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Hubble, N., Tew, P., Horton, E. and Bentley, N. (2024) 'The 2010s: A Decade of Contemporary British Fiction'. Bloomsbury. ISSN 13: 9781350268210


Hubble, N. (2024) 'Fictions of the Break-Up', in Hubble, N., Horton, E., Tew, P. and Bentley, N. (eds.) The 2010s: A Decade of Contemporary British Fiction. Bloomsbury. pp. 23 - 49. ISBN 13: 9781350268210.

Book chapter

Hubble, N. (2023) ''She had her hand on the plow': Shame, Uncertainty and Transformation in The Corn King and the Spring Queen', in Purdon, J. (ed.) Naomi Mitchison: A Writer in Time. Edinburgh University Press. pp. 30 - 43. ISBN 13: 9781474494748.

Book chapter

Hubble, N. (2022) ''Class Lives': Spatial Awareness and Political Consciousness in British Mining Novels of the 1930s', in Lee, S. (ed.) Locating Classed Subjectivities. Routledge. pp. 77 - 92. ISBN 13: 9780367635107.

Book chapter

Hubble, N. (2022) 'The Woolfian Century: Modernism as Science Fiction, 1929–2029'., 6 (3).

Journal article

Hubble, N. (2022) 'Thirty Years is Ample Time: The Clarke Award and Literary Science Fiction', in Butler, AM. and March-Russell, P. (eds.) Rendezvous with Arthur C. Clarke: Centenary Essays. Gylphi. pp. 235 - 252. ISBN 13: 9781780241081.

Book chapter

Hubble, N. (2022) '2000AD', in Lanzendörfer, T. (ed.) The Routledge Companion to the British and North American Literary Magazine. Abingdon, Oxford : Routledge. pp. 383 - 390. ISBN 13: 978-0-3672-2281-9.

Book chapter

Hubble, N., Seaber, L. and Taylor, E. (2021) 'The 1930s: A Decade of Modern British Fiction'. Bloomsbury. ISSN 13: 9781350079144


Hubble, N. (2021) ''You're not in the market at Shielding, Joe': Beyond the Myth of the Thirties', in Hubble, N., Seaber, L. and Taylor, E. (eds.) The 1930s: A Decade of Modern British Fiction. Bloomsbury. pp. 17 - 57. ISBN 13: 9781350079144.

Book chapter

Hubble, N., Tew, P. and Taylor, J. (2019) 'Growing Old with the Welfare State'. Bloomsbury Academic. ISSN 13: 9781350033108


Hubble, N. (2019) 'The Making of the Working Class: Proletarian Writing in the 1930s', in Taunton, M. and Kohlmann, B. (eds.) A History of 1930s British Literature. Cambridge University Press. pp. 44 - 57.

Book chapter

Bentley, N., Ferrebe, A. and Hubble, N. (2018) 'The 1950s: A Decade of Modern British Fiction'. Bloomsbury Academic. ISSN 10: 1350011517 ISSN 13: 978-1-3500-1151-9


Hubble, N. (2018) ''The Choices of Master Samwise': Rethinking 1950s Fiction', in Hubble, N., Ferrebe, A. and Bentley, N. (eds.) The 1950s: A Decade of Modern British Fiction. Bloomsbury. pp. 19 - 51.

Book chapter

Hubble, N. (2018) 'Respectability, Nostalgia and Shame in Contemporary English Working-Class Fiction', in Clarke, B. and Hubble, N. (eds.) Working-Class Writing: Theory and Practice. Palgrave. pp. 269 - 287. ISBN 13: 9783319963099.

Book chapter

Clarke, B. and Hubble, N. (2018) 'Working-Class Writing: Theory and Practice'. Palgrave. ISSN 13: 9783319963099


Hubble, N., MacCallum-Stewart, E. and Norman, J. (2018) 'The Science Fiction of Iain M Banks'. Canterbury: Gylphi. ISSN 13: 978-1-78024-054-1


Hubble, N. (2018) '‘“Once upon a time, over the gravity well and far away…”: Fairy-Tale Narratives in Banks’s Science Fiction’', in Hubble, N., MacCallum-Stewart, E. and Norman, J. (eds.) The Science Fiction of Iain M Banks. Gylphi. pp. 61 - 78.

Book chapter

Hubble, N. (2018) ''Transformative Pastoral: Lewis Grassic Gibbon's A Scots Quair'', in Bluemel, K. and McCluskey, M. (eds.) Rural Modernity in Britain. Edinburgh University Press. pp. 149 - 164.

Book chapter

Hubble, N. (2018) 'What Became of the People We Used to Be? The House of Sleep (1997) and the 1970s Sitcom, Whatever Happened to the Likely Lads (1973-5)', in Tew, P. (ed.) Jonathan Coe: Contemporary British Satire. Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 95 - 108.

Book chapter

Hubble, N. (2017) 'The Proletarian Answer to the Modernist Question'. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. ISSN 13: 9781474415828


Hubble, N. (2016) 'Christopher Priest and the Persistence of the New Wave'. Foundation: the international review of science fiction, 125. pp. 48 - 60. ISSN: 0306-4964 Open Access Link

Journal article

Hubble, N. and Tew, P. (2016) 'London in Contemporary British Fiction: The City Beyond the City'. London: Bloomsbury Academic. ISSN 10: 1441190198 ISSN 13: 9781441190192


Hubble, N. (2016) 'Common People: Class, Gender and Social Change in the London Fiction of Virginia Woolf, John Sommerfield and Zadie Smith', in Hubble, N. and Tew, P. (eds.) London in Contemporary British Fiction: The City Beyond the City. Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 195 - 210. ISBN 13: 9781441190192.

Book chapter

Hubble, N. (2016) 'Documenting Lives: Mass Observation, Women's Diaries, and Everyday Modernity', in Smyth, A. (ed.) A History of English Autobiography. Cambridge University Press. pp. 345 - 358. ISBN 13: 978-1-107-07841-3.

Book chapter

Hubble, N., Bentley, N. and Wilson, L. (2015) 'The 2000s: A Decade of Contemporary British Fiction'. London: Bloomsbury Academic. ISSN 10: 1441112154 ISSN 13: 978-1441112156


Hubble, N., Tew, P. and Wilson, L. (2015) 'The 1990s: A Decade of Contemporary British Fiction'. London: Bloomsbury Academic. ISSN 10: 1441172580 ISSN 13: 978-1441172587


Hubble, N. (2015) 'Looking Back on the 1930s without Being Anti-Communist: Cornford, Orwell, Spender, Sommerfield'. Literature and History, 24 (1). pp. 57 - 72. ISSN: 0306-1973 Open Access Link

Journal article

Hubble, N. (2015) 'Between the Short and Long Twentieth Centuries: Temporal Displacement in the Historical Fiction of the 1990s', in Hubble, N., Tew, P. and Wilson, L. (eds.) The 1990s: A Decade of Contemporary British Fiction. London : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 149 - 179. ISBN 13: 978-1-4411-7258-7.

Book chapter

Casey, E., Courage, F. and Hubble, N. (2014) 'Special Section Introduction: Mass Observation as Method'. Sociological Research Online, 19 (3). pp. 129 - 135. ISSN: 1360-7804 Open Access Link

Journal article

Hubble, N., McLeod, J. and Tew, P. (2014) 'The 1970s: A Decade of Contemporary British Fiction'. London: Bloomsbury Academic. ISSN 10: 1441133917 ISSN 13: 978-1441133915


Hubble, N. and Tew, P. (2014) ''There is No Doubt that I'm Old': Everyday Narratives of Ageing'. EnterText, 11. pp. 139 - 157. ISSN: 1472-3085 Open Access Link

Journal article

Hubble, N. (2014) 'Sex, Lies and Autobiografiction: Travelling People and the Persistence of Modernism', in Jordan, J. and Ryle, M. (eds.) Possibilities of the Avant Garde: B S Johnson in his Time and Ours. London : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 167 - 182. ISBN 13: 978-1-349-46794-5.

Book chapter

Hubble, N. (2014) 'The Break-Up of Britain', in Hubble, N., McLeod, J. and Tew, P. (eds.) The 1970s: A Decade of Contemporary British Fiction. Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 43 - 67.

Book chapter

Hubble, N. and Tew, P. (2013) 'Ageing, Narrative and Identity: New Qualitative Social Research'. Palgrave Macmillan. ISSN 10: 0230390935 ISSN 13: 9780230390935


Hubble, N. (2013) 'Radical Eccentricity and Post-War Ordinariness', in Kohlmann, B. (ed.) Edward Upward and Left-Wing Literary Culture in Britain. Farnham : Ashgate. pp. 83 - 97. ISBN 13: 9781409450603.

Book chapter

Hubble, N. and Mousoutzanis, A. (2013) 'The Science Fiction Handbook'. London: Bloomsbury Academic. ISSN 13: 978-1-4411-7096-5


Hubble, N. (2013) 'The Historical Context of Science Fiction', in Hubble, N. and Mousoutzanis, A. (eds.) The Science Fiction Handbook. Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 1 - 15. ISBN 13: 978-1-4411-7096-5.

Book chapter

Hubble, N. (2013) 'Major Science Fiction Authors', in Hubble, N. and Mousoutzanis, A. (eds.) The Science Fiction Handbook. London : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 31 - 74. ISBN 13: 978-1-4411-7096-5.

Book chapter

Hubble, N. (2013) 'Naomi Mitchison: Fantasy and Intermodern Utopia', in Reeve-Tucker, A. and Waddell, N. (eds.) Utopianism, Modernism and Literature in the Twentieth Century. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 74 - 92. ISBN 13: 978-0-230-35893-5.

Book chapter

Hubble, N. (2012) ''Imagism, Surrealism, Realism: Middlebrow Transformations in the Mass-Observation Movement'', in Brown, E. and Grover, M. (eds.) Middlebrow Literary Cultures: The Battle of the Brows, 1920-1960. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 202 - 217. ISBN 13: 978-0-230-29836-1.

Book chapter

Hubble, N. (2012) 'John Sommerfield and Mass-Observation'. The Space Between: literature and culture, 1914-1945, 8 (1). pp. 131 - 151. ISSN: 1551-9309 Open Access Link

Journal article

Hubble, N. (2012) 'Orwell and the English Working Class: Lessons in Autobiografiction for the Twenty-First Century', in Keeble, RL. (ed.) Orwell Today. Bury St Edmunds : Abramis. pp. 30 - 45. ISBN 13: 978-1-84549-553-4.

Book chapter

Bazalgette, L., Holden, J., Tew, P., Hubble, N. and Morrison, J. (2011) 'Coming of Age'. London: Demos. ISSN 10: 1906693668 ISSN 13: 9781906693664 Open Access Link


Hubble, N. (2011) ''The Fictional Excavation of the Future in Double Vision'', in Wheeler, P. (ed.) Re-Reading Pat Barker. Newcastle : Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 113 - 130. ISBN 10: 1-4438-3441-6. ISBN 13: 978-1-4438-3441-4.

Book chapter

Hubble, N. (2011) 'Late Intermodernism: B.S. Johnson, Charles Madge and Twentieth-Century Britain'. Critical Engagements: A Journal of Criticism and Theory, 4 (1&2). pp. 55 - 79. ISSN: 1754-0984

Journal article

Hubble, N. (2011) '"In the twentieth century, and the heart of civilisation”: The London of the Forsytes'. Literary London Journal, 9 (1). ISSN: 1744-0807 Open Access Link

Journal article

Hubble, N. (2010) 'Mass Observation Online (review article)'. Reviews in History. ISSN: 1749-8155 Open Access Link

Journal article

Hubble, N. (2010) 'The liminal persistence of interwar suburbs in the twenty-first century'. EnterText, 8. pp. 113 - 132. ISSN: 1472-3085 Open Access Link

Journal article

Hubble, N. (2010) 'Mass Observation and Everyday Life: Culture, History, Theory (second edition)'. Palgrave Macmillan. ISSN 10: 0230247881 ISSN 13: 978-0230247888


Hubble, N. (2010) ''The Rise and Fall of the English Review as a Series of Music Hall Acts by Fordie and Wells'', in Harding, J. (ed.) Ford Madox Ford and Editing (International Ford Madox Ford Studies 9). Rodopi. , 9. pp. 67 - 79. ISBN 13: 978-90-420-3056-5.

Book chapter

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