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Dr Peter Hewitson
Senior Lecturer

Quad North 041


Level 7

CL5602/5652 - Innovation Toolbox - Leadership, management and research methods - Module Leader (2020/21- ongoing)

CL5611 - Process Safety and Design (2024/25 - ongoing)

CL5600 - Bioprocess Design Project (2020/21 - 2021-22)

CL5608 - Bioprocess Engineers Toolbox - Module Leader (2020/21 - 2021/22)

CL5609 - Bioprocess Practice - Module Leader (2020/21 - 2021/22)

ME5308 - MEng Group Project Supervision (2017/18)

ME5500/5560 - MSc Project Supervision (2014/15-2017/18)

Level 6

CL3606 - Process Design and Safety II - Module Leader (2021/22 - ongoing)

CL3605 - Chemical Engineering Design Project Supervision (2021/22 - ongoing)

ME3309/3399 - Final Year Project Supervision (2015/16 - 2017/18)

Level 5

CL2555 - Student Placement Coordinator - Module Leader (2020/21 - ongoing) 

CL2602 - Chemical EngineersToolbox - Process Control Labs (2020/21)

ME2555 - Student Placement Supervision (2015/16 - 2017/18)

Level 4

BE1602 - Engineering Practice (2019/20)

ME1332 - Introduction to Engineering Design - (2016/17 - 2018/19) - Module Leader 2018/19

ME1334 - Aerospace laboratories (2015/16 - 2018/19)


ME0080 - Material Engineering Laboratories (2015/16 - 2017/18) 

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Middlesex UB8 3PH

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