Dr Peter Wilkin
Reader - Comms, Media & Cultural Studies
Marie Jahoda 232
- Email: peter.wilkin@brunel.ac.uk
- Tel: +44 (0)1895 267241
- Social Science and Communications
- Social and Political Sciences
- College of Business, Arts and Social Sciences
Research area(s)
I have published articles in major academic journals (and monographs) in the following subject areas:
- Political economy and Globalisation
- World-Systems Analysis
- Security and Development
- Philosophy of social science
- Anarchist social thought
- Media, social change and democracy
- Hungary in the Modern World-System
- Critical Realism
- Social movements and protests
- Design practices and everyday life
- The work of Noam Chomsky
- Popular Culture and social criticism
Research Interests
Current Research
- Watch your Step: World-Systems Analysis as Critical Social Science - under review Journal of World-Systems Research.
- Things Fall Apart: Brexit in the Longue Durée - under review with the International Journal of Politics, Culture and society
- How to enjoy a Free Lunch: The Student debt crisis – to be submitted to Critical Sociology 2025.
- The Mask has Slipped: The (Geo) culture wars and the war for civilization - to be submitted to the Journal of World-Systems Research, January 2025.
- Murder Incorporated: Debt and mass killing in sub-Saharan Africa - to be submitted to Third World Quarterly 2025.
- Till Debt us do part: The Student debt crisis and the new anti-Enlightenment in the UK and the USA, Bloomsbury Press, 2027.
- Murder Incorporated: A Libertarian Socialist critique of the West’s War against the Third World, AK Press, 2027.
Research grants and projects
Project details
Research links
Similar research interests
- Professor Christina Victor
- Professor Thomas Lawton
- Dr Pantea Foroudi
- Mr James Farmer
- Professor Dorothy Yen
Research group(s)