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Professor Peter Jelfs
Professor (Professional Practice) - Accounting

Eastern Gateway 112


Sebalamu, B. and Jelfs, P. (2024) 'Exploring the Challenging Landscape of Transfer Pricing Governance in Low-Income Countries: The Case of Africa'. International Transfer Pricing Journal, 31.

Journal article

d'Andrea, U. and Jelfs, P. (2024) 'Transfer Pricing, Customs Valuation, and mitigating Brexit'. Tax Notes International, 114 (6). pp. 849 - 852. ISSN: 1048-3306 Open Access Link

Journal article

Jelfs, P., Holford, A. and Sartori, T. (2023) 'Labour market contributions of UK and foreign-born PhD holders: implications for visa, immigration and tax policy'.


Jelfs, P. and Smith, HL. (2022) 'A comparative study of the survival of university spin-off companies (USOs) in the post-industrial UK West Midlands region'. Studies in Higher Education, 47 (10). pp. 1 - 10. ISSN: 0307-5079

Journal article

Jelfs, P. and Lawton Smith, H. (2021) 'Financial performance studies of university spin-off companies (USOs) in the West Midlands'. Journal of Technology Transfer, 46 (6). pp. 1949 - 1972. ISSN: 0892-9912

Journal article

Jelfs, P. (2016) 'Financial performance analysis of spin-off companies from a UK 'regional' university: A case study of the University of Birmingham'. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 29 (2). pp. 271 - 286. ISSN: 1476-1297

Journal article

Robertson, EG., Hockridge, MR., Jelfs, PD. and Simons, JP. (2001) 'IR-UV ion-depletion and fluorescence spectroscopy of 2-phenylacetamide clusters: Hydration of a primary amide'. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 3 (5). pp. 786 - 795. ISSN: 1463-9076

Journal article

Robertson, EG., Hockridge, MR., Jelfs, PD. and Simons, JP. (2000) 'IR-UV ion-dip spectroscopy of n-benzylformamide clusters: Step wise hydration of a model peptide'. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 104 (50). pp. 11714 - 11724. ISSN: 1089-5639

Journal article