Professor Martin Shepperd
Professor - Software Tech & Modelling
Wilfred Brown Building 114
- Email: martin.shepperd@brunel.ac.uk
- Tel: +44 (0)1895 267188
Research supervision
Boyce Sigweni (2013-2016)
Boyce investigated the use of metaheuristic search to find effective feature spaces for case-based reasoners. This will be accomplished by searching for feature weights and applying wrapper techniques. It will be an extension of:
[1] C. Kirsopp, M. J. Shepperd, and J. Hart, \"Search heuristics, case-based reasoning and software project effort prediction,\" in GECCO 2002: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conf., New York, 2002.
[2]C. Kirsopp and M. J. Shepperd, \"Case and feature subset selection for CBR-based software project effort prediction,\" in 22nd SGAI Intl. Conf. on Knowledge Based Systems & Applied Artificial Intelligence, Cambridge, UK, 2002.
We are working in the problem domain of software project effort prediction. Key outputs include: