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Caporale, GM. and Pittis, N. (1995) 'Inflation convergence in the EMS:some additional evidence - A reply'. Review of World Economics, 131 (3). pp. 587 - 593. ISSN: 1610-2878

Journal article

Caporale, GM., Hassapis, C. and Pittis, N. (1995) 'Excess returns in the EMS: do 'weak' currencies still exist after the widening of the fluctuation bands?'. Review of World Economics, 131 (2). pp. 326 - 338. ISSN: 1610-2878

Journal article

Caporale, GM. and Pittis, N. (1995) 'Nominal exchange rate regimes and the stochastic behavior of real variables'. Journal of International Money and Finance, 14 (3). pp. 395 - 415. ISSN: 0261-5606

Journal article

Caporale, GM. (1995) 'Bubble finance and debt sustainability: a test of the government's intertemporal budget constraint'. Applied Economics, 27 (12). pp. 1135 - 1143. ISSN: 0003-6846

Journal article

Barrell, R., Caporale, GM., Hall, SG. and Garratt, A. (1994) 'Learning about monetary union: an analysis of bounded rational learning in European labour markets', in Hall, SG. (ed.) Applied Economic Forecasting Techniques. Harvester Wheatsheaf, London. pp. 173-190 - 173-190.

Book chapter

Barrell, R., Caporale, GM. and Sefton, J. (1994) 'Prospects for European unemployment', in Michie, J. and Grieve Smith, J. (eds.) Unemployment in Europe. Academic Press, Cambridge. pp. 32 - 44.

Book chapter

Caporale, GM. and Pittis, N. (1994) 'Persistence in realvariables under alternative exchange rate regimes - Somemulti-country evidence'. Economics Letters, 45 (1). pp. 93 - 102. ISSN: 0165-1765

Journal article

Caporale, GM. (1994) 'The measurement of productivity and marketstructure in the UK'. Bulletin of Economic Research, 46 (1). pp. 61 - 70. ISSN: 0307-3378

Journal article

Caporale, GM. (1993) 'Productivity shocks and business cycles'. Applied Economics, 25 (8). pp. 1065 - 1070. ISSN: 0003-6846

Journal article

Caporale, GM. and Pittis, N. (1993) 'Common stochastic trends and inflation convergence in the EMS'. Review of World Economics, 129 (2). pp. 207 - 215. ISSN: 1610-2878

Journal article

Caporale, GM. (1993) 'Is Europe an optimum currency area? Symmetricversus asymmetric shocks in the EC'. National Institute Economic Review, 144 (2). pp. 95 - 103. ISSN: 0027-9501

Journal article

Barrell, R., Anderton, R., Caporale, GM. and In’t Veld, JW. (1993) 'The World Economy'. National Institute Economic Review, 145 (1). pp. 43 - 63. ISSN: 0027-9501

Journal article

Caporale, GM. (1992) 'Fiscal solvency in Europe: budget deficits andgovernment debt under European Monetary Union'. National Institute Economic Review, 140 (2). pp. 69 - 77. ISSN: 0027-9501

Journal article

Anderton, R., Barrell, R. and Caporale, G. (1992) 'The World Economy'. National Institute Economic Review, 139 (1). pp. 27 - 45. ISSN: 0027-9501

Journal article

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