Dr Matthew Gervais
Lecturer in Psychology
Gervais, MM. (2024) 'Sentiments Organize Affect Concepts in Yasawa, Fiji: a Cultural Domain Analysis'. Journal of Cognition and Culture, 24 (3-4). pp. 127 - 181. ISSN: 1567-7095 Open Access Link
Redhead, D., Gervais, M., Kajokaite, K., Koster, J., Hurtado Manyoma, A., Hurtado Manyoma, D., et al. (2024) 'Evidence of direct and indirect reciprocity in network-structured economic games'. Communications Psychology, 2 (1). pp. 1 - 13. ISSN: 2731-9121 Open Access Link
Dale, R., Bryant, GA., Manson, JH. and Gervais, MM. (2020) 'Body synchrony in triadic interaction'. Royal Society Open Science, 7 (9). pp. 1 - 16. ISSN: 2054-5703 Open Access Link
Pisor, AC., Gervais, MM., Purzycki, BG. and Ross, CT. (2020) 'Preferences and constraints: the value of economic games for studying human behaviour'. Royal Society Open Science, 7 (6). pp. 192090 - 192090. ISSN: 2054-5703 Open Access Link
Kline, MA., Gervais, MM., Moya, C. and Boyd, RT. (2019) 'Irrelevant-action imitation is short-term and contextual: Evidence from two under-studied populations'. Developmental Science, 23 (3). pp. e12903. ISSN: 1363-755X
Brewis, A., Wutich, A., du Bray, MV., Maupin, J., Schuster, RC. and Gervais, MM. (2018) 'Community hygiene norm violators are consistently stigmatized: Evidence from four global sites and implications for sanitation interventions'. Social Science and Medicine, 220. pp. 12 - 21. ISSN: 0277-9536
Manson, JH., Gervais, MM. and Bryant, GA. (2018) 'General trust impedes perception of self-reported primary psychopathy in thin slices of social interaction'. PLoS ONE, 13 (5). pp. e0196729 - e0196729. ISSN: 1932-6203
Gervais, MM. (2016) 'RICH Economic Games for Networked Relationships and Communities: Development and Preliminary Validation in Yasawa, Fiji'. Field Methods, 29 (2). pp. 113 - 129. ISSN: 1525-822X
Gervais, MM. and Fessler, DMT. (2016) 'On the deep structure of social affect: Attitudes, emotions, sentiments, and the case of "contempt"'. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 40. pp. e225. ISSN: 0140-525X
Fessler, DMT., Clark Barrett, H., Kanovsky, M., Stich, S., Holbrook, C., Henrich, J., et al. (2015) 'Moral parochialism and contextual contingency across seven societies'. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 282 (1813). pp. 20150907 - 20150907. ISSN: 0962-8452