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Dr Kok Siew Ng
Senior Lecturer in Chemical Engineering

Quad North 052

Research area(s)

My research employs systems engineering approach (conceptual design, simulation and mathematical modelling and optimisation, process integration), techno-economic assessment, environmental life cycle assessment (LCA) and policy analysis in developing innovative strategies for sustainable industrial system design and resource management.

More information can be found in my Research Group page.

Research Interests

  • Biorefinery system design (biomass and waste valorisation; gasification; pyrolysis; hydrothermal liquefaction; Fischer-Tropsch; sustainable aviation fuel production)
  • Decarbonised polygeneration system design (carbon capture and utilisation; combined heat and power; fuel and chemical production)
  • Resource recovery from waste and Circular economy (management and valorisation of municipal solid waste including food waste, residual waste, recyclable waste)

My research involves multidisciplinary and international collaboration in view of promoting sustainability and circular economy practices in the developing countries and addressing global challenges. Our initiatives are featured in the SYNERGORS and AGILE (Sprint 2) Final Reports:

Ng, K.S., Hatton, L., Martinez-Hernandez, E. (2021) SYNERGORS - A Systems Approach to Synergistic Utilisation of Secondary Organic Streams. Final Project Report. University of Oxford. Funded by the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NE/R012938/1). ISBN: 978-1-7397541-0-5

Synergors final report

Re-organising Nutrients Flows in Leicestershire

Research grants and projects


AGILE: Providing rapid evidence-based solutions to the needs of environmental policy-makers
Funder: Natural Environment Research Council [2006-2012]
Duration: January 2022 - January 2027
A Systems Approach to Synergistic Utilisation of Secondary Organic Streams (SYNERGORS)
Funder: Natural Environment Research Council [2006-2012]
Duration: January 2018 - December 2021