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McGrath, K. (2021) 'Accuracy and Explainability in Artificial Intelligence: Unpacking the Terms'.42nd International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Austin, TX, USA. 12 - 15 December. pp. 1 - 9.Open Access Link

Conference paper

Young, T., Soorapanth, S., Wilkerson, J., Millburg, L., Roberts, T. and Morgareidge, D. (2020) 'The costs and value of modelling-based design in healthcare delivery: five case studies from the US'. Health Systems, 9 (3). pp. 253 - 262. ISSN: 2047-6965

Journal article

Young, T. and Soorapanth, S. (2019) 'ASSESSING THE VALUE OF MODELING AND SIMULATION IN HEALTH CARE: AN EXAMPLE BASED ON INCREASING ACCESS TO STROKE TREATMENT'. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 70 (2). pp. 226 - 236. ISSN: 0160-5682 Open Access Link

Journal article

Young, T. and Klein, JH. (2019) 'Information systems in health: what do you need and how will you get it?', in L, G. and RM, R. (eds.) Patient Centered healthcare Technology: The Way to Better Health. IET publishing. ISBN 10: 1785615653. Open Access Link

Book chapter

Clarke, M., gokalp, H., verma, V., de folter, J., jursse, J. and jones, R. (2018) 'Integrated Telehealth and Telecare for Monitoring Frail elderly with Chronic Disease'. Telemedicine and e-Health, 24 (12). pp. 940 - 957. ISSN: 1530-5627 Open Access Link

Journal article

Vasileiou, K., Barnett, J., Thorpe, S. and Young, T. (2018) 'Characterising and justifying sample size sufficiency in interview-based studies: systematic analysis of qualitative health research over a 15-year period'. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 18 (1). pp. 148. ISSN: 1471-2288 Open Access Link

Journal article

Young, T., Morton, A. and Soorapanth, S. (2018) 'Systems, design and value-for-money in the NHS: mission impossible?'. Future Healthcare Journal, 5 (3). pp. 156 - 159. ISSN: 2055-3323 Open Access Link

Journal article

Clarke, M., Jones, RW., Connolly, N., Fursse, J. and Sharma, U. (2018) 'Evaluation of the National Health Services (NHS) Direct Pilot Telehealth programme: cost-effectiveness analysis'. Telemedicine and e-Health, 24 (1). pp. 67 - 76. ISSN: 1530-5627 Open Access Link

Journal article

Jahangirian, M., Taylor, SJE., Young, T. and Robinson, S. (2017) 'Key performance indicators for successful simulation projects'. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 68 (7). pp. 747 - 765. ISSN: 0160-5682 Open Access Link

Journal article

Clarke, M. and Ondiege, B. (2017) 'Investigating User Identification in Remote Patient Monitoring Devices'. Bioengineering, 4 (4). pp. 76 - 76. ISSN: 2306-5354 Open Access Link

Journal article

Clarke, M., de Folter, J., verma, V. and gokalp, H. (2017) 'Interoperable End-to-End Remote Patient Monitoring Platform based on IEEE 11073 PHD and ZigBee Health Care Profile'. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 65 (5). pp. 1014 - 1025. ISSN: 0018-9294 Open Access Link

Journal article

Eatock, JA., Cooke, MW. and Young, TP. (2017) 'Performing or not performing: what’s in a target?'. Future Hospital Journal, 4 (3). pp. 167 - 172. ISSN: 2055-3331 Open Access Link

Journal article

Clarke, M. and Ondiege, B. (2017) 'Healthcare professionals’ perception of security of Personal Health Devices'. Smart Homecare Technology and TeleHealth, 2017 (4). pp. 35 - 42. ISSN: 2253-1564 Open Access Link

Journal article

Kuljis, J., Money, A., Young, T., Perry, M. and Barnett, J. (2016) 'Technology assisted self-testing and management of oral anticoagulation therapy: A qualitative patient-focused study'. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 31 (3). pp. 603 - 607. ISSN: 1471-6712 Open Access Link

Journal article

Greenhalgh, T., Annandale, E., Ashcroft, R., Barlow, J., Black, N., Bleakley, A., et al. (2016) 'An open letter to The BMJ editors on qualitative research'. BMJ-BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL, 352. pp. i563 - i563. ISSN: 1756-1833 Open Access Link

Journal article

Girling, A., Lilford, R., Cole, A. and Young, T. (2016) 'HEADROOM APPROACH TO DEVICE DEVELOPMENT: CURRENT AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS'. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 31 (5). pp. 1 - 8. ISSN: 0266-4623 Open Access Link

Journal article

McGrath, K. (2016) 'Identity verification and societal challenges: Explaining the gap between service provision and development outcomes'. MIS Quarterly, 40 (2). pp. 485 - 500. ISSN: 0276-7783 Open Access Link

Journal article

Bell, D., Turchi, T., Kashefi, A., Young, T. and Saleh, N. (2016) 'A data-driven agent based simulation platform for Early Health economics device evaluation'. Simulation Series. pp. 33 - 40. ISSN: 0735-9276

Conference paper

Ondiege, B., Clarke, M. and Mapp, G. (2016) 'Exploring security of remote patient monitoring devices using NFC technology for identification of the frail elderly'. Proceedings of the International Conference on E-Health, EH 2016 - Part of the Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems 2016. pp. 192 - 196.

Conference paper

Brailsford, S., Klein, JH. and Young, T. (2015) 'Evidence from healthcare modeling: What is its nature, and how should it be used?'.2015 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC). Huntington Beach, CA. 10 - 9 December. IEEE. pp. 1483 - 1491. ISSN: 0891-7736

Conference paper

Soorapanth, S. and Young, T. (2015) 'Evaluating the financial impact of modeling and simulation in healthcare: Proposed framework with a case study'.2015 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC). Huntington Beach, CA. 10 - 9 December. IEEE. pp. 1492 - 1502. ISSN: 0891-7736 Open Access Link

Conference paper

Gokalp, H. and Clarke, M. (2015) 'Analysis of daily oxygen saturation for detecting deterioration in the condition of COPD patients'.2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). Milan, ITALY. 4 - 29 August. IEEE. pp. 6840 - 6843. ISSN: 1557-170X

Conference paper

Al-Hajeri, M. and Clarke, M. (2015) 'Future trends in Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS)'.2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). United States. 4 - 29 August. IEEE. pp. 6844 - 6847. ISSN: 1557-170X

Conference paper

Gokalp, H., Clarke, M., Fursse, J. and Jones, RW. (2015) 'Dynamic Threshold Analysis of Daily Oxygen Saturation for Improved Management of COPD Patients'. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (J-BHI), 20 (5). pp. 1352 - 1360. ISSN: 2168-2194 Open Access Link

Journal article

Young, T., Brailsford, S., Berr, R., Braun, H., Cordeaux, C., Chaussalet, T., et al. (2015) 'Improving the NHS demands more than just extra money'. BMJ (Online), 350 (jun24 9). pp. h3338 - h3338. ISSN: 0959-8146

Journal article

Papazafeiropoulou, A. and Spanaki, K. (2015) 'Understanding governance, risk and compliance information systems (GRC IS): The experts view'. Information Systems Frontiers, 18 (6). pp. 1251 - 1263. ISSN: 1387-3326 Open Access Link

Journal article

Ho, CH., Chiu, KH., Chen, H. and Papazafeiropoulou, A. (2015) 'Can internet blogs be used as an effective advertising tool? The role of product blog type and brand awareness'. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 28 (3). pp. 346 - 362. ISSN: 1741-0398

Journal article

Clarke, M., Fursse, J., Gokalp, H., Sharma, U. and Jones, RW. (2015) 'Whole population management of patients with diabetes'.2014 Health Innovations and POCT. Seattle, WA. 10 - 10 October. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.. pp. 197 - 198.Open Access Link

Conference paper

Mousavi, A., Komashie, A., Clarkson, J. and Young, T. (2015) 'An integrated model of patient and staff satisfaction using queuing theory'. IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine, 3 (2015). pp. 1 - 10. ISSN: 2168-2372 Open Access Link

Journal article

Clarke, M. and Mars, M. (2015) 'An Investigation into the Use of 3G Mobile Communications to Provide Telehealth Services in Rural KwaZulu-Natal'. Telemedicine Journal and eHealth, 21 (2). pp. 115 - 119. ISSN: 1530-5627 Open Access Link

Journal article

Bär, D., Wimmer, MA., Glova, J., Papazafeiropoulou, A. and Brooks, L. (2015) 'Analysis of Five Policy Cases in the Field of Energy Policy', inPublic Administration and Information Technology. Springer International Publishing. , 10. pp. 355 - 378. ISBN 13: 9783319127835.

Book chapter

Al-Hajeri, M. and Clarke, M. (2015) 'Future trends in picture archiving and communication system (PACS)'. Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE, 9418. pp. 94180K - 94180K. ISSN: 1605-7422

Journal article

Shah, SGS., Fitton, R., Hannan, A., Fisher, B., Young, T. and Barnett, J. (2015) 'Accessing personal medical records online: a means to what ends?'. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 84 (2). pp. 111 - 118. ISSN: 1872-8243 Open Access Link

Journal article

Pinto, LR., Silva, PMS. and Young, TP. (2015) 'A generic method to develop simulation models for ambulance systems'. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 51. pp. 170 - 183. ISSN: 1569-190X Open Access Link

Journal article

Clarke, M., Schluter, P., Reinhold, B. and Reinhold, B. (2015) 'Designing robust and reliable timestamps for remote patient monitoring'. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 19 (5). pp. 1718 - 1723. ISSN: 2168-2208 Open Access Link

Journal article

de Folter, J., Gokalp, H., Fursse, J., Sharma, U. and Clarke, M. (2014) 'Designing effective visualizations of habits data to aid clinical decision making'. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 14 (102). pp. 102. ISSN: 1472-6947 Open Access Link

Journal article

Klein, JH. and Young, T. (2014) 'Health care: a case of hypercomplexity?'. Health Systems, 4 (2). pp. 104 - 110. ISSN: 2047-6965 Open Access Link

Journal article

Chen, H., Papazafeiropoulou, A., Chen, TK., Duan, Y. and Liu, HW. (2014) 'Exploring the commercial value of social networks: Enhancing consumers’ brand experience through Facebook pages'. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 27 (5). pp. 576 - 598. ISSN: 1741-0398

Journal article

Borsci, S., Macredie, RD., Martin, JL. and Young, T. (2014) 'How many testers are needed to assure the usability of medical devices?'. Expert Review of Medical Devices, 5 (5). pp. 513 - 525. ISSN: 1745-2422 Open Access Link

Journal article

Zeng, N., Wang, Z., Zineddin, B., Li, Y., Du, M., Xiao, L., et al. (2014) 'Image-based quantitative analysis of gold immunochromatographic strip via cellular neural network approach'. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 33 (5). pp. 1129 - 1136. ISSN: 0278-0062 Open Access Link

Journal article

Sharma, U. and Clarke, M. (2014) 'Nurses' and community support workers' experience of telehealth: A longitudinal case study'. BMC Health Services Research, 14 (1). pp. 164. ISSN: 1472-6963 Open Access Link

Journal article

Brooks, L., Henriksen, HZ., Janssen, M., Papazafeiropoulou, A. and Trutnev, D. (2014) 'Public sector information systems (PSIS): How ICT can bring innovation into the policy-making process'. ECIS 2014 Proceedings - 22nd European Conference on Information Systems.

Conference paper

Gokalp, H., De Folter, J., Sharma, U. and Clarke, M. (2014) 'Effective visualisation of patient behaviour data'. 2nd Inter Conf on Biomedical and Health Informatics, BHI’ 14.

Conference paper

Taylor, SJ., Abbott, P., Young, T. and Grocott-Mason, R. (2014) 'Student modeling & simulation projects in healthcare: experiences with Hillingdon Hospital'.Winter Simulation Conference. Savannah, Georgia, USA. IEEE Press. pp. 3650 - 3661. ISSN: 0891-7736

Conference paper

Oni, O. and Papazafeiropoulou, A. (2014) 'Diverse views on IT innovation diffusion among SMEs: Influencing factors of broadband adoption'. Information Systems Frontiers, 16 (4). pp. 729 - 747. ISSN: 1387-3326

Journal article

Al-Hajeri, M. and Clarke, M. (2014) 'Future Trends in Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS)'. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. pp. 1252. ISSN: 0926-9630

Conference paper

Mapp, G., Aiash, M., Ondiege, B. and Clarke, M. (2014) 'Exploring a new security framework for cloud storage using capabilities'.2014 IEEE 8th International Symposium on Service Oriented System Engineering (SOSE). Oxford, ENGLAND. 1 - 11 April. IEEE. pp. 484 - 489.

Conference paper

Clarke, M. (2014) 'The need for an integrated approach to remote monitoring of physiological data and activity data'. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, 20 (3). pp. 159 - 160. ISSN: 1357-633X

Journal article

O'Neill, SA., McClean, SI., Donnelly, MD., Nugent, CD., Galway, L., Cleland, I., et al. (2014) 'Development of a technology adoption and usage prediction tool for assisstive technology for people with dementia'. Interacting with Computers, 26 (2). pp. 169 - 176. ISSN: 0953-5438 Open Access Link

Journal article

Young, T. (2014) 'Urgent care. Test drive the new care model.'. The Health service journal, 124 (6383). pp. 20 - 21. ISSN: 0952-2271

Journal article

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