Cull, R. and Eldabi, T. (2009) 'A hybrid approach to workflow modelling'.European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (EMCIS 2009). Izmir, Turkey. 13 - 14 July. Proceedings of the European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, EMCIS 2009.Open Access Link
Hackney, RA., Guah, M. and Baloh, P. (2009) 'Augmenting successful UK healthcare IS adoption and diffusion: An analysis of inherent and emergent organizational structures'.22nd Bled eCommerce Conference (BLED 2009). Bled, Slovenia. 14 - 17 June. UNIV MARIBOR. pp. 157 - 169.
Jahangirian, M., Brailsford, S., Eldabi, T., Harper, P., Naseer, A., Patel, B., et al. (2009) 'Stakeholder engagement and inclusion in simulation projects: a cross-sector survey of commerce, defense and healthcare'.COST 298 Conference. Copenhagen, Denmark. 13 - 15 May. [unpublished]
Taylor, SJE., Eldabi, T., Riley, G., Paul, RJ. and Pidd, M. (2009) 'Simulation modelling is 50! Do we need a reality check?'. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 60 (S1). pp. S69 - S82. ISSN: 0160-5682 Open Access Link
Louis, S., Braganza, A. and Hackney, RA. (2009) 'Strategies, contributions and inhibitors of Information Systems to organisational competitiveness: An empirical analysis within the Caribbean'.8th ISOneWorld 2009 Conference. Las Vegas, Nevada. 15 - 17 April. Proceedings of the 8th ISOneWorld 2009 Conference.
Naseer, A., Eldabi, T. and Jahangirian, M. (2009) 'Cross-sector analysis of simulation methods: a survey of defense and healthcare'. Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy, 3 (2). pp. 181 - 189. ISSN: 1750-6166
Grant, K., Hackney, R. and Edgar, D. (2009) 'Strategic Information Systems Management'. Cengage Learning EMEA, ©2010. ISSN 10: 1408007932 ISSN 13: 9781408007938
Braganza, A., Hackney, R. and Tanudjojo, S. (2009) 'Organizational knowledge transfer through creation, mobilization and diffusion: A case analysis of InTouch within Schlumberger'. Information Systems Journal, 19 (5). pp. 499 - 522. ISSN: 1350-1917 Open Access Link
Ali, M., El-Haddadeh, R., Eldabi, T. and Mansour, E. (2009) 'Simulation discounted cash flow valuation for internet companies: a case study'. International Journal of Business Information Systems, 6 (1). pp. 18 - 33. ISSN: 1746-0972
Eldabi, T. (2009) 'IMPLEMENTATION ISSUES OF MODELING HEALTHCARE PROBLEMS: MISCONCEPTIONS AND LESSONS'.Winter Simulation Conference 2009. Austin, TX. 1 - 16 December. IEEE. pp. 1782 - 1790. ISSN: 0891-7736
Chahal, K. and Eldabi, T. (2008) 'Applicability of hybrid simulation to different modes of governance in uk healthcare'.2008 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC). Miami, FL. 1 - 10 December. IEEE. pp. 1469 - 1477. ISSN: 0891-7736
Hackney, R., Desouza, KC. and Irani, Z. (2008) 'Constructing and sustaining competitive interorganizational knowledge networks: An analysis of managerial web-based facilitation'. Information Systems Management, 25 (4). pp. 356 - 363. ISSN: 1058-0530 Open Access Link
McBride, N. and Hackney, RA. (2008) 'IS case analysis: Towards mini interpretations'.2008 British Academy of Management Annual Conference (BAM2008). Harrogate, UK. 9 - 11 September. Proceedings of the 2008 British Academy of Management Annual Conference (BAM2008).
Patel, N. and Hackney, RA. (2008) 'Knowledge management in emergent organisations: Applying the theory of deferred action towards informed practice'.2008 British Academy of Management Annual Conference (BAM2008). Harrogate, UK. 9 - 11 September. Proceedings of the 2008 British Academy of Management Annual Conference.
Grant, K., Spinelli, G., Duncan, P., Hackney, RA. and Edgar, D. (2008) 'Academic capitalism: University consultancy agendas'.14th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2008). Toronto, Ontario. 14 - 17 August. Proceedings of the 14th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2008). pp. 2926 - 2939.
Pan, G., Hackney, R. and Pan, SL. (2008) 'Information systems implementation failure: Insights from prism'. International Journal of Information Management, 28 (4). pp. 259 - 269. ISSN: 0268-4012
Patel, N., Hackney, RA. and Shin, N. (2008) 'Theory of deferred action'.ISOneWorld 2008. Las Vegas, USA. 2 - 4 June. Proceedings of ISOneWorld 2008.
Hackney, R., Desouza, KC. and Chau, P. (2008) 'eGovernment strategies: ICT innovation in international public sector contexts'. Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 17 (2). pp. 73 - 74. ISSN: 0963-8687
Ozkan, S., Hackney, RA. and Arifoglu, A. (2008) 'Transforming public services: An e-Government research agenda for Turkey'.European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (EMCIS) 2008. Dubai, UAE. 25 - 26 May. Proceedings of the European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (EMCIS) 2008.
Ghoneim, A. (2008) 'Factors influencing the identification of IT indirect costs - a case study'.European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems. Dubai, UAE. 25 - 26 May. European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems. pp. 1 - 10.Open Access Link
Patel, NV. and Hackney, R. (2008) 'Designing information systems requirements in context: Insights from the theory of deferred action'.European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems. Dubai, UAE. 25 - 26 May. European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems.Open Access Link
Naseer, A., Eldabi, T., Jahangirian, M. and Stergioulas, LK. (2008) 'Potential applications of simulation modelling techniques in healthcare: lessons learned from aerospace and military'.European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (EMCIS 2008). Al Bostan Rotana, Dubai, UAE. 25 - 26 May. Proceedings of the European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, EMCIS 2008.Open Access Link
Ali, M., El-Haddadeh, R., Eldabi, T. and Mansour, E. (2008) 'Simulation discounted cash flow valuation for internet companies'.European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (EMCIS 2008). Dubai, UAE. 25 - 26 May. Proceedings of the European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, EMCIS 2008. pp. 18 - 33.Open Access Link
Chahal, K. and Eldabi, T. (2008) 'Which is more appropriate: a multi-perspective comparison between systems dynamics and discrete event simulation'.European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (EMCIS 2008). Dubai, United Arab Emirates. 25 - 26 May. Proceedings of the European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, EMCIS 2008.Open Access Link
Al-Fawaz, K., Al-Salti, Z. and Eldabi, T. (2008) 'Critical success factors in ERP implementation: A review'.European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems. Dubai. 25 - 26 May. European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems.Open Access Link
Eldabi, T., Jahangirian, M., Naseer, A., Stergioulas, L., Young, T. and Mustafee, N. (2008) 'A survey of simulation techniques in commerce and defence'.Operational Research Society 4th Simulation Workshop (SW08). The Abbey Hotel Golf and Country Club, Worcestershire. 1 - 2 April.Open Access Link
Al-Yaseen, H., Eldabi, T., Paul, RJ. and El-Haddadeh, R. (2008) 'Post-implementation evaluation of IT systems: A close review of practice', inEvaluating Information Systems: Public and Private Sector. pp. 134 - 152.
Sahraoui, S., Ghoneim, A., Irani, Z. and Ozkan, S. (2008) 't-Government for benefits realisation: a research agenda', in Irani, Z. and Love, P. (eds.) Evaluating Information Systems: Public and Private Sector. BUTTERWORTH - HEINEMANN. pp. 322 - 336. ISBN 10: 0750685875. ISBN 13: 9780750685870.
Guah, M., Joseph, R. and Hackney, RA. (2008) 'RFID implementation in the airline industry'.2008 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2008). Paris, France. 14 - 17 December. Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Information Systems.
El-Haddadeh, R. and Ghoneim, A. (2008) 'Towards a successful implementation of network QoS strategy in IT business infrastructure'. International Journal of Value Chain Management(IJVCM), 2 (1). pp. 130 - 147. ISSN: 1741-5357
Lee, H., Kim, JW. and Hackney, R. (2008) 'The determinants of the effectiveness of online discussion board systems in eLearning: A case study', in Lytras, MD., Carroll, JM., Damiani, E. and Tennyson, RD. (eds.) Emerging Technologies and Information Systems for the Knowledge Society. Berlin/Heidelberg : Springer. , 5288/2008. pp. 271 - 277. ISBN 13: 978-3-540-87780-6.
Al-Yaseen, H., Eldabi, T., Paul, RJ. and El-Haddadeh, R. (2008) 'Post-implementation evaluation of IT systems: a close review of practice', in Irani, Z. and Love, PED. (eds.) Evaluating Information Systems: Public and Private Sector. Elsevier. pp. 137 - 152.
Louis, S., Braganza, A. and Hackney, RA. (2008) 'Strategies, contributions and inhibitors of information systems to organizational competitiveness: an empirical analysis within the Caribbean'. Journal of International Technology and Information Management, 17 (3/4). pp. 321 - 332. ISSN: 1543-5962 Open Access Link
ALYASEEN, H. (2008) 'Post-implementation evaluation of IT systems: A close review of practice', inEvaluating Information Systems. Elsevier. pp. 134 - 152. ISBN 13: 9780750685870.
Eldabi, T. and Young, T. (2007) 'Towards a framework for healthcare simulation'.WinterSim 2007: 39th conference on Winter simulation: 40 years! The best is yet to come. Washington DC. 9 - 12 December. IEEE Press. pp. 1454 - 1460. ISSN: 0891-7736
Tan, BCC., Hackney, RA. and Pan, SL. (2007) 'The value of e-business: How web assimilation leads to better organizational performance'. ICIS 2007 Proceedings - Twenty Eighth International Conference on Information Systems.
Ghoneim, A. (2007) 'A comprehensive analysis of IT/IS indirect costs: Enhancing the evaluation of information systems investments'.European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems 2007 (EMCIS 2007). Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain. 24 - 26 June. Proceedings of the European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, EMCIS 2007. pp. 291 - 2915.Open Access Link
Jones, S. and Irani, Z. (2007) 'E-Government: An e-reverse auction case study'.European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems. Spain. 24 - 26 June. European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems. pp. 501 - 507.Open Access Link
Ghoneim, A. (2007) 'IT Indirect Costs: Factors Influencing the Identification Process'.EMCIS European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems 2007. University of Valencia, Spain. 24 - 26 June. Proceedings of European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems 2007.
Irani, Z., Sahraoui, S., Ozkan, S., Ghoneim, A. and Elliman, T. (2007) 'T-government for benefit realisation'.European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (EMCIS 2007). Valencia, Spain. 24 - 26 June. European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems. pp. 221 - 2211.Open Access Link
Elliman, T., Jones, S., Hackney, R. and Irani, Z. (2007) 'Towards e-government transformation: Conceptualising “citizen engagement”: A research note'. Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy, 1 (2). pp. 145 - 152. ISSN: 1750-6166
Braganza, A., Hackney, RA. and Tanudjojo, S. (2007) 'Towards the Identification of Oraganisational Knowledge Creation. Mobilisation and Diffusion: a case analysis of In-Touch within Schlumberger,'. Information Systems Journal. ISSN: 1350-1917
Jones, S., Hackney, R. and Irani, Z. (2007) 'e-Government: An eReverse Auction case study'. Electronic Government: An International Journal, 4 (4). pp. 412 - 422. ISSN: 1740-7494
Hackney, RA., Losch, A., Irani, Z., Ghoneim, A. and Ozkan, S. (2007) 'Evaluating eReverse auctions: a case research note'. Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy, 1 (1). pp. 59 - 66. ISSN: 1750-6166
Braganza, A. and Hackney, RA. (2007) 'Diffusing management information for legal compliance: the role of the IS organization within the Sarbanes-Oxley act'. Journal Organizational End User Computing, 20 (2). pp. 1 - 24. ISSN: 1546-2234
Eldabi, TA., Macredie, R. and Paul, RJ. (2007) 'Simulation Modelling as a Decision-Making Aid in Economic Evaluation for Randomized Clinical Trials', in ElSheikh, A., Al Ajeeli, A. and Abu-Taieh, EMO. (eds.) Simulation and Modelling: current technologies and applications. London : IGI Publishing. pp. 219 - 243.
Ozkan, S., Hackney, R. and Bilgen, S. (2007) 'Process based information systems evaluation: towards the attributes of “PRISE”'. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 20 (6). pp. 700 - 725. ISSN: 1741-0398
Eldabi, T., Paul, RJ. and Young, T. (2007) 'Simulation modelling in healthcare: reviewing legacies and investigating futures'. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 58 (2). pp. 262 - 270. ISSN: 0160-5682
Hackney, R., Jones, S. and Lösch, A. (2007) 'Towards an e-Government efficiency agenda: the impact of information and communication behaviour on e-Reverse auctions in public sector procurement'. European Journal of Information Systems, 16 (2). pp. 178 - 191. ISSN: 0960-085X
Hackney, R., Loesch, A., Irani, Z., Ghoneim, A. and Ozkan, S. (2007) 'Evaluating eReverse auctions (EeRA): A case research note'. Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy, 1 (1). pp. 59 - 66. ISSN: 1750-6166
Eldabi, T., Macredie, R. and Paul, RJ. (2007) 'Simulation modelling as a decision-making aid in economic evaluation for ramdomized clinical trials', in Elsheik, A., AL Ajeeli, A. and Abu-Taieh, EMO. (eds.) Simulation and Modelling: current technologies and applications. London : IGI Publishing. pp. 219 - 243. ISBN 10: 1599041987. ISBN 13: 9781599041988.