocomposites with different percentage of surfactants using twin screw extrusion technology'. Annual Technical Conference - ANTEC, Conference Proceedings. pp. 75 - 79.

Conference paper

Bridger, JM., Odoemelan, EC., Arican, H., Mehta, IS., Raghavan, N., Ittiprasert, W., et al. (2009) 'SPATIAL REPOSITIONING OF GENE LOCI IN THE INTERPHASE NUCLEI OF BGE CELLS CO-CULTURED WITH SCHISTOSOMA MANSONI PARASITES'.58th Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Tropical-Medicine-and-Hygiene. Washington, DC. 18 - 22 November. AMER SOC TROP MED & HYGIENE. pp. 321 - 321. ISSN: 0002-9637

Conference paper

Mu, X., Kershaw, S., Li, Y., Guo, L., Qi, Y. and Reynolds, A. (2009) 'High-resolution carbon isotope changes in the Permian–Triassic boundary interval, Chongqing, South China; implications for control and growth of earliest Triassic microbialites'. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 36 (6). pp. 434 - 441. ISSN: 1367-9120 Open Access Link

Journal article

Mu, X., Kershaw, S., Li, Y., Guo, L., Qi, Y. and Reynolds, A. (2009) 'High-resolution carbon isotope changes in the Permian-Triassic boundary interval, Chongqing, South China; implications for control and growth of earliest Triassic microbialites'. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 36 (6). pp. 434 - 441. ISSN: 1367-9120

Journal article

Pascal, M., Goodman, P., Clancy, L., Zeka, A. and Schwartz, J. (2009) 'Excess mortality during heat waves in Ireland'.International Society for Environmental Epidemiology, Dublin, Ireland. Dublin, IRELAND. Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins. pp. S84 - S84. ISSN: 1044-3983 Open Access Link

Conference paper

Banning, M. (2009) 'A review of interventions used to improve adherence to medication in older people'. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 46 (11). pp. 1505 - 1515. ISSN: 1873-491X Open Access Link

Journal article

Tarverdi, K., Sontikaew, S. and Allan, P. (2009) 'Experimental study of extrusion and surface treatment of organo clay with PET nano-composites'.Polymer Process Engineering 09 (PPE09). University of Bradford. 27 - 28 October. Bradford University Press, UK. pp. 160 - 172.Open Access Link

Conference paper

Ignatova, SN., Fisher, D. and Sutherland, IA. (2009) 'High performance & high throughput counter-current chromatography for the isolation of active principles from traditional Chinese medicines'.Shanghai International Conference on TCM and Natural Medicine. Shanghai, China. 17 - 18 October. [unpublished]

Conference paper

Gosselin, K., Martien, S., Pourtier, A., Vercamer, C., Ostoich, P., Morat, L., et al. (2009) 'Senescence-associated oxidative DNA damage promotes the generation of neoplastic cells'. Cancer Research, 69 (20). pp. 7917 - 7925. ISSN: 0008-5472

Journal article

Sutherland, I. (2009) 'Scale-Up of CCC', inEncyclopedia of Chromatography, Third Edition (Print Version). CRC Press. ISBN 13: 9781420084597.

Book chapter

Wand, BM., Formby, P., O'Connell, NE., McAuley, JH. and De Souza, LH. (2009) 'Self-reported assessment of disability and performance-based assessment of disability are influenced by different patient characteristics in acute low back pain'.3rd International Conference in Movement Dysfunction. Edinburgh. [unpublished]

Conference paper

Szczerbal, I., Foster, HA. and Bridger, JM. (2009) 'The spatial repositioning of adipogenesis genes is correlated with their expression status in a porcine mesenchymal stem cell adipogenesis model system'. Chromosoma: biology of the nucleus, 118 (5). pp. 647 - 663. ISSN: 0009-5915

Journal article

Gilhooly, ML., Harries, P., Davies, M., Notley, L. and Cairns, D. (2009) 'Decision making in detecting financial elder abuse: a comparison of professionals in banking and social work(Abstract)'. GERONTOLOGICAL SOC AMER. pp. 72 - 72. ISSN: 0016-9013

Conference paper

Thompson, JL., Merrell, J., Bogin, B., Heinrich, M., Garaj, V. and Meier, P. (2009) 'MINA: Migration, Nutrition and Ageing across the Lifecourse in Bangladeshi Families: A Transnational Perspective'.The Age Concern Bristol and Brunelcare Research Forum: Delivering Effective Health and Social Care to Black and Minority Ethnic Elders. Bristol, UK.

Conference paper

Clarke, M., Fursse, J. and Jones, RW. (2009) 'Early experiences of the use of remote patient monitoring for the long term management of chronic disease'.36th Annual Computers in Cardiology Conference (CinC 2009). Park City, Utah. 13 - 16 September. IEEE. pp. 101 - 104. ISSN: 0276-6574

Conference paper

Al-Nabhan, M., Balachandran, W., Garaj, V., Sedoyeka, E. and Al-Nawayseh, M. (2009) 'An Adaptive and Accurate GPS Positioning Model for LBS Applications: Predefined User and Application Profiles'.The 2nd GNSS Vulnerabilities and Solutions Conference. Baška, Krk Island, Croatia.

Conference paper

Sutherland, IA. (2009) 'The UK consortium for the globalisation of Chinese medicines'.8th Consortium Meeting for the Globalisation of Chinese Medicine. Nottingham, UK. 26 - 28 August. [unpublished]

Conference paper

Fisher, D. and Sutherland, IA. (2009) 'CCC and Chinese herbal medicines'.Workshop at Brunel as part of the 8th Consortium Meeting for the Globalisation of Chinese Medicine. Brunel University, Uxbridge, UK. 26 - 28 August. [unpublished]

Conference paper

Wand, BM., McAuley, JH., Marston, L. and De Souza, LH. (2009) 'Predicting outcome in acute low back pain using different models of patient profiling'. Spine, 34 (18). pp. 1970 - 1975. ISSN: 0362-2436 Open Access Link

Journal article

Garrard, I., Sutherland, I., Fisher, D., Ignatova, SN. and van den Heuvel, R. (2009) 'High capacity CCC for fast isolation of natural products'.Royal Society of Chemistry Conference "Functional Molecules from Natural Sources". Oxford, UK. 6 - 8 July. [unpublished]

Conference paper

Joksic, G., Vujic, D., Guc-Scekic, M., Leskovac, A., Petrovic, S., Joksic, I. and et al. (2009) 'Gamma H2AX foci as possible tool in diagnostics of FA cellular phenotype'.7th European Cytogenetics Conference. Stockholm, SWEDEN. 4 - 7 July. SPRINGER. pp. 174 - 174. ISSN: 0967-3849

Conference paper

Banning, M., Hafeez, H., Faisal, S., Hassan, M. and Zafar, A. (2009) 'The impact of culture and sociological and psychological issues on Muslim patients with breast cancer in Pakistan'. Cancer Nursing, 32 (4). pp. 317 - 324. ISSN: 0162-220X Open Access Link

Journal article

Thompson, JL., Merrell, J., Bogin, B., Meier, P., Heinrich, M. and Garaj, V. (2009) 'MINA: Migration, Nutrition and Ageing across the Lifecourse in Bangladeshi Families: A Transnational Perspective'.The Cardiff Bangladeshi Reference Group Meeting. Cardiff, Wales, UK.

Conference paper

Ye, H., Ignatova, S., Peng, A., Chen, L. and Sutherland, IA. (2009) 'Optimising resolution for a preparative separation of Chinese herbal medicine using a surrogate model sample system'. Journal of Chromatography A, 1216 (26). pp. 5101 - 5105. ISSN: 0021-9673

Journal article

Rubio, N., Ignatova, SN., Sutherland, IA. and Minguillon, C. (2009) 'Multiple dual-mode counter-current chromatography applied to chiral separations'.15th International Conference on Biopartitioning and Purification (BPP2009). Brunel University, Uxbridge, UK. 14 - 19 June. [unpublished]

Conference paper

Guan, YH., Sutherland, IA. and Fisher, D. (2009) 'Protein separation using toroidal columns by type-J synchronous counter-current chromatography: scaling up by increasing the bore size'.15th International Conference on Biopartitioning and Purification (BPP2009). Brunel University, Uxbridge, UK. 14 - 19 June. [unpublished]

Conference paper

Siebers, R., Guan, YH., Fisher, D. and Sutherland, IA. (2009) 'Protein separation using detergent-based aqueous two-phase systems on counter-current chromatography'.15th International Conference on Biopartitioning and Purification (BPP2009). Brunel University, Uxbridge, UK. 14 - 19 June. [unpublished]

Conference paper

Hawes, D., Ignatova, SN., van den Heuvel, R. and Sutherland, IA. (2009) 'Non-synchronous preparative CCC – the next generation counter-current centrifuge where phase separation and mixing can be independently controlled'.15th International Conference on Biopartitioning and Purification (BPP2009). Brunel University, Uxbridge, UK. 14 - 19 June. [unpublished]

Conference paper

Bourton, E., Guan, YH., Sutherland, IA. and Fisher, D. (2009) 'Application led column design for protein separations in ATPS by countercurrent chromatography'.15th International Conference on Biopartitioning and Purification (BPP2009). Brunel University, Uxbridge, UK. 14 - 19 June. [unpublished]

Conference paper

Hush, JM., Refshauge, KM., Sullivan, G., De Souza, L. and McAuley, JH. (2009) 'What do patients think of Numerical Pain Rating scales and the Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire?'.Low Back Pain Forum. Boston. [unpublished]

Conference paper

Thompson, JL., Bogin, B., Garaj, V., Heinrich, M., Meier, P. and Merrell, J. (2009) 'Migration, Nutrition and Ageing across the Lifecourse in Bangladeshi Families: A Transnational Perspective (Project MINA)'.The Ethnicity and Health Conference: How to Modify Health Promotion Interventions to Meet the Needs of Ethnic Minority Groups?. London, UK.

Conference paper

Grigoriadis, AE., Kennedy, M., Bozec, A., Stenbeck, G., Wagner, EF. and Keller, G. (2009) 'Directed differentiation of human embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells to functional osteoclasts'.36th European Symposium on Calcified Tissues. Vienna, AUSTRIA. 23 - 27 May. ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC. pp. S216 - S216. ISSN: 8756-3282

Conference paper

Cooley, C., Baird, KM., Faure, V., Wenner, T., Stewart, JL., Modino, S., et al. (2009) 'Trf1 is not required for proliferation or functional telomere maintenance in chicken DT40 cells'. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 20 (10). pp. 2563 - 2571. ISSN: 1059-1524 Open Access Link

Journal article

Garrard, I., Sutherland, I., Fisher, D., Ignatova, SN. and van den Heuvel, R. (2009) 'The role of counter-current chromatography in the fractionation and identification of plant based extracts'.International Exhibition-Congress on Chemical Engineering, Environmental Protection and Biotechnology (ACEMA2009). Frankfurt am Main, Germany. 11 - 15 May. [unpublished]

Conference paper

Sutherland, IA., Hewitson, P. and Ignatova, S. (2009) 'New 18-l process-scale counter-current chromatography centrifuge'. Journal of Chromatography A, 1216 (19). pp. 4201 - 4205. ISSN: 0021-9673

Journal article

van den Heuvel, R. and Sutherland, IA. (2009) 'Phase distribution visualisation in continuous counter-current extraction'. Journal of Chromatography A, 1216 (19). pp. 4252 - 4257. ISSN: 0021-9673

Journal article

van den Heuvel, R., Mathews, B., Dubant, S. and Sutherland, I. (2009) 'Continuous counter-current extraction on an industrial sample using dual-flow counter-current chromatography'. Journal of Chromatography A, 1216 (19). pp. 4147 - 4153. ISSN: 0021-9673

Journal article

Hewitson, P., Ignatova, S., Ye, H., Chen, L. and Sutherland, I. (2009) 'Intermittent counter-current extraction as an alternative approach to purification of Chinese herbal medicine'. Journal of Chromatography A, 1216 (19). pp. 4187 - 4192. ISSN: 0021-9673

Journal article

Odoemelam, E., Raghavan, N., Miller, A., Bridger, JM. and Knight, M. (2009) 'Revised karyotyping and gene mapping of the Biomphalaria glabrata embryonic (Bge) cell line'. International Journal for Parasitology, 39 (6). pp. 675 - 681. ISSN: 0020-7519 Open Access Link

Journal article

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