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Dr Luke Heslop
Senior Lecturer in Anthropology and Global Challenges


Heslop, L. and Lubna, H. (2024) 'Infrastructure, circulation, and ecology in the Maldives'. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Asian History.

Journal article

Lewis, D., Bowers, R., Heslop, L. and Tawfic, S. (2024) 'From Ecosystems to Advicescapes: Business, Development and Advice in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh'. Journal of South Asian Development, 0 (ahead of print). pp. 1 - 19. ISSN: 0973-1741 Open Access Link

Journal article

Heslop, L. and Jeffery, L. (2023) 'Roadwork: expertise at work building roads in the Maldives'. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 26 (2). pp. 284 - 301. ISSN: 1359-0987 Open Access Link

Journal article

Heslop, L. (2022) 'From Haunted Houses to Housed Hauntings: Ghosts, Oracles, and Kinship Ambivalence in a Sri Lankan Merchant Family'. Current Anthropology, 63 (4). pp. 407 - 430. ISSN: 0011-3204 Open Access Link

Journal article

Heslop, L. and Jeffery, L. (2021) 'Encountering Chinese development in the Maldives: gifts, hospitality, and rumours', in Heslop, L. and Murton, G. (eds.) Highways and Hierarchies: ethnographies of mobility from the Himalaya to the Indian Ocean. Amsterdam : Amsterdam University Press. pp. 175 - 196. ISBN 10: 90-485-5251-6. ISBN 13: 9789463723046. Open Access Link

Book chapter

Heslop, L., Murton, G., Harvey, P., Sigdel, T., Huang, Y., Gohain, S., et al. (2021) 'Highways and Hierarchies: Ethnographies of Mobility from the Himalaya to the Indian Ocean'. Amsterdam, NL: Amsterdam University Press. ISSN 10: 90-485-5251-6 ISSN 13: 978-94-6372-304-6 Open Access Link


Heslop, L., Murton, G., Harvey, P., Sigdel, T., Huang, Y., Gohain, S., et al. (2021) 'Why highways remake hierarchies', in Heslop, L. and Murton, G. (eds.) Highways and Hierarchies Ethnographies of Mobility from the Himalaya to the Indian Ocean. Amsterdam : Amsterdam University Press. pp. 21 - 38. ISBN 10: 90-485-5251-6. ISBN 13: 978-94-6372-304-6. Open Access Link

Book chapter

Rotter, R., Jeffery, L. and Heslop, L. (2021) 'Navigating interdisciplinarity: negotiating discipline, embodiment, and materiality on a field methods training course'. Teaching Anthropology, 10 (3). pp. 1 - 13.Open Access Link

Journal article

Heslop, LA. (2020) 'A journey through ‘infraspace’: The financial architecture of infrastructure'. Economy and Society, 49 (3). pp. 364 - 381. ISSN: 0308-5147

Journal article

Cross, J. and Heslop, L. (2019) 'Anthropology for Sale'. Ethnos, 84 (3). pp. 369 - 379. ISSN: 0014-1844 Open Access Link

Journal article

Heslop, LA. (2019) 'Trading on Commission in Sri Lanka's Wholesale Scene'. Ethnos, 84 (3). pp. 398 - 414. ISSN: 0014-1844 Open Access Link

Journal article

Heslop, L. (2016) 'Catching the pulse: money and circulation in a Sri Lankan marketplace'. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 22 (3). pp. 534 - 551. ISSN: 1359-0987 Open Access Link

Journal article

Heslop, LA. (2015) 'Signboards and the Naming of Small Businesses: Personhood and Dissimulation in a Sri Lankan Market Town'. South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal. pp. 1 - 18.Open Access Link

Journal article

Heslop, LA. (2014) 'On sacred ground: the political performance of religious responsibility'. Contemporary South Asia, 22 (1). pp. 21 - 36. ISSN: 0958-4935 Open Access Link

Journal article

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