Miss Joy Geerkens
PhD Student
Joy is a Doctoral Researcher within the Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience, in the Division of Psychology.
Joy's research focuses on using experimental methods and conducting fMRI studies to understand how the acute participation in different activities prior to being exposed to cognitively challenging tasks, bears differential impacts on our cognitive performance, comparing these differences between neurotypical and neurodivergent populations.
Her previous research includes; studying the effect of rural and urban noise on cognitive performance, the developmental plasticity of growing up in different environments on our emotional and physical stress resilience, as well as a systematic search of papers investigating the biological and psycho-social factors effecting pubertal development in women. Joy has also completed ethnographic field work for the University of Washington, on the indigenous Qom population of Formosa, Argentina and has industry experience working as a UX researcher and data analyst for various companies.
Joy obtained her BA in Human Evolutionary Biology (Biological Anthropology) from the University of Washington in Seattle, WA in 2019, and her MPhil in Biological Anthropology (Human Evolutionary Studies) from the University of Cambridge in the U.K, before starting her PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience & Cognitive Psychology at Brunel in 2022.