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Dr Lora Adair
Senior Lecturer in Psychology (CCE)

PhD projects for research students

Research supervision

PhD student/Postgraduate Researcher (PGR) supervision: 

  • PhD Thesis 1st supervisor:  
    • [Fall 2023 – present] *Baker, J. (in progress). A psychological process approach to the demographic transition.  
    • [Summer 2023 – Spring 2024] *Agtarap, T. (PhD awarded). Exploring the connection between tightness-looseness, sexual health, and well-being: A mixed-methods approach.  
    • [Fall 2021 – present] *Russell, N. (in progress). An intersectional analysis of intimate partner violence in the UK.  
  • PhD Thesis 2nd supervisor:  
    • [Spring 2024 – present] *Ali, A. (in progress). Exploring the experiences and representations of women and femininity in Spiritual But Not Religious (SBNR) groups living in Glastonbury, UK.  
    • [Spring 2024 – present] *Kolios, S. (in progress). Spirits and sources: Transmission of spiritual beliefs and practices in Glastonbury. 
    • [Spring 2023 – Fall 2023] *Garcha, K. (in progress). Understanding the role that early childhood adversity and resilience play in shaping understanding of sexual consent. 
  • PhD Thesis RDA:  
    • [Spring 2022 – present] *Abuhwaila, N. (in progress). Idiopathic neonatal jaundice is predicted by evaluating early feeding practices not from maternal intention to exclusively breastfeed. 
    • [Spring 2021 – Spring 2023] *Allen, T. (PhD awarded). Exploring the connection between tightness-looseness, sexual health, and well-being: A mixed-methods approach.  
    • [Fall 2019 – Fall 2022] *Arevalo, V. R. (MPhil awarded). Comparing models of the suppression of female sexuality. 
  • PhD examination experience:  
    • Internal examiner for L. Gottlieb (November 2023). Mating in close proximity: An investigation of the role of attachment styles on IPV perpetration in the time of COVID-19. 
    • Internal examiner for N. Rosun (December 2022). Explaining cultural change through individual psychological processes.