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Dr Oleg Badunenko
Senior Lecturer in Economics and Finance


Personal website:

Current verion of CV is here

I was appointed as a senior lecturer at Economics and Finance department in College of Business, Arts and Social Sciences at Brunel University London in December 2019. Before joining Brunel University London, I worked as a research associate at the German Institute for Economics Research (DIW-Berlin), Assistant Professor at the University of Cologne, and Senior Lecturer at University of Portsmouth. My primary research areas parametric and nonparametric efficiency and productivity measurement. Additionally, I am interested in analysing world-wide polarization and inequality, drivers of individual and aggregate competitiveness and well-being.


2007: Ph.D. in Economics, European University Viadrina, Germany

2003: M.A. in Economics, Kyiv School of Economics, Ukraine

2001: B.A. in Economics, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Ukraine.

Newest selected publications

Badunenko, O. and Popova, M. (2024) 'Does Inequality Migrate? The Development of Income Inequality across German states'. Journal of Regional Science, 0 (ahead of print). pp. 1 - 35. ISSN: 0022-4146 Open Access Link

Journal article

Alfaihani, S., Badunenko, O. and Jaffry, S. (2024) 'Market Power, Optimal Scale and Competition Promotion in Banking: Analysis in the GCC Region'. International Journal of Finance and Economics. ISSN: 1076-9307

Journal article

Badunenko, O. and Henderson, DJ. (2023) 'Production analysis with asymmetric noise'. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 0 (ahead of print). pp. 1 - 18. ISSN: 0895-562X Open Access Link

Journal article

Badunenko, O., D’Inverno, G. and De Witte, K. (2023) 'On distinguishing the direct causal effect of an intervention from its efficiency-enhancing effects'. European Journal of Operational Research, 310 (1). pp. 432 - 447. ISSN: 0377-2217 Open Access Link

Journal article

Badunenko, O., Galeotti, M. and Hunt, LC. (2023) 'Better to grow or better to improve? Measuring environmental efficiency in OECD countries with a stochastic environmental Kuznets frontier (SEKF)'. Energy Economics, 121. pp. 1 - 15. ISSN: 0140-9883 Open Access Link

Journal article
More publications(28)

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