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Caldwell, C., MacBean, V., Hunt, K. and Greenough, A. (2019) 'Parental views on attending neonatal intensive care ward rounds'. BMJ Paediatrics Open, 3 (1). pp. e000449 - e000449. ISSN: 2399-9772 Open Access Link

Journal article

Simpson, AJ., Horne, S., Sharp, P., Sharps, R. and Kippelen, P. (2019) 'Effect of creatine supplementation on the airways of youth elite soccer players'. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 51 (8). pp. 1582 - 1590. ISSN: 0195-9131 Open Access Link

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Chiesa, S., Trangmar, S., Watanabe, K. and González-Alonso, J. (2019) 'Integrative human cardiovascular responses to hyperthermia', in Périard, J. and Racinais, S. (eds.) Heat Stress in Sport and Exercise - Thermophysiology of Health and Performance. Springer International Publishing. pp. 45 - 65. ISBN 13: 9783319935140. Open Access Link

Book chapter

Westbrook, J. and MacBean, V. (2019) 'The influence of affective state on respiratory muscle activity'. Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging, 39 (4). pp. 291 - 295. ISSN: 1475-097X Open Access Link

Journal article

Vidotto, LS., Carvalho, CRFD., Harvey, A. and Jones, M. (2019) 'Dysfunctional breathing: what do we know?'. Jornal brasileiro de pneumologia : publicacao oficial da Sociedade Brasileira de Pneumologia e Tisilogia, 45 (1). pp. 1 - 9. ISSN: 1806-3756 Open Access Link

Journal article

Williams, S., Porter, M., Westbrook, J., Rafferty, GF. and MacBean, V. (2019) 'The influence of posture on parasternal intercostal muscle activity in healthy young adults'. Physiological Measurement, 40 (1). pp. 01NT03 - 01NT03. ISSN: 0967-3334 Open Access Link

Journal article

Trangmar, SJ. and González-Alonso, J. (2019) 'Heat, Hydration and the Human Brain, Heart and Skeletal Muscles'. Sports Medicine, 49 (S1). pp. 69 - 85. ISSN: 0112-1642 Open Access Link

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Lee, B., Gibson, O., Thake, C., Tipton, M., Hawley, J. and Cotter, J. (2019) 'Editorial: Cross Adaptation and Cross Tolerance in Human Health and Disease'. Frontiers in Physiology, 10 (JAN). pp. 1827. ISSN: 1664-042X Open Access Link

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Hill, AT., Sullivan, AL., Chalmers, JD., De Soyza, A., Elborn, JS., Floto, RA., et al. (2018) 'British Thoracic Society guideline for bronchiectasis in adults (BMJ Open)'. BMJ Open Respiratory Research, 5 (1). pp. 1 - 16. ISSN: 2052-4439 Open Access Link

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Gibson, O., Wrightson, J. and Hayes, M. (2018) 'Intermittent sprint performance in the heat is not altered by augmenting thermal perception via L-Menthol or Capsaicin mouth rinses'. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 119 (3). pp. 653 - 664. ISSN: 1439-6319 Open Access Link

Journal article

Willmott, AGB., Hayes, M., James, C., Dekerle, J., Gibson, O. and Maxwell, N. (2018) 'Once- and twice-daily heat acclimation confer similar heat adaptations, inflammatory responses and exercise tolerance improvements.'. Physiological Reports, 6 (24). pp. e13936 - e13936. ISSN: 2051-817X Open Access Link

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Hill, AT., Sullivan, A., Chalmers, J., De Soyza, A., Elborn, S., Floto, A., et al. (2018) 'British Thoracic Society Guideline for bronchiectasis in adults'. Thorax, 74 (Suppl. 1). pp. 1 - 69. ISSN: 0040-6376 Open Access Link

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Harvey, A., Grimsey, L. and Schreuder, FM. (2018) 'Pulmonary rehabilitation improves exercise capacity, dyspnoea, and self reported quality of life in individuals with interstitial lung disease: A retrospective review'. Journal of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Respiratory Care, 50. pp. 6 - 16. ISSN: 2059-0199

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Marshall, H., Romer, LM., Hull, JH., Gibson, OR. and Kippelen, P. (2018) 'P225 Effects of systemic dehydration and subsequent systemic or local rehydration on lung function in healthy individuals'.British Thoracic Society Winter Meeting 2018, QEII Centre, Broad Sanctuary, Westminster, London SW1P 3EE, 5 to 7 December 2018, Programme and Abstracts. Westminster, ENGLAND. 7 - 7 December. BMJ Publishing Group Ltd and British Thoracic Society. pp. A223 - A224. ISSN: 0040-6376

Conference paper

Pomella, N., Wilhelm, EN., Kolyva, C., González-Alonso, J., Rakobowchuk, M. and Khir, AW. (2018) 'Reply to Mynard et al'. American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology, 315 (5). pp. H1496 - H1498. ISSN: 0363-6135 Open Access Link

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Jones, M., Harvey, A. and Corner, E. (2018) 'Intensive Care Unit Acquired Weakness and Physical Rehabilitation', in Handy, J. and Bersten, A. (eds.) Oh's Intensive Care Manual E-Book. [Oxford, U.K.; New York, N.Y., USA] : Elsevier Health Sciences. , 8th ed.. ISBN 10: 0702076066. ISBN 13: 9780702076060.

Book chapter

Gibson, O., Wrightson, JG. and Hayes, M. (2018) 'Intermittent Sprint Performance in the Heat is not altered by augmenting thermal perception via L-Menthol or Capsaicin mouth rinses'.European Congress of Sport Sciences. Dublin, Ireland.

Conference paper

Silva Vidotto, LS., Bigliassi, M., Jones, MO., Harvey, A. and Carvalho, CRF. (2018) 'Stop Thinking! I Can't! Do Attentional Mechanisms Underlie Primary Dysfunctional Breathing?'. Frontiers in Physiology-Respiratory Physiology, 9 (JUN). pp. 1 - 4. ISSN: 1664-042X Open Access Link

Journal article

Taylor, SAF., Kedgley, A., Humphries, A. and Shaheen, A. (2018) 'Simulated activities of daily living do not replicate functional upper limb movement or reduce movement variability'. Journal of Biomechanics, 76. pp. 119 - 128. ISSN: 0021-9290 Open Access Link

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Harvey, A., Domislic, B. and Shannon, H. (2018) 'Developmental outcome measures in neonatal physiotherapy services of the United Kingdom: a survey of current use, and facilitators and barriers to their implementation'. Association of Paediatric Chartered Physiotherapists Journal, 9 (1). ISSN: 1368-7360 Open Access Link

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MacBean, V., Lunt, A., Drysdale, SB., Yarzi, MN., Rafferty, GF. and Greenough, A. (2018) 'Predicting healthcare outcomes in prematurely born infants using cluster analysis'. Pediatric Pulmonology, 53 (8). pp. 1067 - 1072. ISSN: 8755-6863 Open Access Link

Journal article

James, CA., Richardson, AJ., Willmott, AGB., Watt, PW., Gibson, OR. and Maxwell, NS. (2018) 'Short-term heat acclimation and precooling, independently and combined, improve 5 km running performance in the heat'. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 32 (5). pp. 1366 - 1375. ISSN: 1064-8011 Open Access Link

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Kippelen, P., Anderson, SD. and Hallstrand, TS. (2018) 'Mechanisms and Biomarkers of Exercise-Induced Bronchoconstriction'. Immunology and Allergy Clinics of North America, 38 (2). pp. 165 - 182. ISSN: 0889-8561 Open Access Link

Journal article

Holland, L., Willmott, AGB., Gibson, O., Maxwell, NS. and Hayes, M. (2018) 'Repeatedly training in a sauna suit induces similar magnitudes of physiological and perceptual adaptations to chamber-based heat acclimation protocol'.BASES (British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences) Student Conference. Nortumbria, UK.

Conference paper

Roscoe, D., Roberts, AJ., Hulse, D., Shaheen, A., Hughes, MP. and Bennett, A. (2018) 'Barefoot plantar pressure measurement in Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome'. Gait and Posture, 63 (June). pp. 10 - 16. ISSN: 0966-6362 Open Access Link

Journal article

Willmott, AGB., Gibson, O., James, CA., Hayes, M. and Maxwell, NS. (2018) 'Physiological and perceptual responses to exercising in restrictive heat loss attire with use of an upper-body sauna suit in temperate and hot conditions.'. Temperature, 5 (2). pp. 162 - 174. ISSN: 2332-8959 Open Access Link

Journal article

Shaheen, AF., Sourlas, A., Horton, K., McLean, C., Ewins, D., Gould, D. and et al. (2018) 'Effects of lighting illuminance levels on stair negotiation performance in individuals with visual impairment'. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 39. pp. 8 - 15. ISSN: 1050-6411 Open Access Link

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Chatfield, S., Booth, S., Godfrey, R., Pattni, J., Scalco, R. and Quinlivan, R. (2018) 'Evaluating the 12-minute walk test in McArdle disease'.11th UK Neuromuscular Translational Research Conference. Fitzwilliam Coll, Cambridge, ENGLAND. Elsevier BV. pp. S38 - S38. ISSN: 0960-8966

Conference paper

Pomella, N., Wilhelm, EN., Kolyva, C., González-Alonso, J., Rakobowchuk, M. and Khir, AW. (2018) 'Noninvasive Assessment of the Common Carotid Artery Hemodynamics with Increasing Exercise Workrate Using Wave Intensity Analysis'. American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 315 (2). pp. H233 - H241. ISSN: 0363-6135 Open Access Link

Journal article

Macbean, V., Pooranampillai, D., Howard, C., Lunt, A. and Greenough, A. (2018) 'The influence of dilution on the offline measurement of exhaled nitric oxide'. Physiological Measurement, 39 (2). pp. 025004 - 025004. ISSN: 0967-3334 Open Access Link

Journal article

Hills, L., Horne, S., Baltzopoulos, B. and Crawley, N. (2018) 'Injury Risk in Adult Mixed Futsal and Football'.


MacBean, V., Drysdale, SB., Yarzi, MN., Peacock, JL., Rafferty, GF. and Greenough, A. (2018) 'Respiratory viral infections in infancy and school age respiratory outcomes and healthcare costs'. Pediatric Pulmonology, 53 (3). pp. 342 - 348. ISSN: 8755-6863 Open Access Link

Journal article

Roscoe, D., Roberts, AJ., Hulse, D., Shaheen, AF., Hughes, MP. and Bennet, AN. (2018) 'Effects of anterior compartment fasciotomy on intramuscular compartment pressure in patients with chronic exertional compartment syndrome'. Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps, 164 (5). pp. jramc-2017-000895 - jramc-2017-000895. ISSN: 0035-8665 Open Access Link

Journal article

Connolly, B., Maddocks, M., MacBean, V., Bernal, W., Hart, N., Hopkins, P. and et al. (2017) 'Nonvolitional assessment of tibialis anterior force and architecture during critical illness'. Muscle and Nerve, 57 (6). pp. 964 - 972. ISSN: 0148-639X Open Access Link

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Quinlivan, R., Andreu, AL., Martí, R., Andreu, A., Godfrey, R., Haller, R., et al. (2017) '211th ENMC International Workshop:: Development of diagnostic criteria and management strategies for McArdle Disease and related rare glycogenolytic disorders to improve standards of care. 17–19 April 2015, Naarden, The Netherlands'. Neuromuscular Disorders, 27 (12). pp. 1143 - 1151. ISSN: 0960-8966

Journal article

Zhu, X., Cirovic, S., Shaheen, A. and Xu, W. (2017) 'Investigation of fullerenol-induced changes in poroelasticity of human hepatocellular carcinoma by AFM-based creep tests'. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 17 (3). pp. 665 - 674. ISSN: 1617-7959 Open Access Link

Journal article

Thain, A., Silva Vidotto, L., Harvey, A. and Jones, MO. (2017) 'The Prevalence of Dysfunctional Breathing and its Association with Personality Type in a University Population'.British Thoracic Society Winter Meeting. Queen Elizabeth Conference Centre. 15 - 8 December. BMJ Publishing Group Ltd and British Thoracic Society. pp. A161 - A162. ISSN: 0040-6376 Open Access Link

Conference paper

Willmott, AGB., James, CA., Gibson, O., Hayes, M., Dekerle, J. and Maxwell, NS. (2017) 'The efficacy of twice daily long-term heat acclimation on heat acclimation state, immune function and exercise tolerance'.The 17th International Conference on Environmental Ergonomics (ICEE). Kobe, Japan.

Conference paper

Wilhelm, EN., González-Alonso, J., Chiesa, ST., Trangmar, SJ., Kalsi, KK. and Rakobowchuk, M. (2017) 'Whole-body heat stress and exercise stimulate the appearance of platelet microvesicles in plasma with limited influence of vascular shear stress'. Physiological Reports, 5 (21). pp. e13496. ISSN: 2051-817X Open Access Link

Journal article

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Conference paper

Scalco, R., Manole, A., Chatfield, S., Booth, S., Wigley, R., Pattni, J., et al. (2017) 'Exercise profile in patients with SLC2A9 homozygous mutation and a history of exercise induced kidney failure'. Elsevier BV. pp. S207 - S207. ISSN: 0960-8966

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Wigley, R., Scalco, R., Gardiner, A., Booth, S., Chatfield, S., Godfrey, R., et al. (2017) 'Different kinetic profiles of 2 patients presenting with muscle b-enolase deficiency'. Elsevier BV. pp. S204 - S204. ISSN: 0960-8966

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Scalco, R., Morrow, J., Booth, S., Chatfield, S., Godfrey, R. and Quinlivan, R. (2017) 'Misdiagnosis and diagnostic delay in McArdle disease'. Elsevier BV. pp. S204 - S204. ISSN: 0960-8966

Conference paper

MacBean, V., Reilly, CC., Rafferty, GF. and Kolyra, E. (2017) 'Dance as a rehabilitative strategy for patients with COPD'.European Respiratory Society (ERS) International Congress. Milan, ITALY. 1 - 13 September. European Respiratory Society. pp. PA3715 - PA3715. ISSN: 0903-1936 Open Access Link

Conference paper

Horne, SL., Cosby, A. and Hills, L. (2017) 'Video-based analysis of injury incidents and mechanisms in elite female football.'.


Humphries, A., Cirovic, S. and Shaheen, AF. (2017) 'Shoulder Bone Geometry Affects the Active and Passive Axial Rotational Range of the Glenohumeral Joint'. The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 45 (13). pp. 3010 - 3019. ISSN: 0363-5465 Open Access Link

Journal article

Barrington, JH., Chrismas, BCR., Gibson, O., Tuttle, JA., Pegrum, J., Govilkar, S., et al. (2017) 'Hypoxic Air Inhalation and Ischemia Interventions Both Elicit Preconditioning Which Attenuate Subsequent Cellular Stress In vivo Following Blood Flow Occlusion and Reperfusion'. Frontiers in Physiology, 8 (AUG). pp. 560. ISSN: 1664-042X Open Access Link

Journal article

Trangmar, SJ. and González-Alonso, J. (2017) 'New insights into the impact of dehydration on blood flow and metabolism during exercise'. Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews, 45 (3). pp. 146 - 153. ISSN: 0091-6331

Journal article

Tuttle, JA., Chrismas, BCR., Gibson, O., Barrington, JH., Hughes, DC., Castle, PC., et al. (2017) 'The Hsp72 and Hsp90α mRNA responses to hot downhill running are reduced following a prior bout of hot downhill running, and occur concurrently within leukocytes and the vastus lateralis'. Frontiers in Physiology, 8 (JUL). pp. 473. ISSN: 1664-042X Open Access Link

Journal article

Tuffnell, R., Davis, D., Lord, V., Haggis, L., Patel, I. and Harvey, A. (2017) 'Healthcare professionals' (HCPs) attitudes towards referring patients to pulmonary rehabilitation (PR); a cross sectional exploratory survey'.ERS International Congress. Milan. [unpublished]

Conference paper

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