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Professor Matthew Hughes
Professor of Military History

Marie Jahoda 234

Membership and affiliation

External examiner at King’s College London, Wolverhampton, Joint Services Command and Staff College, Cambridge and Strathclyde

Fellow of the Royal Historical Society, 2002 –

Justice of the Peace, 2008-

Editorial Board, British Journal of Military History (2014-)

Editorial Board, Middle Eastern Studies (2018-)

Editorial Board, Journal of Maltese History (2008 - )

Editor, Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research 2004 – 2008

Councillor, Army Records Society, 2001 - 2005, 2006 - 2010, 2011-14 and Chair of Council of the Army Records Society, 2014-18

Honorary Officer of the Society for Army Historical Research, 2004 – 2008

Templer Sub-Committee Panel Judge for the Society for Army Historical Research Templer Medal Award, 2003 - 2004, 2007 – 2008, 2016-

Editor on the Board of Contributing Editors (headed by Gordon Martel) for five-volume Encyclopaedia of War (New York and Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011)

Manuscript/grant/article reviewing for: Army Records Society, Ashgate, Bloomsbury, Cambridge University Press, Hurst, Manchester University Press, Oxford University Press, Palgrave/Macmillan, Pickering & Chatto, Polity Press, Proceedings of the British Academy, Routledge, Taylor & Francis, British Academy, Arts and Humanities Research Council, National Cataloguing Grants Scheme, Israel Science Foundation, English Historical Review, First World War Studies, Historical Journal, Intelligence and National Security, Journal of the Canadian Historical Association, Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, Journal of Maltese History, Journal of Military History, Journal of Palestine Studies, Journal of Strategic Studies, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, Security Dialogue, Middle East Journal, Security Dialogue, Twentieth Century British History, War in History, War & Society and World Archaeology

Co-Organiser for British Academy funded international conference with speakers from UK, Ireland, America and Australia: ‘Fanaticism and Modern Conflict’ at the Research & Graduate College, University of Salford, 14-16 June 2002. Papers published in Matthew Hughes and Gaynor Johnson (eds),Fanaticism and Conflict in the Modern Age (London: Taylor & Francis 2005). Organiser of Centre for Conflict Studies seminar series (three-four speakers per semester) at the University of Salford, February 2001-June 2003.

Organiser of ‘CAMPUS’ International Symposium at the University of Salford (with visiting fellow Dr Yigal Sheffy), Research & Graduate College, ‘Chemical Weapons in the Middle East in the First World War’, 15 July 2004.

Scientific Committee member and organiser for international conference ‘The Palestine Campaign – 90 Years On’, Tel-Hai Academic College, Israel, 3-6 September 2007. Papers published as Haim Goren et al (eds), Palestine and World War I: Grand Strategy, Military Tactics and Culture of War (London: I.B. Tauris, 2013).

Organiser of US Marine Corps University Foundation/Brunel University funded international conference: ‘”Butcher and Bolt” or “Hearts and Minds”? British Ways in Countering Insurgency: Some Historical Perspectives’, Senate House, University of London, 15-16 September 2011. Papers published in Matthew Hughes (ed.), special issue ofSmall Wars and Insurgencies (2012) and then Matthew Hughes (ed), British Ways of Counter-insurgency: A Historical Perspective (Oxford: Routledge 2013).

Co-Organiser of US Marine Corps University Foundation/Brunel University/Northern Marianas Islands Government funded international conference: “Cultures in War: Combatants, Islanders and Settlers in the Pacific War and Afterward”, Saipan, 15 June 2014.

Various media consultancies for Towton production, BBC TV, PBS, Sky News, al-Jazeera, BBC History Magazine, BBC World Service.

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