Professor Julian Petley
Honorary Professor - SPS
- Email: julian.petley@brunel.ac.uk
- Politics and History
- Social and Political Sciences
- College of Business, Arts and Social Sciences
Julian's main interests in media policy and regulation, and in particular in how these impact upon the output of the various different media, are particularly evident in the third year module, Media Freedom and Regulation, in which he examines what is generally meant by freedom of expression (and in particular press freedom), and analyses how the press, broadcasting, films and DVDs, and the Internet are regulated in Britain. His work with organisations such as Index on Censorship, the Campaign for Press and Broadcasting Freedom and Hacked Off ensures that his teaching is thoroughly informed by an active, day-to-day engagement with current media matters.
Julian’s interest in British cinema and television fully informs his second level module, British Cinemas, British Identities.