Ms Nevena Balezdrova
PhD Student
Nevena Balezdrova is a full-time PhD design researcher under the supervision of Dr Youngok Choi and Busayawan Lam. PhD research aim to formulate a framework of co-design principles for social care service development, this would help communicate the need and value of co-design and help better engage with older immigrant people on a local level, in support of more active participation in the community. Title: ‘Invisible Minorities’: Improving UK social care services for older immigrants using co-design principles".
- BA Interior Design and Technology, London Metropolitan University (CASS)
- MA Design Strategy and Innovation, Brunel University London
Professional Activity:
- Internships in Creative Strategy and Branding 2017-2018 (Fitch, Jones Knowles Ritchie, Lorenz and Partners)
- Volunteered and attended: EAD Conference (2017), Design Research Society Conference Limerick (2018) and Academic Design Management Conference Dundee (2018)
- Attended the 'Social Care Reform Forum 2018' (Improving Care & Support for Older People), supported by Brunel Design Department on the basis of exemplary conduct
- Presented conference paper at IASDR Manchester in 2019 (supported by Brunel's award 'Vice Chancellow Travel Prize)
- Collaborative co-design researcher for Brunel University London and CityMaaS in 2019-2020
- Presented a short conference paper at 'ServDes' 2020, Melbourne RMIT
- Awarded a scholarship to the Cumberland Lodge's Life Beyond PhD 2021 Conference
- Teaching and assisting MA Design Research and BA UI/UX Design courses (2018-2023)
- Gatsby organistion, Brunel University London and West London Institute of Technology design coach and instructor (2023)