Professor Kenneth Morgan
Honorary Emeritus Professor
Marie Jahoda 229
- Email: kenneth.morgan@brunel.ac.uk
- Tel: +44 (0)1895 266828
- Politics
- Politics and History
- Social and Political Sciences
- College of Business, Arts and Social Sciences
Research area(s)
- Slavery and the slave trade
- Maritime history
- Australian history
- Caribbean history
Research Interests
My research and publication interests include the following: the dimensions of the British slave trade in space and through time; the organisation of the slave trade; slave work conditions on plantations; slavery, the slave trade and abolitionism; maritime exploration in the 18th and 19th centuries in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans; Australian music history; the history of conductors and orchestras; the editing of historical texts.Research grants and projects
Project details
Proscription by Degrees: The Ending of the African Slave Trade to the United States (book MS, in progress)
Australia Circumnavigated: The Journals of Matthew Flinders on H.M.S. Investigator, 2 vols., Ashgate, in progress. Sponsored by the Hakluyt Society
Matthew Flinders and the Maritime Exploration of Australia (Bloomsbury, in progress)
A Short History of Transatlantic Slavery (I.B. Tauris, in progress)
Funded through fellowships at the Robert H. Smith Center for International Jefferson Studies, Monticello, University of Virginia A preliminary study of the ending of the slave trade to the United StatesUS$8,000 2010 - 2012
National Library of Australia, Canberra, and National Archives of Australia A study of Australia’s Professional OrchestrasAU$27,000 2008 - 2009
The British Library Endangered Archives for the Slavery Era in Saint Vincent£4,500 2011
Research links
Similar research interests
- Dr Richard Hammond
- Professor Matthew Hughes
- Dr Martin Folly
- Dr Isak Niehaus
- Professor Joana Vassilopoulou
Research group(s)