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Tax in Outer Space
Funder: BRIL, Brunel University London
Duration: -

• Are the existing principles of international taxation sufficient for the taxation of activities in space? • Who should have taxing rights – tax authorities on Earth or somewhere else? • When should tax be considered in attempting to set up communities in Space? • How does tax tie in with the Outer Space Treaty of 1967?

A Case Study on UK Exports in Goods Post-Brexit: Models of Mutual Recognition in EU Internal Market Law and International Trade Law
Funder: Research Centre for Law, Economics & Finance
Duration: August 2023 - July 2024

This project seeks to compare methods or models of mutual recognition (MR) and conformity assessment (CA) pre-Brexit and post-Brexit in UK trading practice, through a comparative assessment of EU law with international trade law and to situate UK practice within the range of available MR models or methods. The aim of the study, and its potential for policy impact, is to identify in what ways UK practice post-Brexit could be rationalised or streamlined based on international good practice. Even though the UK is no longer within the system of mutual recognition of EU law, and the general presumption of mutual trust inherent in it, to what extent can the EU and other MR practices be a basis for a more general, cross-sectorial approach to MR by the UK in future trading relationships? The proposed study would seek to advance the existing literature by (i) addressing the issue of MR and CA in the context of Brexit, including through empirical data, and (ii) to a greater extent seeing to identify what general principles can be abstracted from the range of existing practices to inform future UK policy options, in particular, through comparison with the ‘EU model’ and how UK trade rules, especially in UK Free Trade Agreements (FTAs), have moved away from the EU MR model since Brexit.

Policy Engagement Grant
Funder: Brunel University
Duration: May 2022 - July 2022

Policy engagement in the context of the UK Ministerial on Freedom of Religion or Belief

Pakistan-UK Higher Education Links
Funder: British Council
Duration: January 2022 - December 2022

British Council PAKISTAN-UK HIGHER EDUCATION LINKS grant - Proposal for Improved Awareness, Advocacy and Inclusion of Transgender Students at University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan

Law, Religion, Culture and Innovation Research Cluster
Funder: CBASS Centre for Entrepreneurship and Sustainability
Duration: September 2021 -
Visiting Professor in IP and Innovation
Funder: CBASS Centre for Entrepreneurship and Sustainability
Duration: September 2021 -

Hosting Dr Roya Ghafele from OxFirst in connection with a project on IP Management

Human Rights & Religion: the legacy of the Brazilian 1962 North-Eastern Conference for public theology and democracy
Funder: Institute for Communities and Society, Brunel University
Duration: August 2021 - August 2022
Modelling predicting and dealing with migration flows : ITFLOWS
Funder: European Commission
Duration: September 2020 - August 2023

I was the PI representing the intra-disciplinary team of Brunel University in a cohort of 13 institutions and being in charge of the human rights elements.

Religion and Sustainable Development
Funder: Global Challenges Research Fund
Duration: March 2020 - July 2021
Milking the Thistle
Funder: IEHS
Duration: August 2018 - February 2019

Assessing the bioreactive fraction of the thislte in DNA damage repair and ageing

Knowing Our Rights
Funder: Open Society Justice Initiative, Open Society Foundations
Duration: December 2016 - July 2017
Britain in Europe: Criminal Justice and Human Rights Debates
Funder: Brunel University Annual Research Seminar Series
Duration: -
Migrant and Refugee Challenges in Europe
Funder: Brunel University Annual Research Seminar Series
Duration: -
Training of public servants in Europe
Funder: Observatory on Local Autonomy (OLA)
Duration: November 2016 - June 2017

Questionnaire on the initial training of public servants in Europe, for which I contributed the report on the Republic of Ireland.

Migrant and Refugee Challenges in Europe
Funder: Brunel University
Duration: September 2016 -

his seminar series aims at giving Brunel staff, international experts, decision-makers, practitioners and Brunel students a better understanding of the consequences of the recent sudden influx of migrants and refugees in Europe and the measures adopted or considered by European states to deal with the crisis. The series will use academics from various disciplines (law, politics, philosophy, history and education) as well as decision-makers and practitioners from the grassroots to share insights into the crisis and figure out possible ways forward. Although the media are never too far away from the unfolding crisis, the academy has not yet had the time and space to explore at length the legality and the consequences of the measures considered to deal with the crisis. In addition, the big headlines and the emotive rhetoric have encouraged knee-jerk reactions that limit human rights. The seminar series aims at encouraging Brunel staff to use their expertise in various areas in order to tackle issues relevant to this crisis. Hence, one of the objectives of the series is to put Brunel colleagues in touch with international experts, decision-makers and practitioners in a knowledge transfer exercise that will hopefully lead to influencing the debate in the UK and in Greece, which is the main state at the centre of the crisis. Many issues regarding the refugee and migrant crisis are linked to research areas where Brunel has an expertise. The rights of refugees and the responses of states are linked to Brunel’s strength in international law. Non-discrimination issues are the expertise of several senior and junior staff. The states’ responsibilities towards unaccompanied children, women who come from post-conflict areas; Muslims; the security threat rhetoric; all touch on research already conducted by CBASS colleagues. The ‘universal adversary’ (Neocleous, 2016) has again been at the forefront of media headlines when it was revealed that some of the suspects implicated in the Brussels bombing came from Turkey to Greece and then to Belgium, have been discussed by CBASS staff. In addition, concerns about cultural attitudes of migrants, and especially Muslims, have been repeatedly reported after the incident in Cologne in New Year eve 2016 when a large number allegedly of migrants sexually assaulted tens of women, are the subject of intense CBASS research. These issues have only been discussed in a rather superficial way with respect to the current crisis, partly because of the multi-disciplinarity of the challenges involved. The main objective of the seminar series is to use CBASS expertise and contacts to serve the aim of working towards a cross-discipline, cross-national informal network on migrants and refugees that will engage in further activities and search for funding.

Visiting research grant at the iCourts centre of the University of Copenhagen
Funder: Danish National Research Foundation
Duration: August 2015 - September 2015
Funder: UK Department for International Development
Duration: - July 2015
SEARCH - Sharing knowledgE Assets: inteRregionally Cohesive neigHbourhoods
Funder: European Commission
Duration: August 2011 - July 2014
An analysis of the future of mutu al recognition in criminal matters in the European Union
Funder: Universite Libre De Bruxelles
Duration: January 2008 - November 2008

I contributed the Irish section to an EU-wide study on the application of mutual recogniton in EU criminal justice. The final overall report wass presented to the European Commission, including in a meeting in the Commission, as well as leading to a follow-up academic analysis in a book published in 2009 by Bruylant.

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