Anguilano, L., Giannitrapani, E., Ianni, F. and Chilardi, S. (2014) 'Case Bastione: a prehistoric settlement in the Erei uplands (central Sicily)'. Origini, XXXVI. pp. 181 - 211.
Huang, Y., Liu, D-B., Xia, M. and Anguilano, L. (2013) 'Characterization of an Mg-2Zn-1Ca 1b-TCP composite fabricated by high shear solidification and ECAE'. Materials Science Forum, 765. pp. 813 - 817. ISSN: 1662-9752
Anguilano, L. (2013) 'Under the surface: Silvering in Adrian Athenaeum'. Surface Engineering, 29 (2). pp. 140 - 145. ISSN: 0267-0844
Anguilano, L., La Salvia, V. and Serlorenzi, M. (2012) 'Silvering techniques in the Adrian Athenaeum'.26th International Conference on Surface Modification Technologies. Lyon. 20 - 22 June. [unpublished]
Anguilano, L., La Salvia, V., Serlorenzi, M., Antonelli, S., Tornese, M., Iacone, A. and et al. (2012) 'The metallurgical workshop of Piazza Madonna di Loreto (Rome)'.39th International Symposium on Archaeometry. Leuven. 28 - 1 June. [unpublished]
Anguilano, L., Rehren, T., Mueller, W. and Rothenberg, B. (2011) 'The importance of lead in the silver production at Rio Tinto (Spain)'. ArcheoSciences - Revue d'Archéométrie, 34.
Jones, BJ., Anguilano, L. and Ojeda, JJ. (2011) 'Argon plasma treatment techniques on steel and effects on diamond-like carbon structure and delamination'. Diamond and Related Materials, 20 (7). pp. 1030 - 1035. ISSN: 0925-9635 Open Access Link
Anguilano, L. (2010) 'Chemical and Mineralogical analysis of slags from Lowpark', in Gillespie. and Kerrigan. (eds.) Of Troughs and Tuyeres. The archaeology of the N5 Charlestown Bypass. , 6.
Anguilano, L. and Wallace, A. (2010) 'Iron smelting and smithing: new evidence emerging on Irish Road Schemes', in Stanley, M., Danher, E. and Eogan, J. (eds.) Creative Minds: production, manufacturing and invention in ancient Ireland.
Anguilano, L., Ojeda, J., Bulpett, R. and Jones, BJ. (2010) 'Structural and phase transformation of steel by deposition of thin carbon films'.12th European Powder Diffraction Conference. Darmstadt. 27 - 30 August. [unpublished]
Anguilano, L., Timberlake, S. and Rehren, T. (2010) 'Excavation, slag analysis and experimental reconstruction of an Early Medieval lead smelting bole from banc Tynddol, Cwmystwyth, Ceredigion (Wales UK)'. Historical Metallurgy Society Journal, 44 (2).