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Kuljis, J., Macredie, RD. and Paul, RJ. (1998) 'Information gathering problems in multinational banking'. Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 7 (3). pp. 233 - 245. ISSN: 0963-8687
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Young, T., Aitken, AJS. and Hall, DD. (1993) 'Design and initial evaluation of a compact optical splitter and 16-channel modulator array on Ti:LiNbO3'.European Conference on Integrated Optics ECIO '93. Neuchatel. 19 - 22 April. [unpublished]
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Dillon, BM., Ferrari, RL. and Young, T. (1990) 'Analysis of discontinuities in planar dielectric waveguides using a hybrid finite-element/ boundary- element method'.OSA Topical Meeting on Integrated Photonic Research, IPR '90. Hilton Head Island. 26 - 28 March. [unpublished]
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Dillon, BM., Ferrari, RL. and Young, TP. (1990) 'Hybrid finite element/boundary element method for analysis of discontinuities in planar dielectric waveguides'. Electronics Letters, 26 (1). pp. 47 - 48. ISSN: 0013-5194
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